Carbon Crossing to make Puttalam energy-efficient

President Mahinda Rajapaksa hands over a package of CFL bulbs to
a recipient. Deputy Minister of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
Neomal Perera looks on.
Carbon Crossing, an ecological services company specialising in
climate change projects in collaboration with Co2 balance embarked on a
program to provide energy efficient lighting to houses in the district
of Puttalam and Chilaw. The project which was launched recently will see
the distribution of CFL bulbs to 500 families as a pilot project and in
its first phase extending to 50,000 homes with approximately 200,000
quantity of bulbs made available. The program will cover 1 million bulbs
by 2012 reaching every household in the district. This is by far the
single largest project of its kind being carried out which will see a
huge reduction in carbon emissions and the power consumed.
Carbon Crossing is partnering with Neomal Perera, Deputy Minister of
Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. Minister Neomal will champion this
concept to make his province the first to move into use of low energy
bulbs, reduction of Carbon emissions and contribute to climate control.
The President launched this program at 'Temple Trees' on the 1st of
February 2010, with a ceremonial hand-over of a package of CFL bulbs to
the recipients.
A spokesman for Carbon Crossings said "As an organization our focus
is on rural development and urban energy efficient projects. Carbon
Crossings aims to drive energy efficiency across the country helping
governments and companies to address energy efficiency and balance
energy deficits.
Carbon Crossing are collaborating with Neomal Perera's energy drive
by helping to increase awareness on energy conservation in the community
and materially supporting their efforts by a campaign to provide low
energy CFL bulbs.
Household consumption of electricity accounts for over 35% of total
consumption of electricity in Sri Lanka. Given the consumption of
incandescent bulbs, CFLs use only 20 to 33 percent of the power of these
Carbon Crossing by adopting the right technology can substantially
benefit the country's energy security by its conservation and help
manage the demand increase which has been growing at approximately 6%
per annum and reduce the per capita electricity consumption. Carbon
Crossing intends to provide LED lighting in the future and planning to
set up a production plant in Sri Lanka.