Cyber fraud:
You can be the next victim
“Internet users face high risk of hacking, scam and various types of
outside attacks to sensitive information of organisations but most
computer users are unaware of such attacks,” said Senior Information
Security Engineer of Sri Lanka Computer Emergency Response Team (SLCERT)
Rohana Palliyaguru.
Palliyaguru said that people should report to SLCERT if a suspicious
incident is happening in their computer systems, web sites or if they
are receiving e-mails or doubtful transactions from their credit cards.
The basic objective of setting up SLCERT is to receive such information,
analyse them and take appropriate measures.
Computer frauds cause huge financial losses as well as damage the
reputation of business organisations and individuals.
“Incidents happen in large numbers but users do not know that they
have been victims.
Today SLCERT receives around 10-15 notifications of incidents per
The objective of our awareness program is to enable computer users to
identify such incidents,” he said.
SLCERT was established in 2006 as a private limited company under the
ICTA. It is a part of the e-Sri Lanka initiative.
The initial objective of SLCERT is to receive computer security
responses from users.
However, later it evolved to a national organisation that provides
computer security measures for government organisations, computer
security awareness, vulnerability assessments, computer security policy
development and for adopting compliance measures.
SLCERT is a member of Asia Pacific CERT and a full member of the
Forum of Incident Response Security Team (FIRST).
SLCERT is also involved in forensic analysis of digital evidence and
support the police and law enforcement authorities in handling computer
criminals, provide computer evidence in cases such as credit card
frauds, identification of fake passports and ID cards.
Palliyaguru said that the most frequently reported incident is
website defacements.
In this case hackers enter into someone’s website and change the
Websites of commercial organisations, political organisations and
government institutions are frequently victimised.
If SLCERT receives information of such attacks we can investigate and
find the cause of the incident.
Then a forensic investigation can be done to identify the person
involved in the hacking, the reason for hacking and recoup the computer
system minimising damage.
SLCERT also can consult organisations and provide solutions to
prevent such cyber attacks to websites and information systems.
In some instances it is difficult to find the hackers because
experienced hackers do not leave evidence and log details.
“To generate information we need the IP address of the website from
the internet service providers, for which we need a court order. Some
incidents are complicated and we need help of CERTs in other countries
to find information. Sometimes the victim is in Sri Lanka but the
offending machine is in another country or vice versa.
Phishing of websites is another frequent incident and in this case
the server is compromised by an attacker without the knowledge of the
If the attacker is in another country sometimes we get information
from CERT in that country.
Phishing happens frequently in websites of banks and other
organisations who are involved in online transactions.
But they do not report such attacks because it damages their image.
However, in developed countries this reporting system is well
developed and a lot of information is received by CERTs and therefore
they can take security measures and alert others on potential threats
and take precautions.
Huge financial frauds are taking place in cyber space, the most
recent incident is the lottery for US visa.
It charged US$ 10-15 per application and a lot of people who were
victimised paid the money.
E-mail scaming is another threat and it is a dishonest attempt to
trap you into parting with your money.
They may also approach you using different techniques using the media
such as newspaper advertisements, magazines, journals and on line
In ATM Card Scams the victim is promised an ATM card with which the
victim can withdraw millions of dollars (including a large daily
withdrawal limit) at any location that accepts ATM cards.
However, the victim must pay a fee to receive the card. If it is ever
received, it will not work. A ‘Replacement Card’ will be offered, again
for a fee.
In Disaster Scams the scammer says someone has been killed in a plane
crash, earthquake, tsunami, or other disaster, leaving a large sum of
money behind which can be claimed by the targeted victim or split
between the targeted victim and the scammer on the condition that the
scammer is advanced the monies necessary to process the transaction.
In Lottery Scams the scammer says the target has won a lottery, but
fees and taxes must be paid before the proceeds can be released.
Work-at-Home Scam: Promises steady income for minimal amount of work,
in medical claims processing, envelope-stuffing, craft assembly work, or
other jobs. There is an enrolment fee that should be paid in advance.
Palliyaguru said that computer security can be ensured by adopting
best practices.
You should use strong pass word protection, at least a password with
eight characters including a mix of capital and simple letters, numbers
and symbols and also you should change your password at least every six
This will avoid tracking. Secondly avoid using pirated software.
If you use pirated software hackers can insert a piece of software in
to that software and run it without your knowledge and obtain
information from your computer.
You should avoid sending sensitive information through unencripted
Anti-virus software should be used and updated regularly.
Today genuine antivirus software are available at affordable prices.
You should not respond to scam e-mails and if you respond, you have
nothing to gain but everything to lose.
Use a browser with anti phishing features.
It can warn you about bogus sites. Use e-mail software with anti
phishing features. It can warn you about bogus e-mails. Run anti-malware
or anti-spyware software and keep it updated on a daily basis.
You must also remember to verify any requests for money, Palliyaguru
Suzuki Laptops launched
Suzuki laptops and netbooks were launched by Network Communications (Pvt)
Ltd, the ICT arm of the Adam Group of companies.
The company specialises in suzuki motor vehicles. Its brand of
laptops and netbooks are specially designed for home and business
requirements.They are affordable, and give the expected performance,
said a spokesman for Network Communications.
“Suzuki offers a broad family of laptops and netbooks for a variety
of uses. This includes high performance laptops for watching movies,
playing music, sharing photos, extreme gaming and business office needs.
Suzuki also offers ultra-portable laptops and netbook PCs that are
lightweight and can be used almost anywhere. For any kind of
lifestyle,at home or the office, Suzuki delivers an outstanding choice
of laptops to suit your needs”, he said.
Suzuki laptops come with additional features such as intergrated web
camera for video chatting, Wi-Fi technology for connecting to a wireless
network or an internet hot spot, Bluetooth and memory card reader making
technology fun.
Suzuki laptops are equipped with a special High Definition Light
Emitting Diode (HD-LED) display with almost zero radiation which saves
battery life. The laptop could be used for more hours without charging.
ITI on quality control for herbal drugs
Traditional knowledge on herbal drugs is invaluable in the Asian
If used properly it will open a million dollar global market.
A cinnamon bark |
However, knowledge on herbs and today’s lifestyles has imposed
limitations on the processing and use of these ‘old fashioned’
In addition the rules and regulations imposed by relevant authorities
on efficacy and safety limited the local and international consumer
markets for herbal drugs and cosmetics.
Therefore standardisation and quality control of herbal drugs for
efficacy and safety has been identified as an important aspect which
needs attention of the scientists as well as the regulators in this part
of the world.
Identifying the need to disseminate knowledge researchers of the
Herbal Technology Section (HTS) of the ITI organised a certificate
course on quality control and standardisation of herbal drugs.
The course comprised of theory as well as practical sessions covering
key topics from the need of quality control to analysis of contaminants
in products and raw materials.
Need for quality control, substitution and adulteration of herbal
drugs, efficacy and safety, global trends and foreign markets for
Ayurvedic drugs, standardisation techniques, good agricultural practices
and regulations related to the registration of herbal drugs were
discussed in the first session.
In the second session, the focus was on practical training.
Participants were trained on authentication of medicinal plants using
macro and micro morphology, chromatographic analysis/chemical
fingerprinting (TLC, GC and HPLC), chemical analysis, analysis of
contaminants (pesticide residues, heavy metals, aflatoxin,
microbiological purity) and marker compound isolation identification.
The course was a major step towards this important and new area of
herbal drugs.
With technological development in the world,people started using
synthetic drugs and cosmetics as opposed to natural products. But most
of these synthetic materials have failed in the test of time and now
people are looking for natural herbal substitutes used by our ancestors.
Fenner power transmission products for South
by Sapumali GALAGODA
Asgiriya Technologies (Pvt) Ltd the sole agents for Fenner power
transmission products will establish itself in the South and then move
to the North and East, said Director Col. Saliya Udugama.
He said that Fenner produts were available in the market earlier and
is a well known brand worldwide,therefore introducing the produts in
Colombo was easy. Appointing dealers in the South has now begun.
Fenner products include belt drives, vee belts, wedge belts, chain
drives, couplings, pulleys and sprockets are ideal for medium and large
scale machinery used in estates and the industrial sector, said Col.
The product imported from UK is price competitive but not cheap.He
said that the main advantage of using Fenner products is low down time.
In addition the company also markets Coopers bearings for shipping
and industrial sectors and UPS batteries for the Information Technology
The Fenner brand started life over 145 years ago in 1861 when Joseph
Henry Fenner (J.H.Fenner) started his company to manufacture horse hair
and leather power transmission belts.
In 1921 Fenner began developing woven textile belting and was soon
producing some of the finest transmission belting available in the
J.H. Fenner grew consistently to become one of the largest suppliers
in the country and the name became synonymous with quality hard wearing
products, a feature that remains a corner stone of the brand today.
Many other complimentary products have been added to the range over
the years, developed in J.H.Fenner’s own research and development
centers based on existing technology from around the world.
This led to the introduction of such industrial standards as vee and
wedge belt drives, taper lock shaft fixings and mechanical variable
speed drives.
The company formed the first nation-wide bearings and power
transmission service in the UK.
The Fenner quality assurance intiative is a world-wide commitment to
It is a guarantee to customers, wherever they are located, that the
quality of the products will meet internationally recognised industry
standards. Col. Saliya Udugama started his career in the army and then
moved to Sri Lankan Airlines.
He retired and started Asgiriya Technologies with two other
Fibre optic network commissioned at ITI
A new fibre optic network was commissioned at the Industrial
Technology Institute (ITI) facilitating next generation technology
applications at the institute, said a spokesman for ITI. In addition a
new SLTE-1 link was also installed to provide efficient communication
links to the world and within the institute. These measures will provide
accessibility to the ITI and its services, said the spokesman.
Under this project isolated buildings were connected using multimode
optical fibre terminated to a layer 2 switch in each building.
To minimize the network traffic the entire transmission domain was
divided into multiple VLAN’s to minimise the broadcast domain.
The communication infrastructure facilities were also enhanced via
the installation of SLT E-1 link with 200 virtual direct lines with DID
(Direct Inward Dialing) and DOD (Direct Outward Dialing). “This improved
communication facility will help to improve our business through better
communication with our customers.The modernisation work of the ITI
computer network with optical-fibre was completed under the guidance of
Consultant ICT, Dr.Nimal Ratnayake”, said the spokesman.
Google boss Eric Schmidt on use of social media
Young people may one day have to change their names to escape their
previous online activity, Google boss Eric Schmidt has warned.
Schmidt told the Wall Street Journal he feared they did not
understand the consequences of having so much personal information about
them online.
The firm has been busy bolstering its social networking presence
recently. Google has acquired Slide and Jambool, two firms specialising
in providing services for social networks. Slide is a gaming firm,
whilst Jambool provides virtual currencies and payments. Google has also
reportedly invested in another social network gaming firm called Zynga.
Many believe the acquisitions are a sign that the search giant is
about to launch another social network. Some commentators have already
given the rumoured product a name:
It already owns two other social networks; Google Buzz, launched in
February 2010 and its first foray known as Orkut.
Buzz proved controversial when it linked up with people’s Gmail
accounts without asking their consent, meaning that their contacts were
publicly visible.
Chairman GMCL Victor Ratnayake
launches the website |
GMCL launches website
Grameen Micro Credit Company LTd (GMCL) has been in the forefront of
extending its expertise to eradicate poverty in Sri Lanka by providing
small scale loans to the poor to uplift their standard of living through
self-employment projects for over 10 years from August 13 the company
uses its acronym - GMCL for promotional purposes and launched its
GMCL is registered as a Finance Company with the Department of
Supervision of Non-Bank Financial Institutions Central Bank of Sri
It provides Micro Finance facilities through its islandwide
integrated branch network of 48 branches, including the North and East.
iPhone at risk from security flaw
The PDF exploit currently only exists in theory, although experts say
that could change Security firms are warning of a vulnerability in
Apple’s iOS for iPhone, iPad and iPod.Symantec said that it could be
exploited by remote attackers to take complete control of a vulnerable
Experts said that the threat, at present, only exists on paper but
that Apple need to issue a fix before it becomes a reality.
Apple said that the company was aware of the report and was
investigating. The problem lies in the way Apple’s Mobile Safari handles
Adobe Acrobat PDF documents.
Courtesy BBC News
Photo Technica upgrades digital camera dept.
Photo Technica, upgraded the hardware and software of its digital
camera service department recently. Managing Director Harsha Malvenna
said, “Generally, technology improves on a daily basis, so does cameras
and its software and hardware. We sell cameras with a warranty and
furnish a reliable after sales service. We must maintain our camera
repair system conforming to current standards. We installed new fault
diagnosing equipment, acquired latest software and trained technical
staff. |