We all definitely die young!
by Nilma Dole
We all die young at some point
or another and why not in a metalling and gruelling way, right? So we’ve
all been there and done that but what’s the point of just living it up
if you don’t head bang as if it’s your last day on earth? This is what a
whole load of metalheads felt as they barged through the Back Door of
the British School auditorium to horn lock with the likes of Fuzz
Mechanix, Nemesis and Stig(mata)! Fuzz Mechanix played a number of
freakishly delightful songs thanking the drummer’s wife Tanya for
letting them bring the house down with their gorge.
 Whipping up delights much as Nirvana’s ‘Smells like Teenage Spirit’
and to even Pearl Jam, there even was a special song dedicated to
Ravin’s brother. The sound of Fuzzy went all ruzzy with their new sound,
quite a progression from their traditional alternative-meets-rock
melodies to give mayhem kick-butt ripped effects! Then along came
Nemesis with singer Mihindu mellowing the tone a tad bit with a special
tribute to his uncle and all the soldiers who fought with at the
They dedicated their song ‘Deshamanaya’ to our fallen heroes and also
played their popular ‘Chakithaya’ which even has a video to it! Stig did
the gig right with all their awesome and frenzy mayhem. Moss pit and
all, many of the ravers indeed turned up to really hear them hitting
their mettalic high notes. On a different note, it was nice to see the
sweat break and the volcano erupt.
Hitting with the hits from all their albums, Suresh of Stig even
announced that they would be launching a new album soon and it was only
a matter of time when they would reveal it all its glory! The best part
about the gig was that nobody was bored.
There were in-between screening of DVD footage of some of the best
metal bands around! The event featured a number of cameo attractions for
the first time for any Sri Lankan rock concert. There was even a stalls
involving Rock ‘n’ Roll merchandise and music accessories! It was even
quick for the bands to switch over which meant that the gig started at a
reasonably comfortable time and ended with one clean note! The awesome
gig was presented by Nadeesha Cabraal and his dudes at the Backdoor
Magazine and The Basement! Well done guys!