Sunday Observer Online


Sunday, 22 August 2010





Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

Lady in the Lift

He was short and stout with a receding hairline; dressed in a grey trouser and a bush shirt of the same colour and carrying a heap of files. He entered the lift of a high-rise building in Fort.

He met a lady of bewitching beauty there; clad in a short knee-length skirt and coat, high-heeled shoes and bobbed hair, she in her early thirties. She beamed a smile at the gentlemen and he reciprocated her smile.

He pressed the button of the lift bound for the seventh floor . "Going to the Income Tax Department?" the girl queried, flashing a smile and revealing a set of pearl-white teeth. She had a coquettish personality. "Yes," he nodded. "Even I'm going there," she said.

"So I suppose you're a lady doing business," he remarked.

"No, I'm going to meet a certain officer regarding a friend's case," she giggled and threw a glance at him.

He grinned but remained silent. "I think that you're a businessman," he replied her in the affirmative.

The lift reached the seventh floor. The two parted company; he walked along the left wing to the Income Tax Department's complaints desk while she went to the right wing.

Madison was a wealthy businessman but he has dodged income tax payment by bribing certain officers. Thereby he was able to put his files relating to income tax underground. With the change staff, his files had been unearthed and now he was in hot water.

He had to face an inquiry and pay a colossal sum running into millions for not paying his income tax. He was was given time to settle his dues to the government.

He was in the lift and was about to press the close button of the lift door, when the lady whom he had met rushed in. "Your finished your work easily?" she began the conversation.

"Not finished, I was given time to pay the fine," he sunk in a morose mood. "It's a big fine, about Rs.2.5 million."

"It's a hell of a sum, if you have influence, you can pull the right person." Then she looked into his face. "Do you know anyone?" he asked.

"Not one, I know a couple of high officers. That's why I was able to finish my friend's case easily."

"By the way, what's your name?" he asked.

"I'm Miss Brigitte Taylor. You can call me Brigitte. And what's your name?"

"I'm Ben Madison, a leading garment manufacturer. And Miss Brigitte, what do you do?" he asked.

"I'm an agent for a cosmetics company and also a fashion designer" she replied.

The lift reached the ground floor. It was 11:30 in the morning. The maze of streets in the city streamed with people and vehicles. Brigitte's mobile phone screamed in her handbag.

She excused herself and answered the phone. She talked for sometime, laughing heartily and switched it off.

"Miss Brigitte, how about joining me for lunch?"

They both walked along a cluttered street and walked into a posh restaurant. They sat at a circular table facing each other. Madison ordered the menu. "So Mr.Madison, are you going to pay your Rs.2.5 million fine?" she asked.

"Otherwise what else can I do?" he said.

"You needn't pay such a big amount," she said. "We can bring it down to one million."

Madison was very happy and his eyes goggled in surprise. "Really, can you bring it down?"

"I know certain people in the department. If I speak to them, the matter will be sorted," Brigitte replied with optimism.

The waiter came with the menu. Brigitte excused herself to the ladies' washroom. She got up and walked along the corridor; her high-heeled shoes making a tick-tock sound on the tiled floor. Madison was consumed with passion. Devilish ideas crept into his mind.

A little later the tick-tock sound of her shoes signalled her return. Madison glanced at the corridor and admired her beauty. "Miss Brigitte, you look better than Elizabeth Taylor," he said.

"Really? Thanks for the compliment," she said.

They got on well with each other, having lunch, laughing and chatting.

"So Miss Brigitte, you can close the deal with one million?" he asked.

"Why not, but we have to go before three. Now it's about quarter to two. Where's your bank?"

"Colombo-3" he said.

"Do you have time to reach there in this traffic?" questioned Brigitte.

"No, we'll go home, there's money in the safe!"

As they finished their meal, Madison thought that he was lucky to have met Brigitte. He was wondering what he was to give her in return for the help she gave.

"Ask me anything, Miss Brigitte and I'll give it to you," he promised. She giggled and looked at him. "Let's have a drink," she said.

They were both finishing their after-lunch drinks when a middle-aged man came to their table. He was attired in blue denims, a t-shirt and a big black belt across his waist.

"Hello! Reggie, what brings you here?" Brigitte asked, greeting her friend.

"This is my usual joint," said Reggie. Then she introduced Madison to him. "He is at the wrong side of the tax law and I'm going to help him," she said.

"That's good," grunted Reggie in his gruff voice. "Now where are you both going?" he asked.

"To Nugegoda, to Mr.Madison's house and then from there to the chief tax income officer's house,"she replied.

"Hey, can I get a lift from you? I also have a small matter to deal with the chief as well," said Reggie.

"Why is that?" asked Brigitte.

"Don't you remember the foreign-carpet business where I was fined? I have to pay a small fine but it's such a pain!" said Reggie.

"I hope it's okay with Mr.Madison, though," she asked Madison, who by this time was impressed by Brigitte and didn't care for others. It was a quarter to three and Madison drove with the other two to Nugegoda. In 45 minutes, they reached their destination. Madison invited the two inside. They sat in the sitting room and talked about the fine.

"Do you think, Miss Brigitte, if you can close the matter with one million?" he asked.

"That's what I think but it would be better if you carry a bit extra," she said.

"What about one and a half million?" asked Madison. "What if he asks for two million?" Reggie remarked. "Can't say about their moods."

"That's true, we must be on the safe side. But do you have two million?" she asked. Madison left the two in the parlour and went to his room to get the money from the safe. Brigitte eyed Reggie and smiled. He got up from his chair and went to her. He kissed her and said, "You're a very smart girl."

After sometime, Reggie walked quietly upto the room and was overcome with surprise when he saw the bundles of money stacked in the open safe. For a moment he was speechless.

He pulled out his pistol from behind and brandished it, threatening to blow Madison's head into a pulp.

"Empty all the money into this sack if you love your life!" ordered Reggie. Madison obeyed quietly knowing fully well how he was tricked.

He carried out the order without any defiance.

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