Chamber summit/CACCI Conference on food security
Recent data show that the number of people without enough food to eat
on a regular basis remains high, at over 800 million. The Food and
Agriculture Organization (FAO) observes that countries that succeeded in
reducing hunger were characterised by rapid growth in their agricultural
Addressing agriculture growth is vital to achieving food security.
Underlying trends show that global agricultural production cannot keep
up with rising demand without support and investment.
The worldwide financial crisis has resulted in credit for farmers
becoming expensive and difficult to find, causing fewer crops to be
planted and exacerbating food shortages. Commodity prices have declined
more rapidly than production costs, yielding tight margins for
The session on Issues on Food Security and Opportunities in
Innovative Agriculture/Plantation at the 24th Confederation of Asia
Pacific Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CACCI) Conference and Sri
Lanka Economic Summit 2010 will examine major issues that impact on
global food security. The session aims to generate recommendations for
long-term policy planning, identify priority areas for investments,
research and capacity required to increase agricultural production.
Among the resource persons for this session are (Mission Director,
USAID) Ms. Rebecca Cohn, (Honorary Professor, Institute of Developmental
Studies, India), Prof. Shabd. S. Acharya, (Chairman, Ceylon Chamber of
Commerce) Dr. Anura Ekanayake and (Director, Ten Ren Tea Co. Ltd),
Darren Lee. The Chairman/Moderator for this session is Vice President
for International Affairs, Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries and
Mines, Dr. Mehdi Fakheri.
The 24th CACCI Conference and Sri Lanka Economic Summit 2010 will
take place from July 5 -7 at the Cinnamon Grand, Colombo.