Sunday Observer Online


Sunday, 7 February 2010





Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

“I give protection from sun”

Pethiyagoda, a sleepy suburb of Kadugannawa is more a village than a town. Some of the houses, shanties is the word, had hardly anything in them. A good many were furnished with rexine covered drawing room suits, glass cabinets with dinner sets and many other furniture. Some rooms had radios. In some there were even sewing machines, operated by hand and some by foot. It is in one of these dwellings I was born. There was no auspicious hour, no horoscope, or a birth certificate to announce or certify appearance on the world stage.

My father who was not a rich man, with his technical skill and his dexterous hands turned out accessories to the villagers for their day to day life. In this rural setting along the road among bullock-carts lies a 4850 sq. foot factory, employing 1000 people. Since my father could not manage to make ends meet, he worked in this factory for a better return. My father had higher ambitions on me. I had a happy contended life as I grew older and enjoyed every moment.

Pethiyagoda through a village was moving from an agricultural to an industrial economy. So was the demand for skilled labour. No sooner I reached adolescence my father took me to work in the factory. The management had a experiment and chose me as an item that would be easy to make and have wide popular appeal in a rural market. I was considered as a light collapsible usually circular canopy of cloth mounted on radial ribs attached to a central stick used for protection against sun and rain. My father had a good taste for matching clothes. So he dressed me with chinese silk attire in colour and some in black. I looked smart and elegant and easy on the body in our humid climate. Few clothes had colourful floral designs to give latest trends in fashion.

By now I have reached the ripe age for any person to look twice. Most of my admirers were of middle age. But it did not matter even the young and the old had a soft corner for me. I was in big demand. Along with my fellow mates I was taken to a bazaar where I met a cosmopolitan crowd who did shopping. I was picked up by a beautiful blond who took me to her house.

She loved me so much that she gave me all the comforts she could afford. She also introduced me to her boyfriend. I had to accompany her in her every outing. One day she took me to the seashore. While walking along the beach I observed many young ones seated cuddled together whispering sweet nothing with my protection to prevent from all evils.

A few old men and women walking along holding hands, and in one hand holding me tight giving shade from the sun. It’s a pleasant sight to see a beautiful blond with all the curves, shapely legs under a parasol with her boyfriend. I am proud that I am able to serve the whole nation and protect them from sun rain, and dust, and sand storms and win their hearts as a life time achievement.

-Tissa Hewavitarane

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