Tamils stand by President - WPC Minister Gammanpila

Western Province Small Industries, Agriculture, Environment and
Natural Resources and Minor Irrigation Minister Udaya Gammanpila.
Pic. Chinthaka Kumarasinghe
Western Provincial Council Small Industries, Agriculture, Environment
and Natural Resources and Minor Irrigation Minister Udaya Gammanpila
said the TNA should explain to the country why they put forward one set
of proposals to President and something else to the New Democratic Front
(NDF) Presidential candidate.
The Minister in an interview with the Sunday Observer outlined the
Government has all the right to assume the fact that the NDF
Presidential candidate has agreed to fulfil the promises put forward by
the TNA unless and until a different explanation is given by the TNA.
Q: Why did the JHU decide to extend its support to the
A: The JHU remained independent in the political sphere in
2005 as we didn’t believe in the practices of two major political
parties. But our leaders had a close link with then Prime Minister
Mahinda Rajapaksa for a very long period of time. We had realised that
he was a dependable leader.
When the Presidential election was declared in 2005, we discussed
with him the burning issues of the country.
That was to defeat LTTE terrorism and safeguard the unitary character
of the State. They were more paramount than any other development. He
totally agreed with us and his tone reflected that he is genuinely
committed to this cause. Therefore, the Buddhist monks of the JHU
decided to support him in 2005.
As he agreed, the President safeguarded the unitary character of the
State, defeated the LTTE and took a series of measures to uplift the
moral values of the society. The President introduced “Mathata Thitha
Program” and anti-alcohol and anti-tobacco program and also banned all
sexually oriented websites.
The President also had a close rapport with all religious leaders and
understood the crucial role played by them in the uplift of society.
Therefore, we are quite happy about what the President did during the
past four years.
We don’t find any other person in this country at this moment out of
the country’s 20 million population who can match him. Who else we can
Q: Do you think the New Democratic Front (NDF) led opposition
has posed a serious threat to the President?
A: The Opposition confidently said that they are going to win
the election. They did the same at the last Presidential election and
the Eastern Provincial Council election as well. After facing a
humiliating defeat at Uva Provincial Council election, the Opposition
said they are going to win the Southern Provincial Council election.
The history records that whenever they said that they were going to
win, they ended up being losers! Now the Opposition claims that they are
going to win the Presidential Election. That itself reflects they are
going to lose.
Q: Why does the JHU think the President should be re-elected?
A: During the last four years, President Rajapaksa waged a war
against the most powerful and most ruthless terrorist outfit in the
world which had planes, artillery guns, war tanks, submarines, ships and
suicide bombers in their arsenal.
There is a ‘39 country coalition’ led by the USA which is struggling
to defeat Taliban for the past eight years. But the Taliban had none of
the facilities owned by the LTTE. But we were able to defeat the LTTE
though the super powers were unable to defeat the less powerful Taliban.
When we had faced such an intense war, people expect only blood,
tears and destruction!
President Rajapaksa while waging the war against the most powerful
terrorist organisation didn’t ignore development. During the past four
years we were able to secure six percent plus economic growth.
We have done this only once in the post independence history. In
2009, the entire world including the USA, Japan, EU, Russia and Brazil
recorded a negative growth.
Singapore which always cited by the Opposition Leader Ranil
Wickremesinghe as a model also recorded a negative economic growth in
But Sri Lanka while having a destructive war recorded 3.5 percent
economic growth. In 2009 our economy was among the ten fastest growing
economies in the world. The Sri Lankan Share Market has recorded the
second highest growth in 2009.
It indicates that the country has already commenced its great forward
leap to be a first world nation. In this backdrop Mahinda Rajapaksa has
proved he is a different kind of Leader.
He has proved that he can achieve development while having a war. Now
the war is over. The President has so much potential and he has proved
it. So we can easily elect him to lead the country.
After defeating the LTTE, President Rajapaksa had to face the
superpowers of the international community. The real battle was not in
Kilinochchi. It was in Geneva and New York. All these superpowers were
against us.
But the President could successfully defeat the attempts made by the
superpowers to punish our country. We are the first Third World nation
which defeated these superpowers with a two thirds majority at the
United Nations Human Rights Commission.
The entire world warned us to stop the war and go for a negotiated
settlement as the LTTE is the most powerful terrorist outfit in the
world. But we said no and defeated the LTTE despite the obstacles
created by the Western powers.
We could reaffirm our self confidence after 450 years through this
victory. It was President Rajapaksa who brought this victory to the
The President has also an action plan called “Mahinda Chinthana Idiri
Dekma” for the next six years. It has mentioned where we are now.
When the President assumed office, our per capita income was 1,000
dollars. The President while waging a war in fact doubled it. The
President has said that he can double it again.
Sri Lanka’s per capita income would be 4,000 dollars at the end of
the second term of the President. Then Sri Lanka will be a First World
country. It is not a dream alone.
It is a dream which can be made a reality. I think the people don’t
have any difficulty to choose who should be voted in.
Q: The Government is being accused of various bribery and
corruption charges by the Opposition. Is there any truth in these
A: I don’t say this Government is hundred percent corruption
free. If I say so I will be a liar. Since 1948 every single Government
was corrupt to some extent. I admit the fact that there are some
corruptions in this Government as well.
I have not earned even a single cent from politics. I have lost
millions of rupees I earned before, due to my political involvement.
I have all the right to talk about corruption. My philosophy is that
no single country in this world has eliminated corruption just by
talking about it or bringing in laws.
They have eliminated corruption by making the country sensitive to
corruption. As a solution to this issue, we have to expand the middle
class. It can only be done through a sound economic growth.
That is why the President has said that his dream is to double our
per capita income to 4000 dollars. With that there will be a corruption
sensitive society.
Then politicians have to respond with the demand made by the voters
without engaging in any corruption.
When the Opposition level these allegations on corruption,they should
come up with documentary evidence. Otherwise, it would amount to mud
slinging. At present the Government has levelled an allegation against
Opposition candidate Sarath Fonseka on an alleged procurement of arms to
the Army via his son-in-law’s company.
This allegation has been brought forward with documentary evidence.
Nobody can claim that we are slinging mud because everything has been
established with documentary evidence.
The Opposition claims the Government wasted Rs. 500 million to
establish an airport at Weerawila. According to all documentary
evidence, the entire amount spent on this project was Rs. 49 million.
The Opposition also raises the issue of Hedging. We admit that this
Hedging agreement has been reached by the Ceylon Petroleum Corporation
without following the proper procedure. As a result, the Government
decided not to pay a single fee.
Therefore, the Government is defending its stand on this issue. The
VAT fraud is the biggest fraud in South Asia which amounts to Rs. 3.5
billion. It took place from 2002 to early 2004 during the tenure of the
UNP Government. It clearly shows all these allegations are baseless.
Q: At present the cost of living has reached an unbearable
high and the people request to bring it down. Do you think this would
become a decisive factor to influence the public view during the
forthcoming Presidential Election?
A: The fluctuation of cost of living is a seasonal fact.
November, December and January are rainy months. The prices of
vegetables and fruits go up during these months.
This is the tail-end of Maha season and we will get the harvest in
February. We should not forget we are in a recession hit world economy.
In that backdrop, people are having a bad time.
During this period every year, prices are comparatively high. But the
people are very intelligent and they know this is a seasonal issue.
They will not decide the fate of the next six years just because of
an issue they face during the month of January. Therefore, the people
will not consider high cost of living prevailing at this moment as a
factor against the Government.
Q: During the 2005 Presidential Election, the President in his
Mahinda Chinthana manifesto gave a lot of promises to the people. Can
you be satisfied with the number of pledges fulfilled by the President
so far? Is Mahinda Chinthana Idiri Dekma, an equally far reaching
A: Mahinda Chinthana Idiri Dekma has clearly stated how much
we have achieved from the Mahinda Chinthana presented in 2005.
Political parties talk about their election manifestos during the
election time. After the election, it becomes the bible of the
They turn page by page and tell the country that the Government has
not fulfilled the promises so far. But Mahinda Chinthana has become the
bible of the Government, not the Opposition.
The Government Ministers always come to political debates in
television channels with Mahinda Chinthana.
As the President has pledged in Mahinda Chinthana, he achieved an
honourable peace. The President as pledged has completed lot of
development work in relation to ports, roads, electricity and the uplift
of schools and hospitals.
No Government in the entire world throughout the history has
completed hundred percent of what they promised.
In 2008, the Government’s defence budget itself was Rs. 252 billion.
But the Government provided a 50Kg bag of Urea fertiliser at Rs. 350
when its actual price was Rs. 3,000.
Still the Government provides a bag of Urea fertiliser at Rs. 350
sticking to the promise given by Mahinda Chinthanaya. The President may
have not fulfilled minor promises here and there. But all the bigger
promises have been fulfilled.
This is the first ever Government in the post independence history
which has fulfilled its promises. That is why we go to television
debates proudly with Mahinda Chinthana.
Q: Do you think the most of the people are with the
Government? Are you confident of the President’s victory?
A: Very much. The Government was able to secure 5.3 million
votes from the Provincial Council elections conducted recently. Except
the north, elections were held in every province.
The UNP obtained 2.7 million votes while the JVP was able to secure
only 234,442 votes. The UNP and the JVP have together got 2.9 million
The difference is 2.4 million. Apart from the UNP and the JVP, they
were able to obtain the support of TNA. The TNA has obtained only 38
percent of the votes polled at Jaffna Municipal Council Election and 41
percent votes from the Vavuniya Urban Council Election. Although there
are 644,279 registered voters in Jaffna district, these registers have
now become obsolete.
The Jaffna Municipal Council polls turn over was 22 percent. If we
predict only 22 percent of the registered voters in Jaffna would vote at
the Presidential Election, the total voting in Jaffna would be 142,949.
Out of that, the TNA share is 38 percent. It means the Opposition
Presidential candidate would get 54,715 votes in Jaffna.
Similarly there was a 52 percent voter turn out for the Vavuniya
Urban Council. If we project the same for the entire district it would
be 118,243 votes. The TNA, SLMC and the UNP got together and obtained 41
percent votes at the Vavuniya Urban Council.
If they have the same percentage for the entire district, the number
of votes they can secure for their candidate would be 49,002. When we
adopt these two figures, the Opposition Presidential candidate can
obtain 103,716 votes from the northern province.
When we count 2.7 million plus nearly 200,000 JVP votes and another
100,000 votes from the TNA, it would amount to 3 million.
The President is still ahead with 1.3 million more votes than the NDF
candidate. If we do the same projection, the UPFA also contested both
Jaffna Municipal Council and Vavuniya Urban Council polls. Based on the
votes obtained by the UPFA at those elections, President Rajapaksa will
also get 101,730 votes.
Then there is no impact of TNA supporting the Opposition Presidential
Therefore, the TNA impact can be nullified with the support received
by the President in the North. Then there is a gap of 1.4 million votes
between President Rajapaksa and Sarath Fonseka.
We must acknowledge the fact that the former Army Commander has done
something to end the war. But the President was the Commander in Chief.
Whatever victory achieved by former Army Commander during the war
should be shared with his superior, President Rajapaksa.
The President had to give political leadership to the war. The public
support towards the war was the most important factor. New York and New
Delhi were more crucial than Jaffna and Kilinochchi.
Senior military commanders like late General Denzil Kobbekaduwa
failed to defeat the LTTE due to inability of then political leadership
to properly manage the Indian factor.
But President Rajapaksa did it very well. If there was a project for
war, the lion’s share should go to the President.
I don’t comment on any allegation levelled against General Sarath
Fonseka. But I firmly believe, before the Presidential Election, voters
of this country deserve a clarification from him on these issues.
Q: The Government has disclosed an alleged agreement reached
between the Opposition Presidential Candidate and the TNA. How does the
Government maintain this allegation without having any documentary
A: The TNA is the political front of the LTTE. These TNA MPs
are the ones who politically support the LTTE throughout the world. They
are the ones who urged the international community to militarily
intervene in Sri Lanka’s affairs.
They also spread the allegation that Sri Lankan Armed Forces
committed war crimes and they should be punished for that. Until the
last moment of the LTTE, the TNA was supporting the demand for a
separate State under the LTTE.
Therefore, the TNA is completely different from politicians like
Douglas Devananda, Vinayagamurthi Muralitharan or Sivanesathurai
Chandrakanthan who support the President. The TNA represents the remains
of the LTTE!
It is very suspicious that the TNA pledged to support anybody without
any conditions as the JVP claims. When the TNA pledged their support to
NDF candidate, we can come to the conclusion that they must be
supporting him expecting something in return. These TNA MPs also met the
President and laid down certain conditions.
They were the amalgamation of the North and the East, self rule for
the amalgamated province and immediate release of nearly 10,000 LTTE
Then the President said “I value your votes. I am the UPFA
presidential candidate and every single vote has a value. The Presidency
is very important for me.
But in my case, the country comes to me before the Presidency. So I
don’t want to risk my country to get any gains for the presidency.”
Thereafter, the TNA met Sarath Fonseka and put forward these same
conditions. Somebody may ask us, how do we know whether these are the
same conditions or not? Then the TNA should explain to the country why
they put forward these conditions to President Rajapaksa and something
else to Sarath Fonseka.
After the Opposition candidate agreed to these conditions, 13 TNA MPs
had a press conference on January 06 where they explained their demands
to both candidates.
They said the President doesn’t understand their demands or showed a
lack of interest in their grievances.
But Sarath Fonseka understood our grievances and we are satisfied
with his position.
In order to satisfy the TNA, Sarath Fonseka may have promised to
fulfil these conditions which were rejected by the President.
If this is not correct, the TNA should come out and say what they had
decided to do, if both the candidates rejected their conditions and why
they decided to support the candidate of their choice. This is
We need some explanation. Until then we have all the right to assume
that Sarath Fonseka has agreed to fulfil these promises. TNA
Parliamentarian K. Thurairetnasingam himself had told the ITN and a
newspaper that they had reached a written agreement on these conditions.
TNA Leader R. Sampanthan may reject it on political grounds later on.
When a person who witnessed the incident confirms it, why should we have
doubts about it?
Q: But the Opposition has categorically denied these
allegations levelled by the Government. They say these are baseless
allegations by the Government to cover up its imminent defeat. Your
A: They can make such allegations, if we just came out without
having any basis. But we talk on some basis. The Opposition should not
sling mud at us.
Rather they should challenge our basis and explain why the TNA
decided to defend Sarath Fonseka. Then we can accept it.
Q: If the NDF Presidential candidate has reached any agreement
with the TNA, will it have an adverse effect on the President’s vote
base, especially in the Northern and Eastern provinces?
A: The maximum votes which can be secured by the TNA from the
north is 100,000. The TNA agreement with Sarath Fonseka would bring a
maximum of 100,000 votes for Sarath Fonseka. In the East the people had
already voted and shown their preference.
TNA supporters voted for the UNP at the last Provincial Council
Election held in the East. Therefore, the TNA don’t have anything more
to gain in the East.
In the North, they can get an additional 100,000 votes. Our Nation is
at risk. That is the point we always highlight. Soon after the defeat of
the LTTE, TNA Leader R. Sampanthan made a public statement that they are
ready to accept a political solution within a unitary Sri Lanka.
After the defeat of the LTTE, they realised they have to live with
the realities of the world. They can’t now persist in what they were
demanding. That was the decision maintained by the TNA till December
Everything was subjected to change after the initial press conference
held by Sarath Fonseka. He openly said at that press conference he was
willing to go beyond the 13th Amendment for the devolution of power.
He had also reconfirmed his position in an interview given to an
Indian magazine, “Outlook.” Fonseka has revived the separatist elements
by giving unnecessary promises. That is what we are worried. The
bifurcation of our motherland is our biggest worry.
Q: How do you assess the support extended to the President by
the people in the North and the East. Do you think most of them are with
the President?
A: We all could witness the support expressed by the
grassroots level, people in the North when the President toured Jaffna
recently. The reflection on the faces of those people indicated who is
going to win in the North.
These people have suffered for 30 years due to terrorism. Now they
want to move from darkness to light.
But with LTTE elements like the TNA, the Opposition Presidential
candidate is trying to push them back to darkness.
I don’t think anybody wants to commit suicide as they have witnesses
enough suicidal missions in the past. Therefore, they don’t want to
commit political suicide again. |