Unite to beat all odds
Sarath Fonseka, who fell from grace to disgrace after his
recent outbursts, has again proved beyond any doubt and unmasked the
real traitors and the people who are behind the greatest betrayal.
The ulterior motives of Fonseka and the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP),
which has offered him political patronage, have been starkly exposed
after the retired General gave a shameful interview to the controversial
Channel 4.
The UK-based TV channel has been extremely sympathetic towards the
LTTE, which was once considered the most ruthless terrorist outfit in
the world, which is still banned in the US, UK, Canada and the European
Union. Channel 4 aired concocted stories on Sri Lanka and telecast
controversial video footage which attempted to display atrocities
alleged to have been committed by Sri Lanka’s Security Forces against
The controversial video footage produced to appease the West and
discredit Sri Lanka’s valiant Security Forces was craftily fabricated.
It was tendentiously put together to bring the Government of Sri Lanka
into disrepute and denigrate the worldwide reputation of the Security
Forces in combatting the deadly Tiger terrorists.
The Channel 4 distorted the ‘picture’ to woo support for the LTTE and
discredit Sri Lanka. The unsubstantiated and admittedly unverifiable
video footage was an attempt by elements opposed to the success of the
reconciliation process under way in Sri Lanka and the ongoing efforts to
rebuild the country after nearly three decades of LTTE terror.
People are acutely aware how the Channel 4 projected terrorist leader
Velupillai Prabhakaran as the hero of the Tamils during Sri Lanka’s
battle against terror. Strangely enough, the very same Channel 4 is now
attempting to portray Fonseka as the hero of the Sinhalese.
Fonseka made a vain attempt to discredit the Forces he once commanded
when he said that the Defence Secretary had ordered to kill the LTTE
leaders who tried to surrender waving white flags. Fonseka’s statement
during his recent unsuccessful presidential election campaign had been
fabricated to gain the support of the West and attract funds from the
Tamil Diaspora.
Fonseka ‘smuggled out’ a hand-written interview to Channel 4,
apparently through his lawyers in a sinister manner. What is important
is not the manner in which Channel 4 had obtained the interview, but how
Fonseka had abused certain facilities provided to him on humanitarian
grounds by the President.
Moreover, the Channel 4 interview raises another question of breach
of discipline on the part of the former Army Commander.
It is important to ascertain the stance the JVP would take on this
deplorable situation. After the United National Party and Mangala
Samaraweera isolated Fonseka following the presidential election defeat,
the JVP has been ‘using’ Fonseka to cover its political nudity at the
forthcoming general elections.
In the backdrop of the general election, many interested elements,
both local and international, are working round the clock to achieve
their objectives. Having failed in such attempts at the presidential
election, they are again hoping against hope for a regime change and to
empower pro-Western puppets who would dance the fandango round Uncle
The UN Secretary General Ban-Ki Moon’s controversial stand to appoint
a panel to advise him on Sri Lanka too has coincidentally surfaced. It
is not up to us to ascertain the nexus to this campaign against Sri
Lanka and a fearless leader whose sole concern is for the people of the
land he belongs to.
The Government has reiterated its stand that the proposed move by the
UN Secretary General to appoint a Panel of Experts to advise him on
accountability issues relating to Sri Lanka is an infringement of the
sovereignty of an independent Member State, without prejudice to the
application of enforcement measures under Chapter VII.
The UN chief should facilitate the proposed visit to Sri Lanka by the
UN Under-Secretary General for Political Affairs Lynn Pascoe. Such a
visit after next month’s general elections would enable him to assess
first hand, the progress made on key fronts and work out details of the
proposed domestic mechanism to be set up by the Government.
Sri Lanka can deal with such a mechanism as it has already
full-fledged local mechanisms such as the judiciary and commissions of
inquiry. Moon should take note that the situation in Sri Lanka is not on
the agenda of the UN Security Council, the General Assembly or the UN
Human Rights Council.
Hence, Moon’s proposed action can only be construed as an intrusive
unilateral initiative. On the other hand, the timing of the proposed
initiative coincides with the elections in Sri Lanka. Is it a deliberate
attempt to gain political mileage for the Opposition?
A move of this nature would also either directly or indirectly
support local and international apologists of the LTTE, especially the
remnants of the LTTE who are still active outside Sri Lanka.
Meanwhile, the International Crisis Group (ICG) has also published an
unfavourable report on Sri Lanka and the human rights situation in the
country. That could be expected as the two members of the ICG who were
the main architects of the report were Louise Arbour, the former UN High
Commissioner for Human Rights, and the other member being Gareth Evans,
a former Foreign Affairs Minister of Australia.
The ICG report does not represent the views or aspirations of the
Tamils living in Sri Lanka but only fulfils the aspirations and the
demand for a Tamil homeland by the Tamil Diaspora.
All Sri Lankans, irrespective of their ethnic, religious or political
affiliations, should stand as one against all international conspiracies
that would undermine the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the
country. If we are united, we could defeat all odds. |