Sunday Observer Online


Sunday, 14 February 2010





Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

Tribute to teachers


The best job in the world,

Opens the eyes of man,

Opens the brain of man,

Gives knowledge,

Shares knowledge,

Helps us see the world through,

This knowledge...

The light of the life,

Is your teaching,

Your occupation is a success;

You give the best to the world...

Doctors, lawyers, engineers, scientists,

The best citizens

My dearest teachers,

How can I find Gods like you,

Here on this Earth?

And, this is my tribute

For your great service.

I am a tree at Haggala Gardens

I am a beautiful tree at Haggala Botanical Gardens. I am very tall and somewhat thin. The gardeners look after me well. They put fertiliser, weedicides and some chemicals for me to grow well. In return I give fresh juicy fruit and shade.

The main thing is I take in carbon dioxide and give you the most vital oxygen.

I also help rain to come down. Some parts of mine can be used as medicine too. There is a limited period that I can grow. So, when I am fully grown, you can cut me and make use of my timber.

I am very thankful to you for looking after me so well. May I appeal to you to do the same to other trees as well. Thank you for treating us well.

My ambition in life

Most of us have an ambition in life. Without an ambition there would be no purpose in life. An ambition gives us a sense of direction. My ambition is to become a doctor. I want to be a doctor not only to earn a lot of money, but also serve the people. A good doctor is loved by everyone.

After completing my internship I prefer to work in a remote area where most doctors would not like to serve in. People living in such remote areas do not have the services of a doctor. They don’t get timely help when they are ill. I like to work selflessly and treat the poor who undergo a lot of hardship to obtain medical services. These people cannot afford the fees of specialised doctors.

I would try my best not to charge any money from very poor people. I think by being a good, kind and skilled doctor I could serve humanity. I will have to undergo many difficulties, but I would never neglect them. Some day I will fulfil my ambition and become a doctor.

[ Your Poems]

Shepherd and the tiger

Poor shepherd boy
Got no attention from others.
He was so isolated
Far away from those
Who never cared for him
But were known to him

He was thinking about a tactic
To get such people to act
Was dreaming of people coming
Running solely to help him

In the jungle he shouted
Dreadfully and repeatedly
“Tiger, Tiger”
Calling for help, fearfully

People around the area
Fearing danger
Ran into the jungle
Towards the noise made
By the poor shepherd

Seeing the crowd coming
Shepherd laughed loudly
When they realised it’s a joke
People returned home biting their teeth
And passing nasty remarks

When they heard again
A similar cry for help
Another day that shepherd made
All kept silent
Because of the lie
They had earlier experienced

Finally the tiger did come
And the lie actually became truth
But....the shepherd was killed!

Importance of micro-organisms

Micro-organisms are the organisms which we cannot see with the naked eye. They can be observed only through a hand lense or a microscope. Bacteria, fungi, virus, algae and protozoans are the common types of micro-organisms. In each and every action we take, there will be a good as well a bad reaction. Likewise, though micro-organisms are responsible for the spread of diseases and food spoilage, they are also beneficial.

Do you wonder how? Micro-organisms that grow on moist leaves debris and waste matter decay them and produce compost which is a nutrient rich organic manure. These micro-organisms eat the paste found in between plant fibers and allow us to extract the fiber easily. Micro-organisms play a key role in the manufacture of products such as cheese, curd, yoghurt and vinegar. They are also essential to produce antibiotics and immunisation vaccines. Alcohol and tobacco too are produced with the help of such micro-organisms. The tanning and softening of the hide of animals' used to make shoes, belts, bags and many more articles, are done with the help of these organisms. When preparing thosai, hoppers and bread too mirco-organisms are used in the fermentation process. So, it is very clear that micro-organisms are very useful to us in innumerable ways in our day-to-day activities. It is our duty to destroy the harmful micro-organisms while safeguarding the useful ones.


Migratory birds

This is the time many birds migrate to Sri Lanka. Birds love the sunlight, so as the warmth decreases and the cold season starts, they migrate to other countries that have warmer climates.There are birds that migrate from South Eastern Asia, Europe and Africa, the Pacific Central Asia and India.

They have different routes which they use to migrate, but unlike human travellers, they need no visas. Most of them come to Sri Lanka because during winter it is not only cold, there is also a short periods of day light. As a result searching for food becomes a huge problem. The other reason is that they find it difficult to find shelter, especially when trees are covered with snow. Sri Lanka has plenty of food for them. These birds prefer the lagoons in the eastern part of the country. They fly into areas such as Kumana, Bundala and Kalpitiya. These birds organise their tour in a very interesting way. They fly in large flocks. A powerful and experienced adult bird leads while the others follow. They often fly in the shape of the letter 'V' or the head of an arrow.

When the lead bird is tired it exchanges places with another powerful bird. Of course they protect the ones that are not strong.These birds teach humans a few lessons. Their co-operation, protection of the weaker ones, and the way they organise the long flight they have to face, are valuable lessons.

As the cold season in countries change some birds fly back home. But it is said that some birds stay without flying back home.

It's me

I am Rajinda Hettige. I am nine years old. I live in Rambukkana. I study in Grade four 'Olu' at Sujatha Vidyalaya, Rambukkana. I learn English, Mathematics, Buddhism, Sinhala and Tamil. I like English very much. My mother is an English teacher. My father is a businessman. I have a sister and a brother. They are studying. I like them very much. They also love me.

My favourite food is noodles, my favourite fruit is pineapple and my favourite drink is Milo.

I like to play hide and seek. My hobbies are running and walking. My ambition is to be a doctor.

Last day in Grade 7

December 9 last year was a memorable day for me because it was the final day in Grade 7. When I thought of the new classroom and all that was awaiting me in the new grade I was excited, but at the same time I was sad to leave the teachers and the classroom in which we had studied and had so much fun in. It was the place that had sheltered us and protected us for a whole year. We decided to organise a party on the last day. The night before the party I could not have a good night's sleep because I was dreaming about the party.

On the day of the party, early in the morning I walked up to the class carrying a big parcel of sweets which I was asked to supply. Each one handed over the things which they had agreed to supply, to the monitor.

The classroom had become a festival hall. Every one was busy; some were decorating, some arranging the food table and others were preparing the cool drinks. Like on other days, our class teacher Mrs. Sewwandi Dayarathna could not enter the classroom freely because a ribbon was tied across the entrance. She had to first cut the ribbon and enter the class. We all cheered and welcomed her with a lot of respect, as grateful students. Other teachers who were invited also participated. They were all happy with the small party we had organised, but were more glad that we had all passed to the next grade with good marks. It is they who lifted us up to Grade 8. That is why we felt deeply sad about leaving them. We all bowed and honoured them. My eyes were brimming with tears, because I was really sad.

How to be a good friend

Friendship is one of the most valuable gifts of life. We all love to have friends. Not only humans, but also animals like to make friends with other animals and even humans. To be a good friend we should be polite, humble and helpful. When a friend is in trouble we must always be helpful. We should share whatever we have with them. "A friend in need is a friend in deed", it is said. A person who finds a genuine friend is very fortunate. So, in our life we must strive to have good friends.

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