by R. S. Karunaratne
Be familiar with 'other' and
'Other' is a determiner that means a second one or more of the same.
It can also mean a different one, or different ones. When 'other',
follows 'a' or 'an', it is written as 'another'.
1. 'Another' is used to talk about one more thing of the same type,
or a different thing of the same type. It is usually followed by a
singular noun.
Give me another box of matches.

These biscuits are nice. Would you like
another one ? |
We'll meet another day to discuss this matter.
Do you want another exercise book?
If you can't do it, another person will be hired.
We have another room for boarders.
2. 'Other' is used to talk about the second or two things of the same
type. It is followed by a singular noun.
Her other sister is a teacher.
I like this, not the other one.
Do you have anything other than that?
Most of us do not think of the other man.
Where were you the other day?
3. 'Other' can be used to talk about the rest of the things, or
different things. Here, 'other' is followed by a plural noun.
You do the marketing ; I have got other things to worry about.
We have so many other problems, apart from the cost of living.
Do you have any other problems ?
Do your duty; do not worry about what other people do.
4. 'Another' is used to talk about an additional thing, the second of
two things, or the rest, when these have been mentioned before. We also
use 'other + one' and 'others'.
These biscuits are nice. Would you like another one ?
I carried my briefcase in one hand and an umbrella in the other.
I'll look after this child and you'll have to protect the others.
Some dogs are vicious others are lovable.
I have read this book but not the other one.
5. 'Another' is used to talk about a number of additional things. It
is usually followed by a plural noun.
It will take another three or four days.
I want to buy another two pens of the same colour.
6. The following words are frequently used before the word 'other'.
We are fond of each other.
Do you have any other book on the subject?
Let us go to some other place.
There is no other solution to this problem.

Some dogs are vicious others
are lovable. |
So many other people will apply for this post.
7. The following words are frequently used after the word 'other'.
If other people do not like me, that's their problem.
She does not take milk, yoghurt or other such dairy products.
I have to think of so many other things before taking a decision.
Read the instructions on the other side .
8. 'Yet' and 'just' are frequently used before the word 'another'.
This is yet another victory for him.
I feel like just another member of the club.
9. The following words are usually used after 'another'.
Is there another way of doing this?
Let's meet another time.
Another man would say the same thing.
Another thing why I applied for the post was the proximity of the
We'll go there another day.
Another year has dawned.
Another reason why I don't like her is that she is hot-tempered.
We cannot find another person to do this job.
10. Set phrases
I didn't see anything else other than hills. (except for)
I think I met him the other day
We used to meet every other day. (every second day)
I think I've met you somewhere or other. (memory is vague)
Rabbits are innocent. Tigers, on the other hand, are ferocious.
Life is full of problems. In other words, it is not easy to lead a
happy life.
Starters :
Statements and questions
Look at the following sentences:
The dog is man's best friend.
Honesty is the best policy.
A tiger has sharp claws.
The elephant has a long trunk.
Butter is made from milk.
All the sentences given above are statements. They must end with a
full stop or period.
Now, look at the following sentences:
How are you today?
What do you do for a living?

Do you remember my name? |
When are you going to India?
Do you remember my name?
Can you give me the directions to the Majestic City?
All the sentences given above are questions. They must end with a
question mark.
Put a full stop or a question mark at the end of the following
sentences. Check your answers with the key
1. Bees make honey
2. Why are you late today
3. Sugar is sweet
4. Where did you put my pen
5. I go home for dinner
6. When are you coming to see me
7. The rose is a beautiful flower
8. Who told you I was ill
9. A young cat is called a kitten
10. Will you come swimming with me
1. ., 2. ?, 3. ., 4. ?, 5. ., 6. ?,
7. ., 8. ?, 9. ., 10. ?.
Let's make a word triangle
Here is an interesting word game for starters. Follow the clues and
fill the grid accordingly. Check your answers with the key.
1. Seventh letter in the alphabet
2. To move or travel from one place to another
3. Gross Domestic Product (Abbreviation)
4. Competitive play or sport
5. The third letter of the Greek alphabet
6. To jump or run about in a playful manner
7. A passage between rows of seat in a theatre
8. Soldiers living in a town or fort to defend it
9. Talking too much, especially about unimportant things
1. G
2. GO
3. GDP
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