Sacerdotal silver jubilee :
Priest with a golden heart
by Commodore Shemal Fernando RSP, USP, MSc
Jubilees are a special time, a time to reflect on God’s gifts to us
in the past as we raise our hearts in thanks and praise; a time to look
ahead to what is to come and beg God to lead us in His ways and give us
vision and help on the journey.
Rev. Fr. William Evans Liyanarachchi is a priest of absolute
simplicity, disarming humility and of patience, holiness and piety. He
is mild in character and modest in his approach. He is like the good and
faithful servant in the parable - he was faithful in small matters,
therefore he was put in charge of great matters (Matthew 25:14-30).
“The priesthood is a ‘Mystery of Love’ received and given, made new
each day in the Eucharistic celebration and in the generous gift of
one’s life ‘to the end’” (John 13:1).
Rev. Fr. William
Liyanarachchi |
Pope Benedict XVI inaugurating the ‘Year for Priests’ in June last
year proclaimed, “Faithfulness of Christ, Faithfulness of Priests” as
the theme for the celebrations of the Priesthood.
Rev. Fr. William has been a Professor for 20 years (1991 to 2010) at
the National Seminary of Our Lady of Lanka in Ampitiya - the cradle for
priesthood in Sri Lanka. He is also the longest served Vice Rector (10
years from 2001 to 2010) of the renowned institution that continues the
noble mission with vigour and commitment.
Thus, with consistency and utmost care and concern, year after year,
for 20 long years, Fr. William has guided the destinies of seminarians
at the National Seminary of Our Lady of Lanka in Ampitiya on the trust
of the promise of God, “I will give you shepherds according to my heart,
who will feed you with knowledge and understanding” (Jeremiah 3:15).
The messages of congratulations issued by the Rev. Fathers and
Brothers, on the occasion of his Sacerdotal Silver Jubilee speaks
volumes of his fatherly qualities.
Each priest is expected to keep the gift of his priesthood alive and
rejoice in it through daily efforts. As Jesus often reminds us, priests
are in the world and not of the world.
Once, Pope John Paul II of revered memory said, “The Church needs
joyful priests, capable of bringing true joy to God’s people, which is
the Good News in all its truth and transforming power”. This makes Fr.
William’s task at the Seminary even difficult, yet he continues to serve
the Lord with great enthusiasm.
Fr. William hails from a humble and pious family in Kandana. His
ancestral home is just across the precincts of the historical edifice of
St. Sebastian at Kandana.
He was born on 27th May 1957 in Kandana as the first son in a family
of six children. His parents are late Mr. Cyril Liyanarachchi and Mrs.
Martha Muthumaniarachchi. His five brothers and sisters are Anne, Concy,
Joseph, Terrance, Marian, Chandra, Rita Pearl and Renuka Irangani.
He had been an unassuming soul, who mostly, dwelled in the ‘Mission
House’ of the then St. Sebastian’s Church (now a Shrine) with the Parish
Priest, assisted him in the liturgical services and loved to play in the
spacious church compound during those halcyon years of normalcy.
He had his education at De Mazenod College in Kandna from 1963 to
1971. At school, he was an all-round student excelling in both academics
and sports. His forte had been basketball and he maintained a lively
interest in the game even after entering the seminary. In 1981, he was
the Vice Captain of the National Seminary Basketball Team.
But what remained with young William was the call to the Priesthood
and he responded with devotion to the Divine call.
It was Rev. Fr. Nicholas Perera, then Parish Priest of St.
Sebastian’s Church who sent him to St. Aloysius’ Minor Seminary in
Colombo in 1971. From there, he entered Eymard’s Intermediate Seminary
in Haputale in 1975.
The Archbishop of Colombo took note of his commitment to the vocation
and sent him to the National Seminary of Our Lady of Lanka in Ampitiya
in 1976. Whilst pursuing his studies, he obtained double Baccalaureates
in Philosophy and Theology from the renowned Pontifical Urban University
in Rome, Italy in 1979 and 1984 respectively.
Rev. Fr. William was ordained a priest in the Archdiocese on 11th
August 1984 by the Most Rev. Dr. Nicholas Marcus Fernando at St. Lucia’s
Cathedral in Colombo. Following his ordination, he was sent as the
Assistant Priest at St. Mary’s Church, Grand Street in Negombo where he
served from 1984 to 1989. During this period, he served as Parochial
Vicar, Youth Chaplain and Y.C.S. Chaplain of Negombo Region and
Secretary of Negombo Deanery.
Meanwhile, he continued his professional studies and obtained his
Licentiate in Theology from the Pontifical University of St. Anslem in
Rome, Italy in 1991 and followed the Doctoral Programme at the
Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome, Italy. Later, he
secured a Diploma in Counselling from the International Institute for
Religious Formation, St. Anslem’s Cliftonville in Kent in the United
At the National Seminary of Our Lady of Lanka in Ampitiya, he has
also been the Dean of Philosophy, Bursar, a Spiritual Director,
Moderator of Gonzalvez Academy, Editor of ‘Dhammina’ Sinhala Theological
Magazine and Professor of ‘Sacraments in General’, ‘Eucharist’, ‘Sin and
Grace’ and ‘Study Skills’.He also has rendered invaluable services as a
Professor to the Aquinas Institute of Religious Education in Colombo,
Deva Dharma Niketanaya at Joseph Vaz Centre in Colombo, Deva Dharma
Niketanaya of ‘Sath Pahana’ in Kuliyapitiya and the Asian Institute of
Missiology ‘Savana’ in Negombo and Badulla.
Besides, he served as the Marriage Encounter Movement Coordinator of
the Diocese of Kandy.He has participated at the YCS Asian Chaplain and
Animators’ Formation Programme in Thailand in 1989, Basic Skills in
Spiritual Direction and Counselling Training Programme in India in 1995,
Communication Programme in India in 1995, World Priests’ Gathering in
USA in 2000, XV International Course for Seminary Formators in Italy in
2005 and the World Peace Conference in India in 2008.
He has published an array of eloquent articles on vital matters
concerning the Catholic Church and also has delivered keynote lectures
at National Forums throughout the country.
He was also instrumental in publishing a historical souvenir to mark
the Golden Jubilee of the National Seminary which was celebrated in
Fr. William Evans is a loving priest with a golden heart in every
sense of the word; an emblem of kindness and selfless service; a rare
begotten son of Kandana, a proud product of De Mazenod College; an
unfailing jewel of the Archdiocese of Colombo and a shining star of the
Catholic Church of Sri Lanka.