Sunday Observer Online


Sunday, 7 February 2010





Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

What happened on January 26, aney?

Smiling President

Post mortems, as far as I am aware, are not held in cemeteries. They, if necessary are held elsewhere after rigor mortis sets in. rigor mortis, by the way, is a dreadful word coined for stiffening of the body after death, that you and I would be subject to, one day despite all attempts at mollycoddling it just now......

Forget that chilling piece on Anithya or impermanence this bright Sunday morning. At Borella kanatte, the island's major cemetery spanning acres and acres right in the heart of a highly urbanised area, I witnessed recently another kind of post - mortem. It was two days after the Presidential Elections and you may have already guessed on Whom and What it was held. Of course, I was eavesdropping on a conversation between two strangers.

"What happened, men?"

"I too ask you that. What boggles the mind is all that huge crowd at his meetings and then this". This was the 41% percentage.

Their shots rang like military salvos on behalf of the defeated General. It was obvious that they were his ardent fans.

Historians, writers, politicians, sociologists, even anthropologists and a mighty miscellany of others would for years to come indulge in the game of deciphering the causes for the Dreadful Downfall on January 26, 2010. Sensing that some readers may like to know a mere woman's viewpoint here I go.

It is a warped surmise to expect all those who attend an election meeting of a candidate to etch the cross against that particular aspirant. People attend these meetings for a variety of reasons other than mere allegiance to the candidate. Among these are the gregarious instinct, desire for information on political issues, a chance to hear what is told in the foe's camp and even the desire to get away from the humdrum domestic scenario.

Social events for the lower middle class and lower class are very rare and these meetings supply the vacuum. Despite all talk about women's lib, women's participation at these assemblies is low probably because they prefer to wallow in routine domestic drudgery to that of garnering temporary social exposure. Practical reasons too prevail.

The Eastern dresses of women as saree prevent mobility when the stones begin to rain. By the way many election meetings are held at way-side junctions that attract the flotsam and the jetsam with no particular party affiliations.

I have ventured to give one reason for the General's Catastrophe which however he refuses to accept according to latest media reports. One wonders whether it is the indomitable Army spirit or misguided advice or some other energy source that propels this stand.

However, now that I have begun listing, it makes me bold to wade further into the field basing some of the reasons on my own experience.

As I stood in the polling booth or whatever you call it fidgeting with that incredibly long ballot paper there solidified before me a magic figure - mauve kurakkan shawl, pure white nationals dress and a grin from ear to ear. He had been all over the island these last few months or even years.

Such a familiar figure emanating genial warmth. In fact once I heard over a foreign channel the HE being described as the leader who grins from ear to ear. There was so much affection and geniality and frankness in that smile.

I first set my eyes on the HE in flesh and bloods at a wedding reception. Of course it was the pre - 2005 period and he was not the President, yet he was up on the political ladder. The exact status I cannot remember.

When my hostess introduced me to him to my own surprise I blurted out, "Sir, you look bigger and fuller in newspaper photographs". He threw his head up in that so familiar characteristic posture and laughed saying, "Cameras play tricks as making people look bigger than what they are". But HE is really BIG. That is mentally.

He was BIG when he began concentrating all efforts to rid the country of the LTTE menace and restore the peaceful serendipity status of the island. Give the Devil (I mean the General) his due. After the General had won the war for him under his patronage, HE went round the world trying to entrench international solidarity for the island.

What was he doing at Libya's 50-year-old Independence Commemorative Ceremony so far way? Did he enjoy it more than the breeze emanating from the Medamulana fields or the chatter of his lady and sons? No. But he was intent to espouse the friendships of varied countries as diverse as Libya, Myanmar, Iran and even countries of the Americas and Europe. It was a large package of dedication to his country he demonstrated. And he exhibits much BIGNESS when almost in a child-like way he shows off his knowledge of Tamil, a newly acquired proficiency.

A vote-catching Gundu, critics would say. So what, Aney, could be the typical SL response, especially if it makes the Tamil audience happy. And he was really BIG when after his resounding victory he announced that he was now the President of both who voted for him and who did not vote for him. There he displayed the real Maitree spirit of Buddhism that spreads to both friend and foe.Though one would not describe him as having the ascended the highest levels of erudition he knew and knows where to lay the fingers in the island's arena of education. This explains the disproportionate attention he has placed on Information Technology and the teaching of English.

And he is equally at home, on the political platform as well as on the paddy fields. His popularity with his own village people was well illustrated by the election results.

His habit of lifting children and kissing them has been spurned by critics as another Chanda Gundu but the elderly hostess of that reception who hails from his area vouched for his habit even as a youth of fondling small children in the village. In fact allow me to relate this bit of jaw-jaw over the tele.

"Gods, Padma. Our children are ruined."

"Ruined?" I was aghast at the new impending disaster.

"Yes. By so many kisses. Even the other one has begun kissing them".

"So what? Neither has any infectious disease. And children will never spurn a surplus of affection".

To come back, the vast and highly improved network of roads and bridges and fly overs are a mirror in themselves for the priority he gave to areas that really matter.

The Hambantota harbour is a tribute to his commitment. And all this he would plan and execute while grinning from ear to ear. This grin he bestowed even on his political rival at the Rajagiriya Elections Office.

Now he stands accused on election-rigging, election fraud and what not. Even of computer juggling. Were the votes counted on a computer? Hilarious accusations, these seem to be.

At the other end stands the War Hero to whom January 26 was an ill-fated day as the Ides (15th) of March was to Julius Caesar.. The General has had a misadventure, an unfortunate misadventure. Humans are susceptible to varied vicissitudes of fortune. The thathagatha, the Blessed One put it tersely when he said with that inimitable insight, "Happiness and sorrow, praise and insult--these are all the lot of humans"..

Sri Lankans are a forgiving community. We will soon be smiling again especially as the characteristic grin of the First Citizen of the country broadens despite all the problems and issues he is facing.

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