Raining iguanas :
An effect of global warming?
by Uditha WIJESENA

An iguana lies frozen, or possibly just in suspended animation,
on the ground at a Florida Keys park following a cold snap.
It was only the other day that I saw a news feature on the BBC World
Service that USA's Sunshine State, Florida is raining of iguanas. (BBC
World Service - News - Raining reptiles why iguanas are falling from
Florida's trees). Interested in nature my immediate response was to get
the full story. We have heard of raining cats and dogs which is
idiomatic English to express the severity of rain and of raining fish
which is quite common in the tornado prone Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of
Mexico. Tornados that originate in the sea, suck up sea water and if
shoals of small fish are intercepted they too are lifted in the tower to
be dropped with the heavy rain that is associated with a tornado.
Raining iguanas was something else. This was said to be the effect of
the severe cold that was to be experienced in Florida known as the
Sunshine State due to its favourable pleasant weather found year round.
Inquiries from my kith and kin in Florida confirmed this but they saw
no iguanas and it had nothing to do with rain or water at all. In fact
they were the New World Anoles. Anoles are the equivalent of Angamidae (Katussa
or garden lizard) in this part of the world. The world is referred to as
Old and New in the study of Natural History, and the Americas are termed
as the New World.
All Angamidae and Anoles fall into the group of reptiles in the
classification of Zoology and are termed cold blooded animals. This
meaning their body temperature is not constant and varies with the
surrounding atmospheric temperature. So now the question is interesting.
If reptiles are to adjust their body temperature from the surrounding
climate, there is no reason for the Anoles to be affected and fall off
their tree top abodes. The complication of the matter is as complicating
as the discussions of the world leaders trying to intermingle climate
change with intended short term economic advantages to their benefit.
Evolution as Charles Darwin said is a slow process of change taking
place every day in this world that we live-in and it is so slow that the
change taking place within us is very negligible and thereby adaptable.
So the reason for adaptability is nothing but the slowness.
What if this change was to become instant? Trouble! This is what
happened to the Florida Anoles. What most living creatures do with
change in climate to cold weather is to migrate to warmer favourable
locations. But there are certain others that cannot migrate for various
reasons and they stay back. Evolution has adapted these creatures to
hibernate during these periods, which is a very long sleep of around six
months with no food or water to which their bodies have got adapted with
the regularly occurring weather patterns.
This winter the temperatures in Florida plummeted to around 0c. This
is very much below the normal temperature. While cold-blooded Anoles
prefer temperatures of around 35c, their blood circulation is affected
and become immobile in climates of around 5c. This is not the usual
hibernation that we know. In hibernation the creature is quite aware of
it and it finds a nook or an abode safe from predators to hibernate.
This was a new experience to which the Anoles were not ready and their
bodies simply shut off; thereby they lost their grip on the tree
branches and fell to the ground. Many were run over by traffic or were
predatored by cats etc; most never recovered as the cold temperature
prevailed for over 48 hours at times. The lucky one's were collected by
the wildlife authorities and were incubated to see another day.
This is just an example of what would happen if the world is to
change its climate in a bit of a haste to which our bodies could not
adapt to in a hurry. The consequences are major, dreadful and severe.
This is only a glimpse of how a group of creatures could vanish from the
face of the Earth over night.
Let's now see the reason behind this unusual drop in the temperatures
when there is so much concern on the issue of Global Warming, while
temperature monitors report wide scale Global Cooling. Yes, the cooling
is no doubt the inverse effect of Global Warming. The planet earth is
warming from the North Pole to the South Pole. General temperature is up
by 0.8c and even more in the sensitive Polar Regions. The heat is not
only melting glaciers and sea ice; it's also shifting precipitation
patterns and setting animals on the move.
Ecosystems will change; some species will move farther north or
become more successful. Others won't be able to move and could become
extinct, like the case with the Anoles.
Only four years ago, it was commonly accepted that the West Antarctic
ice sheet was stable, but unexpected melting in the region is causing
scientists to re-think this assumption. The entire Antarctic ice sheet
holds enough water to raise global sea levels by 62 meters (203 feet).
This melting ice and the increased precipitation in the Amazon
discharging large amounts of fresh water into the Caribbean sea has
affected in the density of sea water to drop, thereby affecting the sea
currents also known to act as a conveyor belt, transporting warm surface
waters toward the Poles and cold, deep waters toward the Equator. This
belt is now said to be broken with the change in the densities of water
and the cold water in the Florida Sea penetrated far down to the reef
and the affect was devastating this year. The famous Miami Beach was to
be strewn with dead reef fish that could not survive the cold currents
that sank deeper to the reef.
It would be some time for us in the tropics to realize this change in
climate as we do not encounter that much of a temperature variation
seasonally. However, the unusual high precipitation and the severe
droughts will affect our agriculture which is highly depended on weather
patterns which would change irregularly out of season.
The changes in marine life would be the first to experience the
affect of Global Warming; initially with falling temperatures and the
change in sea water densities towards the poles which would eventually
settle to warmer seas in this water planet of ours, which is named The