DFCC Bank in forefront of development lending
DFCC Bank, the only national level development bank in Sri Lanka
which has been vigorously pursuing its development lending role over the
last 55 years, has made an unmatched contribution to the country's
development efforts. During the first two decades since independence,
the country was predominantly following a closed economic policy with
public sector being given the major responsibility of spearheading the
growth in almost all economic sectors.
DFCC was the only bank which was supporting the development oriented
projects in the private sector even during that time. Although post 1977
liberalisation and associated private sector centric policies gave
prominence to the private sector, the emergence of civil war and
political instability retarded the enthusiasm of the private sector.
Yet, the economy continued to grow displaying the resilience of Sri
Lankan economy even in worst environments maintaining an average GDP
growth rate of 4-6% over the last two decades.
The role played by DFCC Bank during such adverse economic conditions
has immensely helped the momentum to be maintained with the bank
encouraging entrepreneurs undertaking start up risk of capital
investments at the initial stages of such investments.
DFCC Bank has been instrumental in developing some of the industry
and service segments from a stage where neither banks nor entrepreneurs
were confident in making investments to a stage where such sectors have
now become part of the life line of Sri Lankan economy. Prominent among
such sectors which were born as a result of DFCC Bank sharing initial
risks include hotels and tourism, ready-made garments, privately owned
tea plantations and factories, renewable energy and mini hydro industry.
Most of the pioneering hotel projects and ready-made garment industries
set up in the initial phase of development of those industries came into
being with DFCC Bank undertaking not only the risks of loan capital but
also taking equity risk by contributing to both ordinary and preference
share capital of start-up ventures.
It is only after those pioneering ventures became success stories
that other banks joined in funding similar ventures. The mini hydro
industry which today has assumed financial and national significance was
pioneered by DFCC Bank sharing the initial risks with active equity
participation in addition to providing technical and financial
assistance. Such innovative and participatory approach by DFCC Bank
contributed to the resilience of economic activities in the country even
during most unfavourable periods.
With the ending of civil conflict and emergence of political and
social stability Sri Lanka has not seen for almost three decades, the
economy is now poised to take an unprecedented growth path aided by
massive infrastructure initiatives launched by the Government amidst an
expensive and decisive war effort.
If the country is to realize the full benefits of the emerging
opportunities, banks have to play a major role in facilitating private
sector investments.
DFCC Bank with its enormous resource base and expertise accumulated
over a period of 55 years as one of the oldest development banks in the
Asian region is gearing itself to be the catalyst in the new development