Myanmarese pilgrims' travel made easy
To mark the 2600th Sambuddha Jayanthi which falls on 2011, the Sri
Lankan embassy in Myanmar has formulated a special program to enable
pilgrims from Myanmar to visit Sri Lanka's sacred places of Buddhist
At a meeting of Sri Lankan ambassador in South East Asia held in
Singapore, under the patronage of External Affairs Minister Prof. G.L.
Peiris, the Sri Lanka Ambassordor in Myanmar, Newton Gunaratne was
instructed to give priority to pilgrims from Maynmar to Sri Lanka.
The Sri Lankan embassy has initiated talks with Mihin Air and Myanmar
International Airways to facilitate air passage for Myanmarese pilgrims
to visit Sri Lanka via Buddhagaya, India and Thai. Sri Lankan
counterparts to visit Myanmar along the same route, instead of the
present costly passage through Bangkok.
Myanmar International Airways and Mihin Air CEO Kapila Chandrasena
have both expressed their willingness to comply with the new
A discussion with Myanmar operators and Vihara Trust representatives
would be held shortly, Gunaratne said. |