In brief
One year course on marketing
by Edward WEERASINGHE - Kelaniya Group Correspondent
The Department of Marketing Management, University of Kelaniya is
offering a Marketing Diploma Program, a one year-weekend course, with
sound learning insights to prepare as competent marketing professionals.
According to course coordinator, D. M. R. Dissanayake some of the
features of the Programme will be Government and foreign recognition,
sound academic atmosphere, access to modern IT facilities, innovative
and student concentric learning experience, faster track for master
level education, eminent teaching faculty and industry exposure.
Minimum requirement for the course G.C.E. A/L three passes in any
stream with working experience or professional or any other
qualification approved by the University Senate as equivalent to the
Applications can be obtained from the Department of Marketing
Management, University of Kelaniya and the closing date will be December
Ceylonta showcase talents
Ceylonta has undertaken a project, for the first time, to showcase
talents of many Sri-Lankans in both performing and non performing arts.
Ceylonta believes in refreshing lives by unlocking the innate talents of
many who have never realise their talents. “Ceylonta Probodaya” which
sparks off new possibilities has bagged more than 20,000 applications
from all island and has gone through rigorous screening to carefully
select the best through a distinguished panel of judges. The picture
shows contestants who participated for performing arts such as Singing,
Playing musical Instruments and traditional dancing as well as for non
performing arts such as sculpture, decorative pottery and handicrafts.
AMW in Jaffna on Maruti promotion
The Associated Motorways (AMW) partnered with HNB Leasing, to give a
special ‘seasonal offer, enabling customers the easiest and most
affordable way to own a Suzuki Maruti, visited Jaffna recently with this
special offer, for the residents in the North, who wish to capitalize on
the Suzuki Maruti promotion.
Airtel launches 'Sales on Wheels'
Bharti Airtel Lanka launched its first "Sales on Wheels" Mobile Sales
Locomotive. The promotional vehicle will now storm all towns in Sri
Lanka, bringing Airtel closer to its customers. Pictured is Atul Bindal,
President Mobile Services, making the first transaction by handing over
an Airtel SIM to a customer. Vidur Rattan, Head of Sales and Marketing
for Bharti Airtel Lanka is also present. |