Sunday Observer Online


Sunday, 31 January 2010





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Government Gazette

Navam Poya was on January 29:

Focus on the service of Sangha

The teachings of the Buddha have passed down from generation to generation as a result of the great service rendered by the Sangha.

The month of Navam bears special significance in this context as many important events related to the Sangha Sasana had taken place on this day apart from those related to the life of the Buddha.

After attaining Enlightenment at the age of thirty- five the Buddha delivered his first sermon-Dhamma Chakka Pawaththana Sutta to the five ascetics- Kondangna, Vappa, Baddiya, Assaji and Mahanama in the Deer Park at Isipathana near Benares.

Since that day, the Buddha continued to preach the Dhamma to all classes of men and women equally- kings and ordinary people, Brahmins and outcasts, the wealthy and beggars, holy men and robbers until His Parinirvana.

It is through one’s own behaviour that a person becomes either a Brahmin or an outcast, not by his/her birth, the Buddha taught the world about 2585 years ago. The path he showed was open to all men and women and they soon became His followers.

The Buddha spent His first three month Vas retreat at Isipathana after delivering His first sermon to the five ascetics. His number of disciples soon increased up to sixty during that period. At the end of the Vas season the Buddha despatched his first set of disciples to disseminate the Dhamma, setting in motion His sublime mission.

Assaji Thera (one of the five ascetics before he entered the Order) too was among this group. It was in the month of Navam that Upatissa of Upatissagrama came across Assaji thera who was preaching the Buddha’s teachings. This historic event has a great significance in the history of the Buddha Sasana and it is worth reading how Buddhist literature elaborates on this great event.

Kolitha and Upatissa Assaji Theras arrived in Rajagahanuwara at a time when many a Brahmin youth had developed an interest in investigating the existence of Truth.

There were several Paribrajak who also had the same interest and they spent time in temples (paribrachakarama) with their disciples.

Sanjaya was one such paribrachaka who had Kolitha and Upatissa of Kolithagrama and Upatissagrama as his disciples along with another two hundred and fifty. Kolitha and Upatissa soon realised that they were on the wrong track.

So the two friends decided to go on two routes in search of truth promising each other that if one of the two could find a way out of suffering first, he would inform the other about it.

So young Upatissa arrived in Rajagaha Nuwara to see Assaji thera walking on the street in a serene manner with his bowl of alms. So pleased with the Thera’s way of conduct, Upatissa waited till the Thera finished his Dana and offered him water to drink, from his own bowl. Knowing for sure that the thero is an Arhant, Upatissa then inquired from him about his Teacher and His teachings.

“I’am a disciple of the Buddha, but still I’am a novice monk”, said the thera. Further, on the invitation of Upatissa, Assaji thera summed up the Buddha’s teachings as follows: “Ye Dhamma Hethuppabawa,/Thesan hethu thathagatho Aha,/Thesan thaya Nirodo,/Evanvadhi Maha samano” (“If there is a particular nature of a thing causing from a reason, the Buddha preaches what that reason is. If there is a way out he teaches that as well.”) After listening to this discourse, Upatissa reached the first stage of the path to Nibbana. Then together with Kolitha he went to meet Sanjaya paribrachaka.

Since he was not willing to join them, the two friends headed their way towards Veluwanarama together with Sanjaya Paribrachaka’s two hundred and fifty disciples.

Seeing Upatissa and Kolitha reaching towards Him, the Buddha thus addressed the Bhikkhus.

“O, Bhikkhus, those two will become the two Chief disciples of the Thathagatha.” They were soon ordained and came to be known as the Sariyuth and Mugalan. Mugalan thera became an arhant on Navam Pura Atawaka poya day.

Sariyuth thera entered Arhathood after listening to ‘Vedana Pariggaha Sutta’ which was preached to Deega Nakha on Gijukulu mountain. During the first council of bhikkus which took place in the month of Navam at Veluwanarama, the Buddha appointed them as his chief disciples (Agasavu) and told the Bhikkhus how both Sariyuth and Mugalan engaged in meritorious deeds throughout their previous births in order to become the chief disciples of Gauthama Buddha.

The first Bhikkhu Council

The first Council of Bhikkus consisted of 1250 bhikkus. There the Buddha laid down a code of fundamental ethical precepts (Owada Prathimoksha) for the monks.

During the first twenty years, the bhikkus had to abide by Owada Prathimoksha. In fact, it was only a set of advice: “Sabba Pa Passa akaranan,/Kusalassa Upasampada,/Sachiththa pariyo dapanan,/Ehan Buddhanu sasanan” (Refraining from all evil, attainment of what is good, cleansing of one’s thoughts- this is the advice of the Awakened One.) In the first twenty years, the Buddha did not find the need to enforce a set of rules other than this type of advice to the Bhikkhus. It was mainly because those who entered the Order during this time did it out of genuine faith.

But later the aspirants began entering the Order for their personal benefits and also for security. As a result the Buddha had to impose a set of vinaya rules to the Bikkhus. Also it was on a Navam poya day that the Buddha declared that he would be passing away three months later(Giving up ayu sanskara).

In fact, while spending his last Vas retreat at Veluwagrama the Buddha was suffering from the disease called, Lohitha Pakkandhika. So the Buddha decided to pass away in another ten months of time.

But He however did not reveal it. But seven months later at the Chapala Chethi in Visal Pura, the Buddha told Ananda thero that if a Buddha wishes to live the full term of life (120 years), he can do so!

But Ananda thero could not understand what the Enlightened One implied, So he remained quiet, not inviting Him to live his full term.

(It is said that it was the Vasawarthi Mara who had exerted his influence on Ananda thero at that moment).

So on Navam Poya day the Buddha declared “Itho thinnanmasana achchayena thathagatho parinibbayissathi. (Maha Parinibbana Sutta) So Navam Full moon poya day which fell on January 29 is of utmost importance to the Buddhists. Among various religious ceremonies of the day. The Navam Perahara of the Gangarama temple, Colombo stands out as the most important one in Sri Lanka.

On this Navam poya day the Buddhists should concentrate on and practise the teachings of the Buddha.

A thorough understanding of the Dhamma enables people to stand in good stead through the recurrent ups and downs’ of their lives, making them refrain from all evil deeds and encouraging them to engage in good, meritorious acts. As the Buddha preached it is always better to adhere to the Middle Path, avoiding extremes. SW


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