Unhealing sore....
by Fazlana Nizamdeen
A sense of guilt crossed through
the mind of young Felicity as she sat on the doorsteps scanning over the
paper that was clutched in her hand. She cursed herself, for being
ignorant in regards to the mystery that lay beneath her life. Were the
contents of this paper really meant for her? She stormed her brain in
It was ages, since she attempted in discovering the secrecy, that
many preferred to conceal from her - especially her parents. And, now,
when the reality of her life was unveiled to her, she felt, as if a huge
boulder had rolled over intending to obstruct the light that was
gleaming in her heart for long.
Felicity did perfectly well in her studies and made her teachers beam
with pride at her achievements. But, whenever, she handed her year-end
examination's result sheet over to her parents, she perceived her Ma's
eyes brimming with tears. 'Ma, won't you hug me', she would sometimes
inquire, unable to grasp her strange attitude.
Felicity's suspicion gathered momentum, unfortunately, failing in her
attempts to excavate the reason behind the sudden caressing and fondling
attitudes of her parents. She was now, a teenager and well capable of
standing on her own feet, to face the challenges of the changing world,
but, why in the world are her parents still shadowing her, tending to
keep a strict eye on her behaviour? It seemed futile to the young girl.
Moreover, her curiosity was aroused, when her mother prohibited her
from approaching a locked cupboard. What in the world was hidden there?
The little girl felt unsure. But the consolation and assurance of the
fact that there was someone behind, to ease the sorrows and misfortunes
in her life in the person of her bosom friend, Rebecca made felicity
forget the oddities in her life for a little while.
Felicity's eye caught a sudden glimpse, when one evening, her mother
dropped a paper as she hurried out with some documents from the locked
cupboard. She picked it up, her hands trembling with anxiety... God...
it said, she.... She was a.... victim? Yes, she was a victim of deadly
cancer! She sat stunned on the doorsteps, her eyes swelling with tears;
her heart wailing in silence - not knowing if Rebecca's sympathising
mind would ever wipe out her pathetic tears and the misery that had
befallen her life. |