Raigam saltern targets 50,000mt
"Raigam Eastern Salt Company in Kuchchaweli, Trincomalee with an
investment of Rs. 550m has a production target of 50,000 metric tons of
salt per annum" said Raigam Group Chairman/CEO, Dr. Ravi Liyanage,
speaking at the inauguration of the company's fully fledged office
complex and quarters in Trincomalee. He said that the development of the
saltern was started in October last year and 30 percent of the
construction is already completed and construction will be completed by
Raigam Group Chairman/CEO Dr. Ravi
Liyanage lights the traditional oil lamp at the opening of
the office complex |
The saltern, in extent of 1,900 acres will be double the size of the
prevailing largest saltern in Sri Lanka providing 1,500 employment
opportunities to the people in the area once it is fully operational. At
present 150 are employed.
Prior to Raigam entering the industry, around 40 percent of the
country's total salt requirement was imported. Now it is around 25
percent. The project will enable the country to produce in excess of
local demand. The excess can be exported.
Going in line with this project, the excess production of salt will
be utilized to set up a chemical plant to produce chlorine, caustic
soda, soda ash and HCL which are imported at present, spending
substantial amounts of foreign exchange. Through this initiative, Raigam
attempts to make Sri Lanka self-sufficient not only in salt but also in
salt based chemicals saving millions of dollars.
Liyanage also said that there is potential and capacity to promote
tourism coupled with the saltern, which will be the secondary objective
of the project.
Many migratory birds from countries such as Australia and Malaysia
are attracted to the salt pans because of the accumulating of artemia.
These feeding beds will attract many local and foreign tourists who
enjoy bird watching. Under the "Nagenahira Navodaya" Program, the
Kuchchaweli Tourism Development Zone is planned to be set up with the
construction of 80 tourist hotels.
This zone is mapped to be located in front of the saltern and will
attract high profile tourists to the area, Liyanage said.
Kuchchaweli is best known for the roaming wild elephant which can be
another tourist attraction. Raigam will exploit the opportunity by
setting up cottages for tourists to promote elephant watching
simultaneously with salt production.