out cancer
Panda, a Border Collie sniffer dog noses samples of smells at the
surgery of the Dogs Against Cancer and For Life Foundation in Gyoemroe,
just east of Budapest, Hungary, Wednesday, January13, Dogs of the
foundation can recognize malignant tumors by sniffing air samples
exhaled by humans.
According to the results of experiments lung cancer is recognised
with 99 per cent accuracy, while breast cancer is diagnosed with 88 per
cent accuracy by dogs sniffing breaths of people, and their correctness
is 60-80 per cent on the average, a leader of the foundation says.

Where do cows go on Saturday nights?
To the MOOO-vies!
Why is it hard to play cards in the jungle?
There are too many cheetahs!
When is it bad luck to see a black cat?
When you are a mouse!
What time is it when an elephant sits on your fence?
Time to get a new fence!
Teacher: When you yawn,
you are supposed to put your hand to your mouth !
Pupil: What ?, and get
bitten !
Father: How do you like
going to school ?
Son: The going bit is
fine, as is the coming home bit too, but I'm not too keen on the time
in-between !
Do mermaids use knives and forks
when they eat?
No, they use their fish fingers!
Teacher: You aren't paying
attention to me. Are you having trouble hearing ?
Pupil: No, teacher I'm
having trouble listening !
Why were you late ?
Sorry, teacher, I overslept.
You mean you need to sleep at home too ! |