Sunday Observer Online


Sunday, 7 February 2010





Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

Why people voted for President

President Mahinda Rajapaksa

The President’s re-election is the most decisive decision of the electorate since the introduction of the franchise to Sri Lanka. It gives a decisive message to the people countrywide and worldwide. The 2005 election is the zenith of the political career of Mahinda Rajapaksa and the election on January 26 is the crucial and decisive mandate ever given by the people, after the elimination of the longest terrorist war in South Asia which has engulfed the nation for over thirty years. With the amazement and the surprise to the world it took only three years for this unbelievable victory, which disproved the accepted world theory that terrorism could not be militarily defeated.

Previous Sri Lankan leaders miserably failed to eradicate terror and terrorism for three decades and two leaders of India and Sri Lanka became casualties in addition to thousands died and the destruction of trillions of rupees worth of wealth belonging to the nation.

Citizens on this occasion felt and smelt “blood and death” as a result of the conduct and statements of army commander turned politician mainly on personal vendetta, with the motto to defeat President Rajapaksa at any cost flanked by UNP, JVP, SLMC and TNA. The ordinary citizen led by the “village” took an independent and collective decision to re-elect the President not necessarily influenced by propaganda by either side.

Divided nation

In 2005 President Rajapaksa was entrusted with a divided nation with a declining economy, and poor world reputation in addition to the complete breakdown of law and order and security of the Nation due to the bloody war waged by LTTE - the most ruthless terrorist outfit according to none other than the USA country report. In the area carved to LTTE based on an international agreement between Ranil Wickremesinghe and Velupillai Prabhakaran, LTTE legally functioned as a “Mini State” with banks, Court houses and administration units to which Sri Lankan government or forces had no access to. Most dangerous and amazing scenario was that there were four co-chairs including Norway, USA, UK and EU to supervise and oversee the implementation of the agreement which has internationalised the instrument.

President Rajapaksa had to manage with a minority government with the mercy of JVP demanding a probationary government to rule the country on their terms.War waged on terror and terrorism in Sri Lanka by Rajapaksa has been professional, unprecedented and exemplary.

World agreed on the competence, professionalism and discipline of Sri Lanka security forces under Rajapaksa regime as powerful NGOs and human rights organisations based in Sri Lanka scrutinized and followed every minute movement of the forces.

Credit of the success and high standards go to celebrated ex army officer Gotabhaya Rajapaksa, who was appointed to the powerful post of Secretary of Defence by his brother President Rajapaksa, few hours after the election victory in 2005.

He proved himself be a livewire of the government as the main attraction of the people to rally round the government has been the success story of the unwinnable war which has made life miserable to every citizen for so long.

He was given a free hand to draw up and implement the strategy for the long and decisive war nobody thought would be won, the LTTE was so powerful in Sri Lanka and worldwide.

Powerful LTTE network

The international network of LTTE with the enormous wealth was so powerful, that even some governments and international organisations began to deal with the organisation indirectly and via powerful leadership backed by the misguided Tamil Diaspora worldwide.

In the process, Minister Rohitha Bogollagama rendered a yeoman service in the management of international relations in the volatile atmosphere created by Sri Lankan NGOs, Opposition and interested parties against the warfront.

He made use of the charisma and goodwill of President Rajapaksa in managing international affairs.People wanted peace and peace of mind to move about and lead a secured peaceful and contended life. Parents would take children to school and stay outside for their safety as threat was imminent and close to every members of the family.They would use different mode of conveyance as it was not certain when or whether the member of family would come back home alive. Suicide bombers and bombs were prevalent all over the country. Life has become so cheap that people has become just numbers and with money nothing was impossible.

Values had gone down and everybody lived in eternal fear of terror and imminent and unnatural death due to bombs and related devices. It was three decades of hell on the planet for the average peaceful and peace loving Sri Lankans.

Today wars are not fought and won on the ground and battlefield alone.Modern technology and international relations have changed the complete outfit of the mode of war which has taken a different turn and has become dangerous and complicated.

It has taken over a major part of arms and arms dealers like sharks have influenced powerful world political blocks in dealing with war affected countries.

They expect the wars to be managed according to their agenda and monopoly on arms and pressure by governments and international organisations in the guise of human rights and international relations. Influence and pressure on President Rajapaksa by some world leaders and International Organisations were enormous.

It was too much for a country depending on the outside world on existence. But people understood the situation and stood by the President who frequently had heart to heart dialogues.

They “gulped” the high prices of consumer items and the cost of living without worrying and troubling him until the war was completed. President Rajapaksa conducted affairs regardless of world pressure which is one of the main contributory factors of the victory.

To the amazement and surprise of the world, Rajapaksa government eradicated the terror regime with a sigh of relief to neighbouring India, SAARC Nations, and the entire world living in fear of terror and the ripple effects.

The LTTE introduced human bombs and modern and sophisticated terrorist arms and know-how shared by Al Quaeda and similar underworld/terrorist organisations backed by the powerful and worldwide network. He successfully carried out the eradication of the menace that has taken the country back ward by 30 years.

Freedom to walk about

We have to catch this up and it was voiced by the President in his speech. Today people walk about and board buses with children with the peace of mind with positive feeling that the child and the family would come home from school unharmed from the terror of bomb and suicide bomber.

Gotabhaya was given a free hand to end the war leaving President and Brother Basil to mend fences and lead the minority government by attracting opposition members of the Parliament while meeting the challenges of the powerful non governmental organisations and the irresponsible opposition vehemently opposed to war, backed by some local embassies.

With the war efforts Rajapaksa government developed the road network in order to back the development effort. It runs length and breath of the entire country and as good as the road network in the United Kingdom and Ireland.

Road network

The development of road is a prerequisite to the economic development of a Nation.

People carefully and slowly witnessed the emergence of five harbours, airports, power plants, employment opportunities development on Information Technology, English Education, and the development of the person within, on the control of liquor and smoking in public which Europe is struggling to implement.

The launch of the presidential election has been another decisive political decision by President Rajapaksa, in order to test his popularity and pave the way to implement “Mahinda Chintana” one and two - the policy papers on which the policies were to be implemented.

Sarath Fonseka’s sudden decision to contest his Commander in Chief at the presidential poll with traditional common enemies was unexpected and rejected by the ordinary citizen who genuinely adored Fonseka as a part of the team in the liberation of the Nation from terror.

He exposed himself to be ungrateful to the President and Gotabhaya and the nation. He was appointed Army Commander a few days before his retirement and four extensions were given.

He was given so much personal benefits including funding the educating of the children in USA with security.People witnessed these series of events patiently with an open mind and proved to be so intelligent and correct by taking collective and decisive political decisions with no influence or pressure. The decision was spontaneous prompt and collective.

Opposition candidate Fonseka was forcefully supported by UNP,JVP, TNA, SLMC, western forces and NGOs headed by Policy Alternative and Organisation for peaceful co-existence and funds poured into the campaign in trillions of rupees.

Face books, emails and text campaign was on the peak and the outside world expected and predicted a comfortable victory for Fonseka and the “Regime Change” process of the West was proactive and surreptitiously on motion fully backed by international media and INGOs.

Rallying youngsters

President’s campaign was traditional and did not kick off until the last few weeks except for Namal - President’s son who single handedly as a young man with no power or position strategically and carefully orchestrated to rally the youngsters and the thee artistes as a powerful group to change the minds of the people.

The weak areas identified for President Rajapaksa’s campaign have been the youth and IT, which Namal quite correctly identified as a veteran politician who has had political understudy in the shade of his father from the childhood.

Namal is entitled to a fair share of the victory by strategically managing and organising the youth and artistes during the crucial stages of the campaign.

What next now. The mandate is loud, clear and decisive. People expect the President to deliver the goods, in all areas. Cost of living is rising. True nowhere in the world it would not come down - but it must be checked and effective changes should be brought about. Lectures and computations would not be sufficient and new blood and vision is to be looked into. It is time to mend the fences with EU G8 G20 and the entire West created by NGOs and the irresponsible Opposition.

India a key factor

The USA has recently declared that, they cannot afford to lose Sri Lanka and EU too has sent positive signals.

US considers India as a key factor with emerging China only second to USA financially and our position in world politics and new emerging tiger economy and reputation will be the main vehicle for our Bright Future (Suba Anagathayak!) The President is the leader of SAARC and many international and regional organisations.

He has excellent relations with the Middle East, Asia and African Region. This is a defining moment in our regional security and relationships and time is prune for our Leader to be effective by redefining our foreign relations in his own style.

Stock market is doing so well which is proof of the confidence of the world economy on us.

We are leading in tourism as the emerging best place to visit among chosen countries. Investments are pouring in and peace is solidly established.

Law and order and constitutional changes are to be looked into.

People rejected the cry for amendment of the Constitution and 17th Amendment mainly voiced by Sarath Silva, the former Chief Justice turned politician with aspirations to be Sarath Fonseka’s Prime Minister in the caretaker government.

It is time the President look into the law and order, rule of law and general safety of citizens especially from armed groups still hovering especially in the North and the East.

President’s speech on the day of the independence should be read by the average citizen again and again and be used as a guideline in the broader implementation of “Mahinda Chintana”.

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