Will solar energy be the ultimate solution?
When I was working as a consultant to the Department of Mathematics
of the Faculty of Engineering at the Open University of Sri Lanka, I was
assigned many researches by the head of our Department, Professor Arjuna
Zoysa, recognized in University circles as a very kind, honest and
intelligent academic. One such research assigned was to evaluate the
true or total productivity of systems. Generally, the productivity is
defined as an out put - input ratio, as if to find out the number of
energy units or man hours required to produce a certain quantity of
goods and services etc. In this calculation we naturally ignore the man
hours or energy units which are already included in the machinery and
other structures.
The efficiency of a car is very often gauged by its fuel efficiency
and to ascertain it we take note of the litres of fuel it needs for a
running kilometre or mile. In calculating this we do not take in to
account the units of fuel it needs in its manufacture. Although one can
argue that the monetary value represents the “ capital energy or
embedded energy” , as I have explained in my previous articles, the
monetary terms do not totally represent the true resources or the
environmental value. In researching this subject, I found a very
important energy usage distribution of human kind. It is a known fact
that we human beings need at least 2000-2500 calories daily, for our
biological survival.
However, as human beings acquire more and more resources to sustain
their complex life patterns, a proportionate increase of energy is also
found to be necessary. I was surprised to note that the industrial human
individual needs 130 times more energy than the primary energy needed to
maintain our biological existence! That means, although the present
population is estimated as 6.7 billion (2010), our real population
burden would be (6.7 x 130), 871 billion people! and as far as the
environment and the energy use is concerned, it would be the real human
population. So, the increase in population does not matter as “Malthuse”
had pointed out, but what it matters is the increase in energy and
resource usage coupled with the pollution and waste created due to this
unsustainable consumption pattern. Once Mahatma Gandhi correctly pointed
out that, the mother earth could afford human needs, but not their
The most challenging problem of our times is to explore for ways and
means of meeting human energy demands in a sustainable manner without
harming the environment.
Most of the scientists and Environmentalists are of the opinion that
we should go to our roots, which means, to the sun. Each and every
change, creature, enemy, human being are here on our mother earth
because of the sun and its continuous flow of energy. That way, the sun
and the solar energy is almighty God and the creator of this planet.
(this fact is not a religious issue but I am talking about the
abiological and biological existence of our mother earth) If we compare
the energy that is coming from the sun, the energies generated by fossil
fuel and other sources (which had been actually created by the sun) are
negligible in quantity. Just one hour of sunlight is equal to one year’s
total world energy consumption or just 3 days of solar energy is equal
to the total energy of fossil fuel that is yet to be used.
Clean energy through
solar power. |
So if we have some mechanism within which we could harvest solar
energy in an efficient manner, we would be able to solve our energy
problem. Wind, biomass tidal etc. are indirect energy sources which are
being produced by the solar energy. On the other hand we could directly
harvest solar energy and generate electricity as clean energy.
Electricity can be produced from solar energy or sunlight by two main
techniques. One is to produce heat from solar energy and convert that
energy to produce electricity using a thermal heat powered turbine or by
converting solar energy in to charge batteries which could store that
energy using solar cells.
The first technique is called concentrated solar thermal (CST) and
the second technique is called solar photovoltaic (PV) cells. The
general mechanism of CST technique is that concaved mirrors which focus
sun rays are being used to concentrate the solar energy. Then this
energy is used to heat water or synthetic oil (therminol) to several
hundred degrees of Celsius. This heat is then circulated through pipes
to generate steam which in turn run the turbine and the generator which
produce electricity. Now another innovative design has come up with some
modifications to the CST method. In this method a huge power tower is
installed and it is surrounded by a circle of mirrors.
These mirrors simply reflect back the solar radiation in power tower
which has a large container of liquid or water. The heated water and
steam are then coupled to a turbine generator. These types of power
towers are now being operated in Seville - Spain and it shows that the
power towers could store large amount of energy than the simple CST
technique. So there are so many new designs to generate electricity
using CST technique.
Using the CST method at present over 145 GW of electricity energy is
being produced which is 0.5 % of the total energy consumed by the world.
The other technique is called photovoltaic (PV) cells. These cells
are silicon based semi conductors and the solar energy is used to eject
electrons and thus tiny electric currents may create like in diodes and
transistors. These charges could be stored and used as electricity
energy. Now over 13 GW (0.05% of total world energy) is being produced
by solar PV method. Energy generated from PV method is more expensive
than the CST method. But its size is small and anyone can smartly use
these panels for various purposes. However, very serious researches are
being done to improve the cost effectiveness of the PV system. Experts
are now optimistic that very soon the solar power would be a cost
advantage over fossil fuel based energy as this technology is improving
with the rising of fuel prices.
If we consider the other advantages like the usage of water for power
generation, the solar power needs very low quantities of water. In order
to generate MWhr from nuclear energy, one needs 2000-4000 litres of
water whereas a coal plant needs 1500-1600 litres of water. The solar PV
needs no water and CST needs less water than the other options.
Solar power - viable
solution for energy issues. |
If we consider the carbon footprint or contained carbon for
electricity generation by various sources, we could see that for one
kwhr coal plants emits 966-1050 kg of carbon, whereas a Gas plant emits
443 kg and nuclear 1-288 kg of carbon. But solar CST contains only 13 kg
and solar PV contains 32 kg. That means solar is not a 100% clean or
green energy source but it contains less carbon than the other sources.
There is a proposal that if we install large solar panels in space we
could collect more energy. Theoretically that is true because the
intensity of solar energy is high in outer space. Then the collected
energy could be transmitted to the earth using microwaves. But this
proposal has not yet been experimented.
However, there are other smart proposals as well. When we design
buildings, vehicles, ships or aeroplane we could use solar energy
generation techniques and use solar energy wisely. Window cladding or
rooftop of a building could be made solar panels or it could have walls
and roofs so that the heat could not be accumulated or accumulated heat
could be used during the winter.
The wings of an aeroplane, roof of a car could also be used as solar
panel and there are so many solar energy tower stations along the side
of the roads so that your battery power could be recharged.
Using solar energy street lighting, pumping of water for agricultural
purposes are also practised in Sri Lanka as well. The Sun God is freely
distributing enough energy for us, so why should not we tap this
enormous and amazing kindness of the Sun God.