The conspiracy and the conspirators
Warnakulasuriya |
At the last press conference to launch his Presidential campaign,
Sarath Fonseka, in answering to a journalist, said that ‘in relation to
the war crimes, I was also a part and parcel of the Rajapaksa
administration. I was the Army Commander of the Government. You can’t
just point the finger on people. There should be clear evidence and
details. If anybody can provide that kind of information, there is no
question why anyone should not do an investigation. We never tried to
cover up any illegal activities that have taken place during the war. We
take action against any offenders and culprits. If there are countries
that are suspicious, we must clear their doubts, to make sure that our
hands are clean.
When the West did its utmost to save the life of Prabhakaran and the
remaining LTTE cadre, it used everything that was within its power to
stop the war and rescue the remaining LTTE cadre. Saving Prabhakaran and
the LTTE was foremost in the Agenda of those nations who were furious
with the Sri Lankan Government for not heeding the agenda of the West.
On the one hand, there was a strong Tamil political lobby. The
politicians in the countries where votes count and money was necessary
to win the votes and the supporters of the LTTE could provide both ,
were behind these moves.
It is very well-known that Prabhakaran had a number of satellite
phones, and constantly contacted KP, before the final battle urging him
to bring pressure on certain Western Governments whom the LTTE thought
were their allies, to prevent an annihilation of the Tigers. One of the
weapons they possessed was the alleged war crimes of the Government of
Sri Lanka. In order to pre-empt a final annihilation of the conflict,
the Tamil diaspora and LTTE sympathisers collected millions of dollars,
retained lawyers, called on Congressmen and Parliamentarians to
instigate a war crimes probe against the Government.
They also had a movement called ‘Tamils Against Genocide’ (TAG),
which collected millions of dollars through its website. In order to
impress the Tamil people, they retained one of the Associate Attorney
Generals under the Reagan government, Bruce Fein, to prepare a model
indictment on the possible charges against the Government of Sri Lanka.
Previously, Sri Lankan politicians succumbed to the pressures first
emanating from India, and later by the Western nations, and pre-empted
any victory over the LTTE. When Prabhakaran was encircled and had no
escape at Vadamarachchi the Tamil diaspora was able to bring sufficient
pressure on the Indian Government to virtually order a cessation of
hostilities. J. R. Jayewardene, who was known to be a very intelligent
and crafty politician, had to submit to this pressure. Lalith
Athulathmudali virtually cried at his feet, requesting JRJ not to stop
the troops advancing and destroying the LTTE, but J. R. Jayewardene
thought otherwise. This was not the last time this happened. Prabhakaran
escaped to India and GOSL had to start from square one.
Political lobby
Mahinda Rajapaksa knew that any victory even a dream of an illusive
victory over the LTTE could never be achieved if India was our
adversary. Even Chandrika Kumaratunga who was believed to be closest
friend of the Gandhi in India failed to obtain uncontroverted support
from India. The excuse was the powerful political lobby in the Tamil
Nadu. The absence support from the Tamil Nadu politicians would always
make the centre vulnerable and shaky.
Mahinda did not begin very well. When the Indian government was vary
about his persecution of the Tamils by the Mahinda’s administration as
accounted to them by no lesser person than our own former Foreign
Minister the hostility adversity was apparent. Mahinda charted a very
special foreign policy that could have been planned and executed by him
only the wheels turned a full circle. India became such a great ally as
never happened in the past two decades.
Mahinda used this allegiance to ward off any pressure from the West
of the excellent political rapport built by Mahinda. If not for the
foreign policy achievements of Mahinda Rajapaksa, the war would’ve been
stalled long before the capture of Kilinochchi. When the Tamil diaspora
and LTTE sympathisers knew that the West may not want to offend India,
they used other diplomatic skills, using methods of extortion to subvert
the military process by advancing the possibility of a war crimes probe
which will result in any politician from Mahinda downwards could be
arrested and hauled before a war crimes tribunal.
Many media institutions and other important websites kept on
collecting evidence based upon false testimonies given to them by the
Tigers themselves, and used Goebbelsian propaganda techniques to project
and enlarge the scope of genocide, rape, murder and war crimes committed
by the Sri Lankan Forces. There was one impediment for the forces of
falsehood to work on. That is the insistence of the GOSL to refuse these
scavengers from feeding on the uninitiated and obtain video footage that
gloss over the crime of the LTTE but heighten and highlight the alleged
atrocities committed by the GOSL. The drawing rooms of the West was not
bombarded with lies and deceptions optical illusions invented and
created by the so called media institutions whose goal was to find
graphic evidence.
The manner in which the Channel 4 acted clear exhibition of
journalistic adventurism to find evidence of non existing war crime. The
first of such broadcast depicted a man silhouette soliloquy narrating a
horrendous abductions, murders and rape that was taking place every
minute in the IDP camps followed by another dramatic clip of soldiers
shooting suspects who had surrendered with some Sinhalese words uttered
whilst casually shooting the suspect.
The Foreign Ministry and other officials and the Ministry of Human
Rights was able to show within a very short time that video footage was
a clever production of the LTTE camera unit. What made the whole episode
blow on the faces of the perpetrators was that announcement that it was
taken by soldier from his mobile camera. The experts were able to shred
this theory into shreds and Channel 4 for the first time made an
announcement that they no longer could certify the authenticity of the
But the unearthing of evidence from various sources went on,
permitting Bruce Fein to file a model indictment containing innumerable
charges, and the indictment had more than 850 pages. But, the filing of
an indictment in the Department of State, was not acted upon as the
evidence was flimsy and could not be acted upon.
But, immediately after the war, one person made several damaging
These statements were made by no lesser person than General Sarath
Fonseka, who had been the second person named as the accused in the
indictment of Bruce Fein. It is however, clear that, having made those
confessionary statements, which were damaging to his own position, he is
now being used by certain elements who throughout the last four years
continued to support the LTTE, on the basis that they were concerned of
the rights of the minorities.
These activists were used by the LTTE as pawns to destabilise the
country, bring pressure on the Government, the final chapter of which
would be that the Mahinda Rajapaksa administration would bite the dust,
having failed to defeat the LTTE. Some of the people stationed in Sri
Lanka constantly met with Ambassadors of certain countries, giving false
information, so that they would in turn be paid millions of dollars to
continue their efforts to destabilise Sri Lanka.
So the statement made by Sarath Fonseka is extremely important, as he
stated that if he became President, he would permit the international
community or investigators to come to Sri Lanka to collect evidence of
the alleged war crimes. When this same request was made by the powerful
international organisations, the Government of Sri Lanka point blankly
rejected such request, as we maintained that our forces never violated
the Geneva Convention.
When the Government permitted a supposedly independent TV channel
like Channel 4 to come to Sri Lanka to film the liberated areas, they
were only interested in portraying the negative aspects of the war, and
first showed a person in uniform making statements in Tamil about the
people dying around him, and about the abused women. Thereafter, it also
showed a clip produced by the LTTE, an amateurish attempt to show our
soldiers killing an arrested rebel. The Foreign Minister and the
Government of Sri Lanka were able to dispute these video footages, and
were able to demonstrate that this was an attempt by the novices to
portray the crimes committed by the Government; the technical evaluation
showed that this was a forged document.
In Geneva, the Government was able to reject the resolution brought
forward by the EU to have a war crimes probe against Sri Lanka. We were
able to reject the allegations contained in the Times Online newspaper.
The speedy resettlement of the IDPs and the manner in which they are
treated by the Government opened the eyes of Europe, which quelled the
fears of mass genocide against the ethnic minority. The Government was
able to show how our soldiers treated the IDPs with utmost
responsibility and consideration.
Therefore, the gang of investigators paid lavishly by the LTTE for
probing into the alleged war crimes remained silent, but yet it did not
give up their goal of obtaining some mileage by successfully getting a
Tribunal, Court or country to investigate such crimes.
Sarath Fonseka, who had made quite a noise about the Tamils, the IDPs
and the minorities, and was considered as the biggest criminal than
anyone in the Rajapaksa administration, was found to be an escape bell
through which these lobbyists could restart the war in Sri Lanka.
Sarath Fonseka might not know that, wittingly or unwittingly, he
opened Pandora’s box.
He made several statements which would amount to a confession, which
would be sufficient for any biased tribunal to take cognisance of such
ill-thought statements made by no lesser person than the Army Commander.
It is interesting to note that the US State Department War Crimes
Report to the Senate, released in October, stated in page 44, inside the
Chapter ‘Killing of Combatants seeking to surrender’, that “[a] media
outlet reported on July 18 that at a celebratory event in Ambalangoda,
Army Chief Sarath Fonseka stated that the military had to overlook the
traditional rules of war and even kill LTTE rebels who came to surrender
carrying white flags during the war against the LTTE.” The admission /
confession made by Sarath Fonseka at Ambalangoda has been reported in
the media, and even TV footage of his speech was submitted to various
agencies, to be handed over to the US State Department. After that
statement, in his famous statement at the Washington Buddhist Temple,
where many Sri Lankans applauded without understanding the naivety with
which he put the foot in his mouth, he also said that ‘we must deploy
enough troops to provide security for these [resettled] areas. We must
in these areas, this virus, there are still 1000’s of terrorists in IDP
camps. We must identify these terrorist and destroy them. We must take
them into custody and then resettle them. We must provide security in
strength to these areas.
I will only be happy that we finished the war we ended when I see
this’. So General Fonseka specifically stated that the terrorists who
surrender to the Sri Lankan Army must be arrested, identified and
prosecuted. The TAG stated that these two statements are an explicit
endorsement or voluntary confession of war crimes committed by him.
Another Tamil group stated that these two statements are sufficient to
bring an indictment to the Government for alleged war crimes.
In fact, these statements made by Sarath Fonseka, wittingly or
unwittingly, would only rekindle the dying cry for alleged war crimes,
which the President and the Foreign Minister were able to clearly repel
and reject with great aplomb. The question is whether Sarath Fonseka has
made these statements deliberately to invite the international agencies
for a war crimes probe, enabling them to prosecute two of the mist
important people whom they thought defied their mission for a future Sri
Lanka with a separate state for the Tamils. This matter that would
greatly concern the Sri Lankans, who unitedly supported Mahinda
Rajapaksa to eliminate terrorism, the very fact that he is contesting
him is the very proof that he has become a pawn in the hands of these
international conspirators. |