Paradox of environmental economics :
Folly of putting a price on nature
by Andrew SIMMS
a price on nature becomes meaningless if we treat the ecosystems upon
which we depend as mere commodities with a price for trading.
The economy is no stranger to creating its own fantasy world with
little or no relation to the real one. We witnessed the damage that can
cause when the banks thought they had stumbled on financial alchemy and
could transform bad debt into good - economic base metal into gold.
it's possible that a much bigger error is coming to light. The rise and
rise of global corporations lifted on a wave of apparent productivity
gains may have been little more than a mask for the reckless liquidation
of natural capital. It's as if we've been so distracted by our
impressive speed of economic travel that we forgot to look at the fuel
gauge or the cloud of smog left in our wake.A new UN report estimates
that accounting for the environmental damage of the world's 3,000
biggest companies would wipe out one-third of their profits. Any precise
figure, however, is a matter of how risk is quantified and of where you
draw the line. In 2006, for example, the New Economics Foundation (NEF),
of which I am the policy director, looked at the oil companies BP and
Shell, who together had recently reported profits of £25bn. By applying
the Treasury's own estimates of the social and environmental cost of
carbon emissions, we calculated that the total bill for those costs
would reach £46.5bn, massively outweighing profits and plunging the
companies into the red.
Yet in exercises like this, we quickly hit the paradox of
environmental economics. By putting a price on nature, hopefully it
makes it less likely that we will treat the world, and its natural
resources, as if it were a business in liquidation. Yet there is a point
when it becomes meaningless to treat the ecosystems upon which we depend
as mere commodities with a price for trading. For example, what price
would you put on the additional tonne of carbon which, when burned,
triggers irreversible, catastrophic climate change? Who would have the
right to even consider selling off the climate upon which civilisation
depends? The avoidance of such damage is literally priceless.
If that sounds dramatic, consider that last September a large,
international group of scientists published a paper in the journal
Nature which identified nine key planetary boundaries for key biological
systems upon which we depend. They found that we had already
transgressed three of those, and were on the cusp of several others. All
are potential points of no return as such complex systems begin
The huge advantage of the UN work is that it attempts to improve the
feedback system between the economy and its ultimate parent company, the
biosphere. Better risk assessment and value measurement is essential to
help prevent what happened to banks happening to the planet.The concept
of a balanced budget, so loved by conservatives in relation to finance
and spending, seems to be an alien concept when the consumption of
natural resources and the production of waste is concerned. Yet it is
far more important to achieve a balanced environmental budget than an
economic one. You can always print more money, but you can't print more
planet. As John Ruskin put it, "There is no wealth but life."
Andrew Simms is policy director of the New Economics Foundation (NEF)
and author of Ecological Debt. |