Central Bank signs MoU with Customs to stop money laundering
The Central Bank of Sri Lanka has signed a Memorandum of
Understanding (MoU) with Department of Sri Lanka Customs to share
information to facilitate the investigation and prosecution of persons
suspected of money laundering and terrorist financing.
The signing ceremony was held at Central Bank of Sri Lanka on May 14.
P. D. J. Fernando, Deputy Governor of Central Bank of Sri Lanka chaired
the signing ceremony while S. A. C. S. W. Jayatilake, Director General,
Sri Lanka Customs and D. M. Rupasinghe Director/FIU, signed the MoU on
behalf of the two institutions.
FIUs have been established in more than 130 countries as dedicated
institutions to facilitate fight against money laundering, terrorist
financing and other unlawful activities. In Sri Lanka, the FIU was
established in 2006 under the Financial Transactions Reporting Act (FTRA)
No. 6 of 2006 and now operates in the Central Bank of Sri Lanka.
Money launderers and terrorist financiers are most often
internationally connected and operate across borders. Financial
Intelligence Unit and other authorities such as Sri Lanka Customs also
need to be domestically and internationally organised to fight against
these activities.
Therefore, the MoU will facilitate greater co-operation and
co-ordination between the two institutions in the exchange of
information relating to the cross border currency
The MoU entered with Sri Lanka Customs is the first of such MoU to be
entered into with domestic agencies. Arrangements are being made to sign
similar MoUs with other domestic agencies to facilitate the exchange of
information thereby mutually benefiting Sri Lanka's effort in combating
Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing.