Fishing gear for Northern fishermen
by P.Krishnaswamy
The Ministry of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources has taken steps to
assist the war-displaced Northern fishermen to return to their
profession with provision of boats, nets, other fishing gear and cold
room facilities, Minister of Fishereis Rajitha Senaratne told the Sunday
The ministry recently opened up its district office in Jaffna and the
National Aquatic Resources, Research and Development Agency (NARA) will
follow suit for conducting research and testing the quality of water of
lagoons, he said.
Three fishing harbours are to be set up in Karainagar, Myliddy and
Point Pedro soon and the feasibility studies on these projects are now
under way, the Minister said. The cold room facilities at Mullaitivu and
Karainagar and about 1,500 fishing boats, nets and other fishing gear
were destroyed in the long drawn out war. The CEYNOR boat-building yard
was also destroyed, The Ministry has now initiated steps to restore the
cold room facilities and the boat-building yard, the Minister said,
adding that cold room facilities will be provided in Jaffna and