No room for communal, confrontational politics - Ali Zaheer Moulana
by Manjula FERNANDO

Ali Zaheer Moulana
Former UNP MP Ali Zaheer Moulana discloses how Minister
Vinayagamurthi Muralitharan entered the democratic main stream in an
interview with the Sunday Observer.
Q: Can we know a little about your pre-political life?
A: I can start from 1987. I returned to the country after my
education in US where I studied Computer Science. That was the Indian
and Sri Lankan Peace Accord time. The 13th Amendment was introduced and
then the provincial councils were introduced. A Presidential Election
was announced. Candidates were R. Premadasa and the Opposition Leader
was Mrs. Sirimavo Bandaranaike.
I was appointed as the SLFP organizer for Batticaloa district as well
as district agent for Mrs. Bandaranaike. This was a time she challenged
the Peace Accord. She also said the Muslim community was not consulted.
However, Mr. Premadasa was elected President.
At this time I was independently working to help these people through
an NGO called Refugee Relief Organization. During this time I was not
politically involved. In 1994 after the demise of President Premadasa a
local election was called in the Eastern Province by President D.B.
Wijetunga. I contested the polls as an independent candidate.
I was elected as Chairman of Eravur Pradeshiya Sabha defeating
popular parties like SLMC and UNP.
Then, I joined the ruling UNP on the invitation of senior Ministers
like M.H. Mohamed, A.C.S. Hameed with a view to deliver something for my
Somewhere in August the same year President Wijetunga dissolved the
Parliament and announced general polls. I was elected as a UNP Member of
Since 1977 no Member of Parliament was elected from Batticaloa
When Devanayagam was defeated in 1987 communal regional parties
blocked anyone contesting under national parties labelling them as
supporting chauvinists.
Although I won my constituency the UNP was defeated in the polls.
Then came the Presidential election where Chandrika Kumaratunga was
elected President. My election was mainly backed by my personal votes. I
was seated as an Opposition Member.
In 1999 CBK went for a re-election. Although UNP lost this election
too, I won the Batticaloa district. The PA received just 43,000 votes
when I managed to get 115,000 votes for the UNP.
Until 2004, till the Karuna issue came up, I was a member of
Q: When did you develop close ties with Karuna Vinayagamurthi
A: Mr. Muralitharan was a student of Methodist Central College of
Batticaloa. I was studying in St. Michael’s College, Batticaloa. But he
was much junior. We knew each other, I was a sportsman, so was
Muralitharan. He was much junior so he always had that respect for me.
The LTTE came up very strongly in 1983.
Although they started way back in 1977, 1983 communal riots helped
them with recruitment. A lot of Tamil youth from Batticaloa and East
joined in ‘83. One of them was Karuna. After his GCE A/L Karuna also
fell victim to the then popular misconception that they had no future in
Sri Lanka and there was discrimination which provoked them to join the
Having joined Karuna went for training in India, etc. I met him
somewhere in 1990 when negotiations were taking place between President
Premadasa and the LTTE. Then Foreign Minister A.C.S. Hameed was the
Government Chief Negotiator at the time.
During that time I met Karuna and Karikalan together in 1990 in
That was the time Mr. Hameed along with me and former Chairman of
University Grants Commission Prof. Arjuna Aluvihare held negotiations
with the LTTE to re-open the Eastern University. Karuna was representing
the LTTE.
Negotiations took place at the Batticaloa Aerodrome.
We discussed misunderstandings between the communities. Mr. Hameed
explicitly said the Muslim agents appointed by the LTTE were
irresponsible, immature, misfits who cannot handle matters of our
I noticed that Karuna was very flexible and accommodating. He removed
all the people mentioned without creating any problems. But the peace
talks on the whole did not work out and then Prime Minister Rajiv Ghandi
and President Premadasa were assassinated by the LTTE.
In 1994 also the peace talks under Chandrika Kumaratunga failed. In
2002 when UNP elected to Parliament and Ranil came as the Prime Minister
Karuna again came to the East as a political leader. I was there in
Parliament representing Batti and was a consultant to Ranil. With regard
to civilian matters, rehabilitation and reconstruction issues I was
meeting Mr.Muralitharan.
He used to tell me ‘Annan’, some politicians are very corrupt but I
have great respect for you. We are there to co-operate with you’.
There were three Ks; Karuna, Karikalan, Kaushalyan from Batti
district and Paduman in the Trincomalee district. The little issues were
always resolved by Karuna upon my request. So we developed a good
friendship. I thought he might be a very tough person when I heard about
his strategies and command in the battle front.
But he was always very respectful and used the term Annan, (Big
brother) whenever he addressed me. I used to call him Amman. He was
Karuna Amman.
The Peace Talks were on during this time in Oslo, Thailand, Germany.
During the fifth round of talks in Oslo, that was the time the
Government negotiators put forward the federal system. Karuna insisted
with Anton Balasingham, that in order to resolve issues, they must
accept some kind of a political solution. In order to devolve power, the
13th Amendment was there, why not consider the federal solution.
He was influencing Balasingham to sign it. Balasingham agreed to it,
Thamil Selvam also agreed. Not to sign but some kind of an endorsement
in favour of federalism.
But there was another guy called Rudrakumar who came for negotiations
from New York. He leaked this matter to Prabhakaran, saying that Karuna
was jumping the gun. Whenever the Government tries to suggest something
he tries to agree upon it. Is he trying to betray us.
Then after the round of Talks when Balasingham contacted Prabhakaran,
he was so furious that he even scolded Balasingham. He went to London
and did not want to talk to Prabhakaran.
When Karuna returned to Kilinochchi, Prabhakaran blackguarded him
saying are you trying to betray me like ‘Mahattaya’. When he used that
name, karuna got alarmed. This was kind of a signal. The LTTE had 20
wings, re Education, Police, Rehabilitation. It was a 20 member
committee. It was like Prabhakaran’s Cabinet.
There was not a single person representing the East.
Some of them had never ever keen involved in an arms struggle. Even
they joined Prabhakaran in reprimanding Karuna. He was humiliated.
However Karuna managed to settle it with the Leader so that he could
come out of kilinochchi. The SLMM was contacted to arrange for a
The SLMM informed the helicopter can come only up to Omanthai. This
suited Karuna because the helipad in kilinochchi was just next to
Prabhakarn’s place and he could have been spotted leaving in the
Overnight he travelled to Oamanthai and flew back to Batticaloa.
That was the last meeting he had with Prabhakaran.
After that he called me one day and said ‘Annan we have to have a
chat.’ This is the time he openly said he was all out for peace. ‘This
was a great opportunity, how long can we kill each other and hide like
this. We could sit and talk in a civilized manner, sort out matters.
This is what I believe. I don’t know why these people still like war
mongers , asking me to recruit more people, still more weapons are
He was kind of indicating in another way, he was not agreeing with
the leadership. I was cautioning him for his well-being. But his
intentions were good.
In January 2004, CBK dissolved Parliament having some kind of an
understanding with the JVP. April 2 was supposed to be the election day.
On May 3 Karuna called me and said he was no more with the LTTE. He
cannot work with them. They are not understating. More than Prabhakaran,
Pottu Amman was creating problems for him.
Then he started telling me why he joined LTTE in 1983. I joined the
LTTE because I felt there was discrimination against Tamils and there
will not be a future for Tamils. This was the only way we could find
some solutions.What are they doing now, they are discriminating against
Eastern Tamils.
Karuna requested some assistance from Kilinochchi to help martyrs
The members from Batticaloa who died in war front in Jayasikuru, more
than 4,000 cadres. After CFA he wanted to held the families and parents
for which Norway government gave some money. Most of them were recruited
by Karuna.
The 20 wing leaders put it in the dust bin. It was not even shown to
Prabhakaran. This happened many times.
On March 3, he called me and said, Pottu Amman is arguing with me
here. They are not even taking up any of my matters with Prabhakaran.
All the communities can live in peace in the Eastern Province but not
with these fellows. Annan I want to work with you and I want you to lead
and guide me.
Q: So your friendship contributed in his defection?
A: When he wanted to come out he found there is a friend. He was
coming against the forceful LTTE, a powerful network. He needed someone
he could completely trust, rely on. He found that person in me.
Until now I did not come out with all these things but now I can tell
because Amman is being recognized. I did not want to let him down. That
was one of the reasons I resigned from UNP and sacrificed my self and
all my positions.
Q: Do you regret now?
A: No. I had to suffer of course. I had to sacrifice a lot but for
the sake of the country I am happy, now that it has brought peace to the
country. No regrets whatsoever. That was a turning point to the entire
transformation, a one time LTTE leader coming to the democratic
mainstream. My contribution paved way for this.
Q: You would not say that you were instrumental in the rift between
Prabhakaran and Karuna Amman?
A: I do things with good intentions. He already had problems. I
realized this man had to be helped. He had a right to live. He had a
good vision. On humanitarian grounds.
People say Moulana just brought Karuna to Colombo. Just like
No there were so many things involved, for him to trust me and come.
Then for him to get that idea and come out.
He came out with 6,000 cadres. They were the front liners. Without
this defection Prabhakaran would have survived. He was cut off from the
Eastern cadres, he was exposed.
He became a great target of the well coordinated effort of the
Government, with Navy, Army, Air Force, proper political leadership on
one side and India and China on the other.
But at the time I was not thinking all this. It was entirely on
humanitarian grounds.
On February 28 Pottu Amman’s people moved into Batticaloa. They
killed the people, and also one of the UNP candidates Sundarampillai he
was a former principal and was groomed as a candidate by me, was killed.
One Ramanan personally killed him. He called and warned me. He was Pottu
Amman’s second man. He also kidnapped my nephew twice in Kathankudi to
learn about my residence in Colombo and find out if Karuna was hiding at
my place.
My son (13) and daughter (11) were going to school. LTTE suicide
cadres were stalking them in Colombo. This was one of the reasons I had
to leave the country.
Elections took place on April 2. With the JVP Chandrika was asked to
form the Government. Mahinda Rajapaksa became the Prime Minister. I did
not contest the election as there was a condition from Rauff Hakeem to
Ranil not to field me as a UNP candidate from Batticaloa. Hakeem wanted
me to contest under SLMC.
I said I will never contest under a communal party or a regional
party. So Ranil accommodated me in the National List. As usual I
represented the Batticaloa district.
On April 10, Good Friday, SLMM made a request from me. Wanni LTTE
wanted to come to Verugal. So a request was made to the Navy. Navy
helped by sea.
According to the Ceasefire Agreement there was a clause, if LTTE
wanted escort to travel in Government controlled areas by land or sea,
this can be arranged provided they are not carrying weapons.
But here these fellows had come in gun boats. SLMM was one sided.
They brought Wanni cadres in a gun boat with the escort of the Navy to
Immediately after they shot at civilians. Hundreds of civilians were
injured and one was reported to have died later.
So called freedom fighters were killing their own people. So Karuna
was helpless. He did not want to confront because in the confrontation
there could be more collateral damage. He got his cadres to withdraw
beyond the main supply route to Thoppigala.
Karuna took all his cadres. Karuna even asked ambulances to go and
help the civilians. Wanni cadres even shot at the ambulance driver. He
called me and briefed me.
He said Annan I can’t trust them any more. Army is there in the main
supply road. I can use my heavy weapons. I advised him not to resist as
there would be a bloodbath. I told him if he wanted any kind of
assistance I was in a position to help.
There were some 4,000 young recruits from East. They were recruited
by Pottu Amman when Karuna refused to do so. I wanted to reunite them
with their parents. They were handed over to their parents in the
presence of UNICEF.
UNICEF commended his actions. He disbanded most of his people.
On April 12, he made a request from me. “I want to come to Colombo.
He wanted the international community to know. There were violations,
the SLMM was siding. I who supported peace have not been recognized. He
wanted me to arrange a driver and a vehicle. I said I can’t trust
anybody. The LTTE was everywhere. They were prepared to get Karuna alive
or dead. They were ready to pay millions of rupees to whoever help them
catch Karuna.
Q: How did he contact you?
A: I have my mobile phone. He used to call me on my phone all the
time. Anyone can call me anytime, even now.
Q: Couldn’t the phones have been tapped?
A: I didn’t know if they were tapped. I used this phone but he was
calling me from different numbers. He had so many.
So I said OK, I can’t trust anyone and I will come by myself on my
way to Colombo. The day was April 12 (2004) evening. I had to go closer
to Thoppigala area in my vehicle with my driver and another person.
Karuna sent another vehicle to follow as a signal.
He was there in a paddy field wearing a bush shirt and with a small
briefcase in his hand. There were two other guys with him. I got him in
my vehicle and there were four young ladies, the commanders of his
female cadres. They also got in the vehicle.
I made them a request. When I am going to Colombo, we will be subject
to checks at every check point so make sure you are not taking any
Karuna said Annan we will never let you down and he opened and showed
me his briefcase also. It was full of documents.
This man knowing the harsh repercussions came out in a very brave
manner when he knew the LTTE was not sincere although they were very
powerful. He exposed Prabhakaran. This was god’s blessing.
Even people told me what a foolish thing you have done. Can you name
any other Member of Parliament who would resign for the sake of the
Q: What were you doing during the period you maintained a low
profile, soon after leaving the country in 2004?
A: I am still keeping my law profile. I went with my wife and my son
and daughter. On my way I went to Saudi Arabia and did Umrah asking for
Allah’s blessings and courage and then proceeded straight to US. There
were reports I was in UK, Canada. That was not true.
I had to maintain my family so I worked as a sales executive. My wife
worked in a school as a director. When I wanted to come back my children
did not want me to go. The incidents are still fresh in their mind. They
are still pursuing their studies.
When President Mahinda Rajapaksa came to New York he wanted me to
come back to the country. I said I will come but not now.
Then he appointed me as the Economic Minister to the Embassy. We
negotiated with IMF and obtained 1,500 million for Eastern road
development. Recently the US $ 2.8 billion IMF stand by arrangement to
stimulate our economy was also negotiated by us.
Q: Why did you decide to come back?
A: Now there are no threats for me. My mother is in Batticaloa, she
is 94 years old, she is not well. I wanted to come and see my mother. I
was waiting for this.
The other reason was, I was appointed as a diplomat at our Embassy in
Washington DC. It was a two year appointment. It ended in December. I
did not want to go for an extension.
Now the election is also there, I thought I should help the
When I left in 2004 I resigned from UNP. I was a senior Working
Committee member at the time. They did not recognize my good work.
Wickremesinghe said we have nothing to do with that operation. Moulana
has done it on his own.
Q: Why did you decide to back President Mahinda Rajapaksa at the
forthcoming election?
A: I look at him as a people’s President. A man with charisma. He is
a good friend of mine, a personal friend. I saw him as a young member of
Parliament in 1970’s in my school days. When I was doing my GCE A/Ls in
1975/76 he came to Batticaloa with Rajan Selvanayagam, a former Member
of Parliament and young Anura Bandaranaike. They were trying to organize
a youth group. That was the first time I met him.
I was inspired by him. When I was appointed as an organizer by Mrs.
Bandaranaike. I met him many times. When he was the opposition MP I met
him with my uncle Alavi Moulana on so many occasions.
He never forget even the trivial favour done to him by someone. When
he came to attend UN he hungged me and told everyone about some small
favour I had done to him in the past, adding I can’t forget this man.
Karuna who was present joked saying, Annan I thought you helped only me.
He said by helping me, you had to resign from all your posts and
leave the country as a refugee. He said I want to make sure you becoming
an MP and serve your people. Karuna came to the Airport to receive me.
No one invited me I came on my own.
I am going to support the president with all my people’s support. I
have not put forward any demands and I don’t try to claim any credit or
demand any reward.
Q: Are you planning to contest the General Election?
A: This is what my people are asking. I never did communal politics,
regional politics or confrontational politics.
This is my style. People know for who I am. Now Tamils, Muslims and
Sinhalese the entire country is enjoying peace. You can travel to
Batticaloa any time. You can now hire a van and go all the way to Jaffna.
Q: Will it be under UPFA ticket?
A: Yes it’s better for me to join the Government. Then I can do
something good for the people.
Q: What you think about the UNP, JVP and the candidacy of retired
Gen. Fonseka?
A: I never thought the UNP will join JVP. The UNP always had certain
policies. JVP always engaged in confrontational politics. They are
negative thinkers. Now, Gen. Fonseka was an Army Commander not a
politician. But he talked politics.
He even said minorities whether they are Tamils or Muslims they must
learn to live with the majority people. These are things that hurt the
If such a man comes as an Executive President minorities will be
upset. |