Towards a righteous life
In this highly competitive world with amazing technological
advancement, life seems to be guided by materialistic ideals and aims.
Although there is a lot of interest in peace, yet it is beyond
achievement in certain parts of this wide world.
There are many forces and factors that cause conflict and disharmony.
In this backdrop of turmoil and conflict the majority are too busy
involved in the task of daily living which is also a hand to mouth one
to a wider section. Some are deeply involved in hoarding wealth, gaining
power and position and reaching the highest in the social ladder by hook
or by crook. The idea of peace and happiness is far from them.
Discomfort and disappointment reigns supreme among all ordinary human
lives. There is one way of coming out of this tangle and calamity and
attaining lasting peace within oneself and the environment. That is by
adhering to the norms of the Blessed One.
The blossom of humanity
There blossomed forth into the world, the none human being Sakyamuni
Gautama Buddha to relieve the humanity steeped in misery from the time
life appeared on earth. He by his super normal vision, was able to
discover the cause of repeated births and deaths in the never ending
cycle which he called Sansara. This process with all its sufferings the
Buddha has made the target of his teachings. Reaching Nibbana the state
of none-existence was the goal of Buddhism. That is facing death for the
last time with no further birth bringing Sansaric wandering to a close,
towards which the entire doctrine the Dhamma was directed.
Spiritual awakening
Prime Minister D.M. Jayaratne should be hailed for his comments on
the importance of Dhamma education, on the eve of Vesak. This is the
most welcome news regarding the future of this Paradise Island -
Dharmadweepa pertaining to the spiritual development. His emphasis to
educate the masses on the Dhamma is a timely need.
He had stressed the need for the spread of Dhamma as the only
solution to eradicate increasing crime. According to him the only
solution to crime is to instil the Dhamma into young minds, as the
Dhamma plays a significant role in one's life. He was determined to
fulfil the need to publish the profound teachings of the Buddha for the
benefit of growing children.
The intellectual and the matured do understand, follow and observe
the teachings and continue their upward journey to Nibbana. At the same
time the younger generation too should be guided properly. Their deep
involvement in the Dhamma would make them good and righteous citizens of
the country one day, not knowing what crime is, and what it means.
The student of today will be the adults of tomorrow. They will be
systematically driven to lead meaningful lives if the Dhamma is
instilled the proper way. Obviously Dhamma Schools play a significant
role in this sphere. In fact they offer a unique blend of religious
knowledge (Dhamma) proper discipline and moral values. These Daham
Pasalas led by the Sangha focus their dedicated attention to the
well-being of the people.
Precious treasure
Dhamma is a very precious jewel. It is the essence of truth.
Teachings of Sakyamuni Gautama form the most profound thoughts that
evolved from a human mind. Life without religious devotion and guidance
lacks the requisite foundation for life. The Buddha attached much
importance to Dhamma. His teachings the doctrine guide us in our journey
in our daily life as well as through Sansara, making us understand
things as they truly are.
Pancha Seela advocates abstaining from killing, stealing, adultery
lying and consuming liquor. These are the living laws, the rules of
conduct adhered to and practised by Buddhists. The observance of the
five precepts though repeated daily, a vast majority of people do not
strictly adhere to it. After violating the honoured ideals they will
still be in a happy state of mind. But this should not be the order of
the day.
Life in its true perspective
The Buddha Dhamma occupies the highest position in the life of a true
Buddhist. One has to recite the five precepts, and observe Pansil,
recite the stanzas (gathas) that will ring within your mind all day if
one has understood it well to abide by it. A Buddhist will leave his
home for his day's duty and spend the day righteously as a true
Piety, peace joy and serenity and a blissful day will be the result.
The parents, the children, even the domestics,if they gather in the home
shrine-room with flowers offered, pahan lighted and incense burnt with
the Gathas recited not all, but the essential ones, children in such a
home will never grow up without deep veneration for the Triple Gem -
Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha. A home where such observances are the rule,
is a happy home. True Buddhists, however, the elderly and the matured
make a sincere effort to observe the five precepts as much as possible.
This is how the Dhamma becomes a habit in everyday life. It is the
faithful and fervent acceptance of the Dhamma, the eternal truth that
inspires the true Buddhists to lead a religious and righteous life.
Let us not forget the saying advocated by the Blessed One. "He who
sees the Dhamma sees the Buddha. To this troubled world, with
overwhelming selfish desires, violence and discontentment, the most
urgent, timely, needy and of dire necessity is the Buddha's Dhamma, the
love and compassion for a righteous living. |