Loan facilities to RFCs and SLCs
The Monetary Board of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka has decided to
establish a new guarantee scheme in respect of loan facilities provided
by banking institutions to Registered Finance Companies (RFCs) and
Specialized Leasing Companies (SLCs), in instances where RFCs and SLCs
face unforeseen liquidity constraints.
In providing these guarantees, the Central Bank will assess the need
for such guarantees for the applicant RFC or SLC and the quality of
assets mortgaged or assigned in respect of obtaining a loan facility.
The Central Bank will also adopt expeditious procedures and impose
certain conditions in respect of providing guarantee facilities under
this arrangement.
Some RFCs and SLCs have been facing liquidity constraints since early
2009 due to a decline in the inflow of new funds and the reluctance of
some banking institutions to provide loan facilities to those companies.
As a result of this new scheme, such RFCs and SLCs will now be able to
obtain loan facilities from banking institutions against their assets to
enhance their liquidity position and to conduct their normal business
The guaranteeing of bank loans by the Central Bank will benefit
banking institutions too as they could extend their facilities at a
lower credit risk and as it will enable them to diversify their
portfolios. The Central Bank expects that this scheme will enhance
inflow of funds to vulnerable RFCs and SLCs and relieve the liquidity
constraints within a short period of time thereby enabling them to carry
on their normal businesses and to contribute to the economic growth in
the country.