Record performance at CSE
by Shirajiv SIRIMANE
With the economy performing to expectations and foreign direct
investments hitting a record high, the Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE) too
lived up to its potential with the All Share Price Index rising to an
all-time high of 3,952.45 before closing at 3,939.62. The Milanka Price
Index also reached its highest ever mark, closing at 4,524.99.
The turnover shot over a billion rupees with over 80 per cent
domestic purchases to close at Rs. 1.149 billion while the share volume
closed slightly over 33 million shares. The market capitalisation (total
value) stood at Rs. 1,258.9 billion, the highest ever market
capitalisation recorded at the CSE.
The CSE had recorded its highest ever market capitalisation of Rs.
1,220.9 billion on February 8, 2010. Its highest daily turnover of Rs.
33.4 billion had been recorded on April 1, 2008.
The bourse has gained 16.4 percent so far this year, making it Asia's
best performing market.
Economic analysts said that with a firm government, more investments
would come Sri Lanka's way as it would spur investor confidence.
Meanwhile, Minister of Environment Champika Ranawaka said they are
confident that Sri Lanka would have its own natural gas and oil reserves
in two years.
"We can see the first oil well in two years," he assured.
The Minister also said that they should take cues from the economies
of Singapore, Japan and India and more public-private partnerships
should be encouraged.
He also said that soon all citizens would have their own electricity
and the government would not encourage more coal power plants. "Sampur
would be the last power plant to be built with outsourced energy," he
Ranawaka emphasised that great environmental concerns were raised
when coal-powered electricity plants were launched and that Sri Lanka
has maintained international standards.
He said Sri Lanka would be looking at natural energy and green power
would be the future with the Government exploiting the sea, wind and sun
to exploit this energy.
He said the five main pillars of future development would be power,
IT, ports and airports and an educated works force.
The near two-third majority given to the government would enable the
stimulation of economic growth without hindrance and would lead the
country to become the Wonder of Asia in the next four years. |