UN report warns of economic impact of biodiversity loss
The 'alarming' rate of nature loss could harm food sources and
industry, and exacerbate climate change, UN report warns

The critically endangered spoonbilled sandpiper from Asia
(left), and the critically endangered araripe manakin (right),
which is declining owing to ongoing habitat clearance for
agriculture within its tiny range in Brazil. |
The "alarming" rate at which species are being lost could have a
severe effect on humanity, conservationists warned today. Targets set
eight years ago by governments to reduce biodiversity loss by 2010 have
not been met, experts confirmed at a UN meeting in Nairobi, Kenya.
The third Global Biodiversity Outlook report said loss of wildlife
and habitats could harm food sources and industry, and exacerbate
climate change through rising emissions.
Achim Steiner, the executive director of the United Nations
Environment Programme (UNEP), said: "Humanity has fabricated the
illusion that somehow we can get by without biodiversity or that it is
somehow peripheral to our contemporary world: the truth is we need it
more than ever on a planet of 6 billion [people], heading to over 9
billion by 2050. Business as usual is no longer an option if we are to
avoid irreversible damage to the life-support systems of our planet."
The report confirms what a coalition of 40 conservation organisations
said last month, when they claimed there have been "alarming
biodiversity declines". The coalition said that pressures on the natural
world from development, over-use and pollution have risen since the
ambition to reduce the rate of biodiversity loss was set out in the 2002
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).
The first formal assessment of the target, published at the end of
April in the journal Science, is the basis of today's formal
declaration. This week's meeting will see governments pressed to take
the issues as seriously as climate change and the economic crisis."Since
1970 we have reduced animal populations by 30%, the area of mangroves
and sea grasses by 20% and the coverage of living corals by 40%," said
Prof Joseph Alcamo, chief scientist of the UNEP.
"These losses are clearly unsustainable, since biodiversity makes a
key contribution to human wellbeing and sustainable development." The
Science study compiled 30 indicators of biodiversity, including changes
in populations of species and their risk of extinction, the remaining
areas of different habitats, and the composition of communities of
plants and animals.
"Our analysis shows that governments have failed to deliver on the
commitments they made in 2002: biodiversity is still being lost as fast
as ever, and we have made little headway in reducing the pressures on
species, habitats and ecosystems," said Stuart Butchart, the paper's
lead author.
"Our data shows that 2010 will not be the year that biodiversity loss
was halted, but it needs to be the year in which we start taking the
issue seriously and substantially increase our efforts to take care of
what is left of our planet." The failure to meet the CBD target will not
be a surprise to experts or policymakers, who have warned for years that
too little progress was being made. Last month the head of the IUCN
species survival commission, Simon Stuart, told the Guardian that for
the first time since the dinosaurs, species were believed to be becoming
extinct faster than new ones were evolving.
- Guardian.co.uk