US Senate will act on climate law next year
WASHINGTON, Dec 18, 2009 - The climate accord reached by world
leaders in Copenhagen will drive the US Senate to pass its own blueprint
to fight global warming in early 2010, key senator John Kerry said
Friday. “This can be a catalyzing moment,” the Democratic lawmaker, who
chairs the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said in a statement after
President Barack Obama announced a deal on the sidelines of global talks
in Denmark’s capital.
“President Obama’s hands-on engagement broke through the bickering
and sets the stage for a final deal and for Senate passage this spring
of major legislation at home,” said Kerry, the lead author of the US
Senate’s stalled bill to battle climate change. The Massachusetts
lawmaker hailed Obama’s announcement after talks with Chinese Premier
Wen Jiabao, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, and South African
President Jacob Zuma as “a meeting of the minds.”(AFP)