Sunday Observer Online


Sunday, 17 January 2010





Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

Women’s tests and how to pass them

While you’re on the right track in terms of chivalry and gentlemanly behaviour if you read the article on gentlemanly behaviour a couple of weeks ago on the Sunday Observer Magazine, what you must realize is that women are always looking for subtle clues that you really are Mr. Right. And here’s your chance to prove that you are, by passing all her tests. Men, you must stay on your toes.

The family test

If you’ve listened to her attentively, then there’s nothing to worry about. Remember that first date when you discussed each other’s family lives? Well, here’s your chance to put your listening skills to the test.

If you remember things about her family, mention them while on later dates with her, by asking her what happened to her sister’s sick dog, or referring to something she told you about her father’s golf game.

If you don’t remember what she told you, or don’t even know whether or not she told you, just ask her; you’ll score points by showing a sincere interest.

The gift test

Once you’re at the ‘just like that’ gift-giving phase, you’ll learn why it’s the thought that counts. She says she looks forward to that time of day when she can just kick up her feet in the bath; you buy her an oil burner that she can use while she’s bathing.

These little gifts don’t need to be big as they speak volumes about your thoughtfulness and attention to detail.

The “wait for her to open the door” test

When you take her out on the first few dates, it’s a given that you’ll walk her to the door when you drop her off. But just because you’re past date number five, it doesn’t mean it’s all downhill from now on. If you don’t walk her to her door when dropping her off, always wait for her to get in the door before driving away. Never speed off while she’s left there fumbling for her keys.

The waiter test

You treat her with respect, but is that the real you or the ‘you’ that wants to butter her up? She wants to know how you will act with her friends and everyday people you encounter, and she’ll know how you treat others by watching how you interact with total strangers. Do you thank the waiter when he brings you a glass of water, or do you throw the water on his face when your order is messed up? How you treat others – especially strangers – is a reflection of how personable and down-to-earth you are.

The “ask me later” test

The two of you are out for dinner, and she leans over and says, “Remind me to tell you something later.” Don’t get all freaked out, it’s not necessarily a serious conversation topic that has something to do with a ring; maybe it’s something she didn’t want to mention in a loud restaurant. If you remind her that she wanted to tell you something, you’ll not only prove that you were listening, but you’ll also show that you’re interested.

The ‘is she prettier than me?’ test

This one is the trickiest, and I assure you that it’s inevitable. She will set you up for this one, and the less you say, the better off you’ll be. It can happen anywhere: you can be walking down the street or watching a movie, you can even be sitting in your living room together enjoying a cocktail.

She’ll ask you about a friend of hers, a famous actress, or a woman walking down the street. Always say something like: “Why do you even have to ask me? Don’t you know you’re the prettiest?” (in a very sweet voice) or “Don’t you know no other woman compares to you?” This will probably come your way once you’re dating steadily. Just give in.

The ‘I had a bad day’ test

She comes home from work wanting to rip someone’s head off, and it looks like you’re the victim. She’s complaining about what a horrible day she had at the office, and she’s close to tears. Do you run over to comfort her, or do you go out with your friends as planned, assuming she’ll be fine once she watches one of those soaps?

You don’t have to go over to her place to cheer her up, but it definitely wouldn’t hurt. While you’re talking to her on the phone, ask about her day, and if you don’t already have plans, ask her whether she wants to go out. If you already have plans, then it’s up to you whether or not you want to break them, depending on the importance your plans. If you can’t break them, tell her how sorry you are that you already made plans, and if you can, stop by her house on your way out and reassure her that she’ll feel better in the morning. Bonus: bring along her favourite ice cream.


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