Excon in Batticaloa
Having launched an innovative program of staging regional
construction trade fairs and exhibitions with the inaugural event staged
recently in Trincomalee, the Chamber of Construction Industry Sri Lanka
is now moving to the District of Batticaloa.
'Excon-Batticaloa' the second of the series will be held on May 8 and
9 at Lighthouse School Hindu College, Batticaloa. The event is organized
in collaboration with the Batticaloa District Chamber of Commerce and
Industry and the National Construction Association of Sri Lanka Eastern
(Batticaloa) Branch. The trade fair is designed to enhance capacities
and competitiveness of the Batticaloa District construction industry.
The Chamber will launch a Construction Craftsman Training Program in
Batticaloa with the assistance of the Government of Germany and in
collaboration with GTZ on this occasion.
With the Eastern Province - Batticaloa District accounting for more
than 235 constructors who are outside the Major and Specialist
categories, "Excon - Batticaloa" will expose this constructor community
to new technologies and products, and provide them access to
information. The event will also seek to build linkages between larger
constructors outside the district and those in Batticaloa.
The Chamber of Construction Industry (CCI) has been continuously
advocating the need to deploy regional contractors on infrastructure
development and construction related projects in the respective regions.
CCI is confident that bridging the gap between more developed
construction industries and the less developed in the conflict affected
regions is an essential mechanism to accelerate reconstruction and
development activities in the North and the East.
'Excon - Batticaloa' and the Construction Craftsman Training
Programme will undoubtedly serve as ideal tools in a conflict
transformation exercise and need to be supported by all stakeholders of
the domestic construction industry ranging from larger constructors,
professional institutes such as the Sri Lanka Institute of Architects,
the INGOs and financial institutions among others.