Relaxation techniques, herbs and supplements :
Alternative treatment for high blood pressure
by Beth W. Orenstein
High blood pressure is a common condition that can significantly
increase your risk of heart disease and stroke. Because high blood
pressure, or hypertension, affects so many people, prescription
medications have been developed to treat it. Additionally, there are a
number of complementary and alternative therapies that can help lower
high blood pressure. "Some natural medicines and alternative therapies
have [been] shown in studies to reduce blood pressure slightly, by 3 to
6 millimetres of mercury (mm Hg)," notes Heather Zwickey, PhD, director
of the Helfgott Research Institute in Portland, Ore. It's not huge,
which means if you're on medication you want to stay on it, but many
alternative therapies for blood pressure are safe and may do some good,
she says.
Alternative treatment
Stress reduction and breathing techniques
Many people find their blood pressure rises when they experience
emotional stress. Therefore, managing stress can help you keep your
blood pressure in check and may even reduce it. Some stress reduction
techniques effective for lowering high blood pressure include these
Qigong. A combination of deep breathing and movement that promotes
Tai chi. A popular method of relaxation and fitness, tai chi uses
gentle, flowing exercises and stretching movements.
Yoga. Many different forms of yoga exist, but all strive to improve
circulation and flexibility and enhance one's overall sense of
well-being through breathing and stretching exercises.
"Yoga can have great cardiovascular benefits because it increases
fitness, strength, and flexibility," observes Donald Novey, MD, an
integrative medicine physician with the Advocate Medical Group in Park
Ridge, Ill. Yoga also is a great relaxation therapy. Slow breathing. "If
you slow your breathing down, concentrating on taking long, slow, deep
breaths, for about 15 minutes every day for one to three months, it
could lower your blood pressure," Zwickey says.
Alternative treatment: Herbal medicines
A number of herbal therapies have been examined to see if they can
help reduce hypertension, Zwickey says. Some, such as garlic, have been
studied extensively while larger studies still need to be done on other
Three herbal remedies that could help lower blood pressure are:
Hawthorne (Crataegus, various species) and hibiscus (Hibiscus sabdariffa).
The best way to use either of these is to make a cup of tea by adding 1
teaspoon of dried leaves to boiling water. Drink at least 2 cups a day.
Garlic (Allium sativum). Studies have shown that eating a clove a day
can help lower blood pressure. "You can cook with it or take it as a
supplement," advises Zwickey. "If someone who has a blood pressure that
is just a few points over 'normal', garlic can be a wonderful therapy,"
Dr. Novey says. He also points out, however, that 'garlic is a blood
thinner and its side effects have to be considered.'
Alternative treatment: Supplements
Some small studies have suggested that the following supplements may
lower high blood pressure: Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10). CoQ10 is a substance
naturally found in the body that is now available in supplement form.
Zwickey notes that CoQ10 'probably provides one of the stronger
pressure-reducing effects,' relative to other supplements. In one study,
people with mild hypertension saw a significant drop in their pressure
after taking CoQ10, she says.
Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are commonly found in
salmon, mackerel, and sardines. Fish oil supplements are often used to
help lower high cholesterol.
"Some studies also have shown that fish oil is beneficial for people
with mild hypertension," Novey says.
Alternative treatment: Acupuncture
Of three recent studies on the effect of acupuncture on hypertension,
two showed that acupuncture may lower blood pressure. Zwickey notes that
more research is needed to explore the use of acupuncture for
hypertension, but it does not appear to be harmful. If you are
interested in trying acupuncture to help control your blood pressure, be
sure to go to a licensed acupuncture practitioner.
Talk to your doctor about alternative treatment
National guidelines don't recommend that patients use alternative
therapies to lower their blood pressure, notes Daniel Jones, MD, dean of
the school of medicine at the University of Mississippi Medical Center
in Jackson, Miss., and past president of the American Heart Association.
He does admit, however, that "when patients come to me and want to use
some of these alternative therapies, I am pleased that they want to do
things to control their blood pressure. I talk to them about what they
may want to do. If it is a herb or a supplement, I ask that they review
it with a pharmacist just to be sure it would not interfere with their
medications. It's fine to include alternative therapies in your
treatment as long as you talk with your doctor and he knows what you are
The best natural approach to controlling blood pressure is to
minimize stress and take good care of yourself, Novey says. Eat a
well-balanced, low-salt diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and
whole grains. Also be certain to get enough rest and regular exercise,
and maintain a healthy weight. If you do decide to try any complementary
treatments for your high blood pressure, make sure you talk to your
doctor first. Keep in mind that even therapies marked "natural" can have
serious side effects. |