Sunday Observer Online


Sunday, 31 January 2010





Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

President calls upon citizens:

Put heart and soul in ‘New Journey’

Peace and development - top priorities:

New vistas in economy:

President Mahinda Rajapaksa who registered a resounding victory at Tuesday’s Presidential Elections, called upon everyone who loves the country to join him to start a ‘new journey’ which would lead Sri Lanka to greater heights.

Speaking to media heads at “Temple Trees” on Thursday for the first time after his stunning victory, President Rajapaksa called upon his fellow countrymen, irrespective of their political, social, ethnic and religious affiliations, to work together to develop the country to usher in economic prosperity.

The President, who polled over six million votes to humble NDF candidate Sarath Fonseka by a thumping majority of over 1.8 million votes, said the UPFA has introduced a new political culture by peacefully celebrating their victory. “It looked as if there had not been an election. People celebrated the victory in a humble manner without harming their political opponents and even some diplomats were surprised to see the relatively calm post-election atmosphere,” he said.

What is unique in President Rajapaksa’s landslide victory was the manner in which he beat all sinister forces, both local and international, rallying round Fonseka.

“Thanks to the massive support extended by people, we were able to beat all odds. The people have given a clear mandate to continue our mission.

“They have voted against the subversive elements which were trying to disrupt the country. It is the duty of all peace-loving people to add a better value for our victory,” he said.

The President called upon everybody not to act in a manner that would support the subversive elements which are looking for the simplest chance to disrupt and destabilise the country. “Don’t let that happen again. Don’t leave any room for divisions based on ethnicity. Don’t send wrong signals to the international community by allowing communalism to raise its ugly head again. Do not leave any room for terrorism to raise its head again in the country,” he said.

The President outlined the hidden plans of the joint Opposition in Fonseka’s failed mission.

He urged the media to refrain from promoting chauvinism, provoking communal tensions and creating an environment which would lead to riots once more. He stressed the responsibility of the media in paving the way for a peaceful society.

The President recalled how certain media institutions set bad examples to the society by publishing rumours, false and defamatory stories and creating panic. “But the election results show that the people have flatly rejected not only these stories but also the people who originate these false propaganda,” he added.

“When a murder was reported in Tangalle, certain sections of the media attempted to twist the story and project it as election violence and conveniently credit it to the Government’s account. But the victim, the owner of the bus in which she was travelling and the accused - all have been SLFP supporters.

The culprits were taken into custody within 24 hours. But the Opposition made a desperate attempt to gain political mileage out of it,” he said. President said the 2010 presidential election campaign was the worst election campaign he has experienced, in terms of mud slinging and unethical campaigns by the Opposition. “Never in my 40-year-old career as a politician, have I experienced such a low level campaign by the Opposition. They used anything and everything to get political mileage. But they could not fool the masses who acted in a brave and a responsible manner to beat all odds,” he said.

When questioned whether the Government would seek a two-third majority in Parliament for a constitutional change, President Rajapaksa said it is up to the people to decide the system they prefer.

“The power for a constitutional change lies in the hands of the people. But it is hard to make such changes before the next General Election. Once we secure a two-third majority, we could do away with the present preferential system and settle for the old electoral system with a few National List seats based on how the parties poll,” he said.

However, the President said there won’t be an Opposition if the Government do away with the present preferential voting system completely. The President said the Commissioner of Elections acted in an impartial manner and called upon the media not to critcise the polls chief’s actions. “He was right in taking certain decision to ensure fair and free elections. Hence, don’t criticise his actions. But state media were not allowed to cover Opposition meetings and news conferences,” he said.

The President said that the Opposition was planning to take the law into their hands. “They were on record that they would send me to Bogambara, shoot the Defence Secretary at the Galle Face Green and kill Parliamentarian Basil Rajapaksa in the event of their grabbing power” the President recalled adding that many senior Government servants, including the Secretary to the President, received death threats.

“The DNF candidate even threatened the Ministry Secretaries who were talking about development activities which comes under the purview of their respective ministries.

He also threatened to take senior officers of the Security Forces to task. At the rate they were going, they would definitely have done that if they had got a chance to do so”, he added.

Though Fonseka secured a majority in most electorates of the North and the East due to the support of Tiger-proxy TNA, the President was optimistic that the outcome was a positive sign for democracy. “It doesn’t matter who commanded the majority in those electorates but what is significant is that the people in those provinces have freely joined the democratic process.

That alone is a positive sign,” the President emphasised.“Terrorism was defeated only a few months ago. Hence, it will take some time for them to regain trust in the people in the South.

We will continue with the mega development projects in the North and the East to pave way for a better tomorrow for the people in those areas,” he said.

Certain countries in the West, a section of Tamil Diaspora and a few remaining Tiger sympathisers joined hands with Fonseka, expecting that their all out campaign would lead to a regime change.

Flashback: President Mahinda Rajapaksa during a surprise visit to the Sunday Observer editorial is flanked by Editor-in-Chief of Sunday Observer, Dinesh Weerawansa and other officials of ANCL.

They used all resources, including the lavish funding from certain Western forces, in a desperate bid to get rid of a leadership which is not dancing to their tune.

But the masses strongly stood behind the President, the dynamic and fearless leader who gave an inspiring political leadership to the Security Forces in the battle against terrorism.

In his victorious race to the Presidency in 2005, the then Prime Minister Rajapaksa took a bold step, casting aside traditional election manifestos, merely making promises as practised by most politicians. Instead, he proposed the Mahinda Chintana, a vision, and a policy statement during the 2005 Presidential election campaign.

The Mahinda Chintana is a plan for national rejuvenation, which is an inspiration in the New Social Democratic movement sweeping parts of the West.

His aim in presenting the Mahinda Chintana was to restore to every Lankan his dignity and inner strength, which had eroded over the years following the cataclysmic winds of change brought about by the open economy.

Thus, the Mahinda Chintana has steered a Third Way between the extremes of the 1970-77 closed economy and the 1977-94 open economy.

Having completed over 90% of what was outlined in the Mahinda Chintana, the President presented the Mahinda Chintana - Idiri Dakma during the 2010 Presidential election campaign.

He is equally confident that the pledges in the Mahinda Chintana Idiri Dakma too would be successfully implemented during his second term in office.

Four years after his stunning victory, President Rajapaksa has not only won the hearts of the people who voted for him, but also many of those who opposed him.The main reason for the support extended to him by the masses was his loyalty and patriotism.

His fearless stand on the sovereignty and territorial integrity of our motherland by placing the country before self. impressed even his political opponents,

Sri Lankans are indeed fortunate to have a leader and statesman of the calibre of Mahinda Rajapaksa as their President as the country marches forward rapidly towards economic development, lasting peace, reconciliation and prosperity.

It is the bounden duty of all loyal and patriotic citizens to unite in peace and make a worthwhile contribution to support President Rajapaksa’s efforts in elevating Sri Lanka to greater heights.


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