EU discussions vital to save GSP+
Sri Lanka should engage in having discussions with the European Union
(EU) on the GSP+ issue and not take hasty decisions, said Chairman Sri
Lanka Apparel Institute, Prof. Lakdas Fernando.
He said there is no need to panic as there is time to engage in talks
with the EU on this requirement in getting the extension of the trade
concessions. The EU will make the final announcement on granting the
zero Duty Concession to Sri Lanka at the end of the current GSP+ period
which would end within six to eight months. EU Ambassador in Sri Lanka
Bernard Savage reported to have said, a review of Sri Lanka would be
made at the end of the current GSP+ period and should not rush to
decisions as there is few months more.
"Sri Lanka should continue discussions with EU officials and show its
commitment to democratic principles", Prof. Fernando said. He said there
has been lobbying at various levels for the renewal of the trade benefit
to Sri Lanka but it is not adequate. There need to be a firm commitment
to the compliance of the GSP+ requirements. Sri Lanka was able to export
around 7,000 items Duty Free to the EU region under the GSP+ concessions
that was granted in 2005 for a three-year period. The term of the trade
benefit came to an end last year and since then there has been a
temporary extension subject to a review. Garment trade is the main
beneficiary of the concessions while gem and jewellery, tea and ceramic
products are some of the other export items that are traded under the
GSP+ scheme.
Exporters claim that they would be badly affected if the trade
concession is withdrawn. Around 300,000 employees directly benefit from
the apparels industry while another 200,000 are indirectly involved.