In support of placing IDPs in original dwellings:
World Bank approves US$ 77m package
The World Bank approved a US$77 million package for Sri Lanka,
designed to support the return of 100,000 Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs)
to their places of origin in the Northern Province and to restore their
livelihoods destroyed by three decades of civil war.
The Bank will also support rehabilitation of provincial roads in
Eastern, Northern, Southern and Uva provinces through a US$105 million
credit for a provincial roads project.
Sri Lanka’s internal conflict has ravaged the country since the early
1980s and has stunted the country’s development, particularly in the
Northern and Eastern Provinces.
Most aspects of life suffered: people were displaced, institutions
were weakened, and infrastructure was damaged. With the end of armed
conflict in May 2009, Sri Lanka is now facing a historic opportunity for
development and reconciliation.
The challenges of reconciliation and reconstruction are daunting,
said Naoko Ishii, World Bank Country Director for Sri Lanka. The
approval of this response package by the World Bank’s Board of Directors
demonstrates that development partners recognize the challenges that the
country is facing and want to help. We trust the interventions initiated
by the World Bank-supported projects in the North which will build a
good foundation for rehabilitation and reconstruction and provide a
strong platform for the Government to welcome other development agencies
as they too could come forward to assist Sri Lanka at this critical
The US$65 million Emergency Northern Recovery Project (ENREP) will
help the Government of Sri Lanka to assist about 100,000 of the
returnees as they seek to resume their economic and social lives.
It will restore village-level infrastructure and war-damaged rural
access roads, drinking water, irrigation facilities, and public office
buildings. ENREP includes cash for work opportunities for returnees to
fill the income gap between the time of return and the resumption of
livelihoods. In addition, the project will provide assistance for
returnees who wish to resume farming and fishing.
In tandem with ENREP, the Bank will provide an additional US$12
million to the ongoing community-based Reawakening Project to provide
livelihood support to the most vulnerable returning IDPs, including
women-headed households, youth and ex-combatants, as well as disabled
and landless people. Already active since 2004, this project has
benefitted close to 40,000 households - or 200,000 individuals - through
increased incomes and improved access to village level social and
economic infrastructure. This additional financing covering the Northern
Province will help restore farm and non-farm sustainable livelihoods,
and support irrigation rehabilitation for the newly returned IDPs. As
part of the integrated implementation of ENREP and the Reawakening
Project, consultation mechanisms already established under the
Reawakening project will be used to tailor support to the needs of the
returning IDPs. The Provincial Roads Project includes a $20 million
allocation to the Northern Province, with the rest of the project
financing road improvement and maintenance in the still-recovering
Eastern Province and Uva Province in the south, which is one of the
poorest in the country.
The work in the Northern Province will improve about 100km of
provincial roads and other road infrastructure in selected, prioritized
areas of Jaffna District. This assistance will go towards restoring
connectivity between the severely damaged rural network and the main
highways, as well as access to socio-economic services. The project will
also support rehabilitation of 150km of roads in Uva Province and 100km
in Ampara District of the Eastern Province.
The people in these provinces rely on agriculture as a main source of
income and inadequate connectivity to markets prevents them from getting
the best prices for their products.