Sunday Observer Online


Sunday, 9 May 2010





Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

An endless struggle

A loud cry of a newborn infant
Struggling to take the first breath
A crucial period of time in life
Learning to respond to stimuli
Rapid physical growth which demands food
Of high nutritional value.
From grade one, upto thirteen...
Drowning in a sea of knowledge
Struggling to get a satisfactory occupation
Then realising the danger of being alone
Without anybody to walk hand-in-hand
Look after you in the old age...
Heart cries for love as well
Searching for a remarkable companion
Meeting soothsayers, checking horoscopes
and matching planets.
A struggle to get married...
The sense of life, based upon children
A struggle to bring up children
and lift them up in the society..
Now it's the old age,
With little physical strength
Struggling to get away from the struggle of life...
and attain tranquillity, which leads to a pious life...
Struggling to release the last breath..
trapped inside a decayed body
A lodge for sorrows and pains
Does the struggle ends up?....

W.K.S. Inoka Weerasuriya


The daring hazardous winding waves
Rumble tumble along they haste
Overlapping one another
Rolling all the way.

The dusk falls and the birds chirp away
The sinking sun sends red and gold rays
To magnify the world while the fading day
Fascinates the earth with bright coloured sprays.

A silhouette in the far ocean
Till he disappears into the horizon
Watch their father sail
Hoping he would never fail.

Smoke curls in a hut nearby
A woman sits and fries
A dog barks, a child cries
A voice of lull-a-byes heard with a sigh.

He risks his life for daily bread
She sits alone, a throb in her head
Tears in her eyes just about to shed
A struggle to survive, and to live ahead!

Swarnamali Rajaguru

Blind person

In his gloomy world
Only the darkness unfurled
With the sullen heart
With the dark mind

Did the blindness
Make him hopeless?
He could find,
As he was blind
"What's day?
What's night?
He would murmur;
He could not see the day
Only the darkness saw he
Only the tears of mourning
Which were pouring
On his face
Shone as the light
Without the sight
Like a half-lighted candle
Which dimmed
Little by little

Everything was hidden
Among his eyes
As the sombre clouds,
Covered the glittering sun

Only listening and realising
With a great desire of seeing
The world he lives in
And to see himself,
But nothing else

With great sombre
The wrinkled eyes
Expressing heart-break feelings
The blindeyes,
With the closed eyelids
Without any vision
As an unlighted wick
On a lamp.

With the white cane
In his smooth hand
He would step forward
Creeping slowly like a snail
And slowly tiptoe
Followed by the others
With the hopeless mind
Pondering of
the "Fortune"
He has gained.

Ashani Jayasundara

Frosty rain drops

Walking along passing
All the natures trials
That come and vanishes frosty rain drops...
To open eye wings
With all the night
Not for an hour or two
But, more days than that
I was looking for...
Silence, to play the main role
With a sweet melody in heart
When will the sun come?
To make my frosty
Fingertips warm,
For the falling rain drops
Are cold for the lonely mind.

Fazra Ishad


In unfocused sequence
A continuous flow
Memories of a past
Recalled as thoughts

Weary tired muscles
Aching limbs and thirst
solitude and soliloquy
Influencing life

spontaneous words
Tremble through lips
A parched tongue
voice a shaky mind.

In thought many jump
A coarse will blocks
An eternal flow
That scorch the past

An effort to forget
To thrustout
Memories evoke wealth
The agitating pulse

The burning flesh
Curse on retribution
sadly ignorant
To forget it meant
To think anew
So start once again.

Miran Perera

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