Delmege supports Safe Bottle Lamp project
Delmege, a leading Corporate supports a project that addresses a
'burning issue' in many parts of Sri Lanka, particularly in rural areas,
namely Dr. Wijaya Godakumbura's 'Safe Bottle Lamp' Project.
Chairman Delmege Group F.G.N. Mendis
and Dr. Wijaya Godakumbura |
"Delmege is conscious of the role that a corporate has to play in
society and we have sponsored a variety of causes, as part of the Groups
CSR initiative. We understand from Dr. Godakumbura that his project is
one that has saved a number of lives and his lamps have been approved by
the WHO, Unicef, International Society for Burn Injuries, National
Committee for Prevention of Injuries, the Sri Lanka Medical Association
and others." said Chairman Delmege Group, F.G.N. Mendis.
Delmege will make available 30,000 lamps, as part of their CSR
"Burns are the most devastating form of injury a person could
sustain, and expect to live through. Kerosene burns are extremely common
in countries such as ours where there is a widespread use of kerosene
for lighting as well as cooking purposes said Dr. Godakumbura.
Only 82 percent of families in Sri Lanka have electricity, while in
four districts it drops to below 60 percent.
"Many people use makeshift, unsafe lamps out of burnt out bulbs, and
bottles which tip over easily, causing extensive burns, which result in
excruciating pain and much scarring, sometimes with blindness and loss
of fingers.
Those with severe burns die. We launched our campaign in 1992 and
have so far replaced 800,000 unsafe lamps with our safe lamp".
Dr. Godakumbura said that the Safe Bottle Lamp Project is an
internationally acclaimed Sri Lankan project. He was indebted to Delmege
for supporting it.