Never to say Goodbye...
I see you as a kind-hearted, sensitive one. But why couln’t you
understand my love for you? It was indispensable. you are a close friend
of mine and may be I have misunderstood your friendship. But now what
has happened to that bond?
I have even lost the friendship. Now, every word you speak with me;
your actions they all hint me that I have lost a friend in you. How can
you say ‘Goodbye’?
I am so sure that I didn’t hurt you even by a word.
You are the one who taught me that life gives hundreds of reasons to
cry and friends give a thousand reasons to smile. Hope that you can
remember so as a good friend can you let me cry?
The only question for me without an answer is your silent departure.
Don’t forget that you are the music of my life.
C 2
I miss you so much
Very Fair Tall smart guy (Matt.........)
I saw you the first time in a boutique; after that we met several
times at the same place. One day you tried to talk with me but I ignored
you I don’t know why I behaved like that; please forgive me for my
mistake. It has been three years since we met I don’t have any way
contacting you. I miss you so much. I want to know whether you have any
feelings for me. Please contact me soon. I will never forget you till I
die. – Priyanthi
Valentine day if I remember right
As feast celebrated with great delight
Long ago in ancient Rome, I read
Even before Christianity spread
Number of boys drew names of girls
The girls too drew boys’ names on urns.
It was on the feast of Lupercalia, February 15
Now it is celebrated on February 14
Everyone of you rise and shine all of you are
my valentine
- Emilda S. Douglas