Global financial crisis re-shaping the Ad Industry - MTI
Speaking at IAA Bahrain Chapter in preparation for the IAA World
Congress in Moscow, Hilmy Cader, CEO of MTI Consulting presented a paper
on 'Shaping Marcom Strategies - after the Global Financial Crisis'
He said the year 2009 saw the sharpest decline in global advertising
since the Great Depression.
Although there are signs of bottoming, Global Ad Spend growth
forecasted for 2010 is barely 1%. By contrast, Internet Advertising grew
by 10% in 2009 and is expected to experience double digit growth and
even overtake print advertising by the end of this decade.
Brands, 'Is the common' equity that both Agencies and Clients
commonly manage, and cautioned that global mega brands have continued to
lose trust, which is the very essence of what separates a brand from a
From Tiger Woods to Bernie Madoff, from IPL to the Greek economy, the
word has lost trust in brands, which has far reaching implications for
how companies shape their Marcom strategies.
He highlighted the direct impact of the global financial crisis on
Marcom, specifically how brand premiums have been challenged, and the
Clients increasingly looking for focused customer conversion as opposed
to conventional, broad brush media solutions.
In terms of Marcom Consequences, Clients will demand more
media-neutral solutions, a true 360 degree approach, which in turn means
Ad Agencies will need to be geared to adopt a bottom-line driven, more
scientific approach to Marcom Mix Selection as opposed to the more
conventional and narrower media selection paradigm.
He emphasized that the focus should centre on consumer lifestyle
integration and in doing so the 'Marcom Power' of the retailer needs to
be factored in.
The growing penetration and consumer affinity of social media must be
an integral part of any Marcom Mix selection model.
Cader underscored the growing trend towards 'Pay for Performance',
citing the likes of Coke and P&G who have started rewarding Agencies
based on results, which means Agencies need to be leaner and agile in
terms of variable cost as opposed to being saddled with high fixed
In parting, he said that more and more clients will be singing 'Show
me the money' and that agencies will be left with choice of either
dancing to the same tune or facing the music!