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Ra-Blue meets inner circle
Ra-Blue met his inner circle team after overcoming the leadership
crisis and strategically evading the call for reforms in the Elephant
Party. "You people panicked when minnows declared that the party
leadership will go to Hambantota. I kept my cool because I had a plan
and believed in my strategies," he said.
Sa-Jeet's long wait
Sa-Jeet, the Love-Slave has stepped out of his political fantasy
after realising that his dream of taking the Green leadership to
Hambantota is so close, but yet so far. "It is not as easy as I thought.
Our leader is a master strategist in overcoming crisis situations. It
seems that I will have to wait until we suffer the third successive
presidential election defeat," the Love-Slave had told an old classmate
from the Reid Avenue school.
Leadership among Royalists
Sun Kind-Leader had to face a barrage of questions from his former
classmates when he went to the Bradby. "When will you become the leader?
Let it be you, Sa-Jeet or Ga-Yanta, we care less because we could
retain, the party leadership among the old Royalists for another decade
or more," a colleague said.
Fonny, the laughing stock
Fonny became the laughing stock at his mother-in-law's funeral.
Making full use of the 'freedom' he received to attend the funeral, the
disgraced retired General hosted many press interviews from the funeral
house, criticising his political opponents. His better half Ah-Know-Mah
looked forlorn.