I can only give you flowers
The cool breeze speaks of love. The drizzles from the mountains sing.
The bees talk to flowers. You too come and talk with me...If the cool
breeze speaks of love, if the drizzle from the mountains can sing, if
the bees talk to the flowers, then even I can also talk to you.
In the night snow sleeps on the grass, along with the words meanings
of poems and the stone statue. But our lamp never sleeps... Even if the
colour of the sea fades or the endless universe comes to an end, our
relationship will never end! I'll lie on your lap under the spell of
your soothing touch...I see love in your eyes...But I can only give you
flowers. I do not know what else I should do.
You were my everything
When I see your sweet little smiling face filled with love I forgot
all the pain in the world, I even forget myself. I always wanted to care
for you in every little way. I wanted you to earn your respect. I gave
up everything for you my little girl. But you thought that I was trying
to imprison you.
My love, I don't want to hurt you, I just wanted to protect you form
invincible troubles. I have more experience than you, because I'm a boy.
But you left me out of anger, you left my true love. You are still doing
whatever you want. Take care my love; don't get hurt, because it hurts
me.Finally I only loved you I'm proud of my self because my love was
pure and true.
Love Lines
Sweet love
I love the way you let me know
How much you love me so
I really adore the way you care
The love you show to me is beyond compare
You are the one in my dreams all night
At night while brightly the stars shine
In my dreams, I wish to see you
Every night, to hold you and feel you
I'm impatient to spend my life with you
These feelings inside I know are true
Being away from you is hard to take
I believe, a wonderful life with you I'll make
To look into your eyes is to gaze into the sky
So beautiful with the stars and the heaven inside
To see your smile is to see the divine
This poem is for you, sweet love of mine
-Achini Samaranayake