World's best animal jumper identified
Copepods are the world's best animal jumpers, suggests a new study
that determined these tiny crustaceans jump with greater muscle power
than kangaroos, frogs and all other impressive animal leapers.

Copepods have strong muscles on their legs |
Mackerel, herring, jellyfish and countless underwater predators feed
on copepods. To avoid becoming dinner, the one- to two-millimeter-long
crustaceans can accelerate to a speed of 500 body-lengths per second
when they perform an escape jump.
The tiny leg muscles used to execute such leaps are the most forceful
in the world relative to their size, according to the study, published
in the latest Journal of the Royal Society Interface.
"The trick is that copepods, unlike most other animals, have two
different propulsion systems: one for swimming and one for jumping,"
lead author Thomas Kiorboe told Discovery News."The muscles of the two
systems are not different in terms of performance, but the gearing of
the two lever systems is different, with the jumping system tuned for
maximum short-term force production," added Kiorboe, who is a professor
in the Oceanography Section at the Technical University of Denmark's
National Institute for Aquatic Resources.
He and colleagues Anders Andersen, Vincent Langlois and Hans Jakobsen
used a high-speed digital camera with high-resolution and super fast
frame rates to study copepods as they jumped.It doesn't take much to
rattle these always-wary, minuscule animals.
The scientists got them to jump by tapping on the side of the
aquarium where they were housed, or by approaching them with a pipette
tip. The copepods would also sometimes just spontaneously jump.
Detailed analysis of the video, followed by mathematical
calculations, determined that force production per unit muscle mass
during copepod escape jumps is approximately 10 times higher than
reported for any other animal. The researchers think this astounding
power is made possible by an optimal design of the swimming legs,
copepod musculature and overall body shape.
"The body is torpedo-shaped and is similar among all (copepod)
species," Kiorboe said.
Copepods swim by vibrating five sets of feeding appendages located
near their mouths. Jumps, on the other hand, are performed using their
four to five sets of legs that are sequentially kicked backward, using
water as the "substrate." Copepods do not jump off the sea floor or
plants, for example."Copepods are believed to be the most abundant
multicellular animals, not only in the ocean, but on this globe," he
added. "We believe that their unusual escape performance is key to their
evolutionary success."
Their jumping prowess also enables them to capture their own prey in
surprise attacks.
Viscous friction normally creates a thick layer of water surrounding
each copepod that would push prey away as the crustacean approaches. "By
attacking at high speed, this layer does not have time to evolve,"
Kiorboe said.Rhodri Armour, a researcher in the Department of Mechanical
Engineering at the University of Bath, has also studied animal and
insect jumping.
"In nature, there are two types of jumping: hopping, like a kangaroo,
which uses its fine control and direct muscle action to propel it along;
and 'pause and leap,' such as in a grasshopper, which stores muscle
energy in spring-like elements and rapidly releases it to make the
jump," Armour explained.Copepods jump like kangaroos, using their leg
muscles. Insects like grasshoppers and fleas, however, "cheat,"
according to Kiorboe.
"It is a spring force rather than a muscle force that drives the
jump," he said, even though the process begins with a certain amount of
muscle action.Scientists such as Armour analyze animal jumping in hopes
of duplicating the skill in manmade robots that might be used for
applications like space exploration, jumping over obstacles with
mechanical ease.A robot that can leap like a grasshopper has already
been built, but no researcher has yet been able to create a device that
jumps with the speed and force of a copepod C.ourtesy:Discovery News
[ Fast Facts]
* Copepods are the world's most powerful animal jumpers, new research
* The tiny crustaceans jump with greater force per muscle unit than
any other animal.
* Some scientists hope to duplicate the animals' ability in manmade
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