A phenomenological glimpse at Hemingway's 'Old man'
By Dilshan BOANGE
A novella by the present day publishing industry's standards, "The
Old man and the sea" is arguably one of the most read works of American
writer Ernest Hemingway. This gem of modern literature which does not
present an elaborate and intricately woven plot carries deep undertones
of philosophical merit beneath the seemingly simplistic exterior
unburdened by traits of voluminous vocabulary or grandiose sentential
flow. The work may be viewed as hailing the human spirit which endures
the trials and tribulations of a harsh world, and perseveres
unrelentingly in the hope of savouring the sweetness of triumph. The
novel can be studied and commented on from a multitude of thematic
perspectives, based on a great many aspects of the story such as its
thematic imagery, how characters portrayed may be studied from angles of
class politics, and a great many other vantages.

Ernest Hemingway |
As one reads the novel, one striking element is how the image of the
protagonist, the 'Old man', Santiago becomes a central point to
understand the physical, bodily hardships of the trade of the Cuban
fisherman. One may even suggest that the physical realities that
surround the community in which Hemingway places Santiago may be
understood by means of deducing how significance is built in the
narrative which describes the Old man's body at certain instances in the
novel. The story narrated of Santiago may appear indicative of some
faint trait of 'existential' writing which presents life in the grimness
of mere existence. However the zest for life that can be read through
the character of Santiago and his aspirations, though an aged fisherman
whose 'glory days' as a bold seafarer have long left him, infuses the
story with a sense of yearning for what can be celebrated in 'life.'
As the narrative switches between the third person authorial voice
and Santiago's own 'first person' monologues, it is interesting to note
that the tonality of the text does not seem to undergo a dramatic shift.
The consciousness it represents seems very unitary though the narrative
voice changes. Looking at the text of The Old man and the sea from a
point of phenomenological contemplation, the image of Santiago's body
while braving the menaces of seafaring can be considered a focal point
with great significance.
Phenomenology was developed by Edmund Husserl in Germany as a
philosophical method to perceive phenomena as acts of consciousness, and
how they may be understood as 'objects' which are reflected upon and
analyzed. Adopting a 'first person' view point to study phenomena as how
it would appear to the speaker's consciousness as well as how it would
be to any other consciousness is also an essential.
Therefore, the 'objectification' of phenomena within the
consciousness could seem the approach by which a phenomenological
interpretation is possible. In this respect the 'Old man' Santiago may
be viewed as presenting a series of phenomena just much as his body may
be looked upon as an object which Hemingway has portrayed in the light
of an image which could be given a phenomenological reading. In this
regard a rather interesting line of discussion, as to how the 'body' may
be read in terms of its situational placement in a context of art and
aesthetics, is provided by Richard James Calhoun (1963) in the article
"Existentialism, Phenomenology, and literary theory." The article of
Calhoun (1963) brings up theoretical dimensions of phenomenology
propounded by Maurice Merleau-Ponty who was a contemporary and an
associate of the French philosopher Jean Paul Sartre. Calhoun states
that Merleau-Ponty as a Phenomenologist was consistent in his outlook
and works and subscribed to the ideas of Husserl. In his article Calhoun
states- "One of his more interesting ideas in this respect is his view
of the body as an expression of our modes of existence, as the means of
our communication with the world and the means by which we have a
What can be applied to a reading of Hemingway's character Santiago
from what Calhoun (1963) states of Merleau-Ponty is certainly not uni-faceted,
to suggest that only the old fisherman's physical frame has validity in
being considered the 'object'. Rather, one may suggest that 'the body'
encompasses the faculties such as 'speech' which are integral to the
character's physical expressions. However, if one is to narrow down the
focus simply to the physiological element, it could be said that what is
narrated by Santiago (in his monologues) of his body, posits his
physical frame as a means by which expression is achieved. Consider for
example the following extract from The Old man and the sea. "His left
hand was still cramped, but he was unknotting it slowly. I hate a cramp,
he thought. It is a treachery of one's own body"(p.40) One may easily
argue that the above lines do not narrate descriptions of the body
itself, but 'a condition of the body' and the Old man's consciousness of
it. However, as 'an image' the Old man's body is evoked in the narrative
and places emphasis on Santiago as an 'object' which in the above
extracted lines is mainly presented in relation to a phenomena that is
near entirely bound within the parameters of the character's physical
frame. And thus one may argue that the body, as an image presents what
may find affirmation with Merleau-Ponty's ideas as stated by Calhoun.
Therefore, Santiago's body and the cramp which is called "a
treachery" expresses a facet of the Old man's existence. The narrative
of the story where elaborate detail is provided by Hemingway on how the
Old man in his skiff baits fish and pulls them in shows how the
fisherman's physical frame is an essential focus of the story, and by
which the world in which Santiago is found can be understood by the
reader in relation to a man's physiological aspect. Bodily pain caused
by one's environs may render an understanding of the world in which 'the
body' is found, and subsequently such a surrounding may be dubbed as
salubrious or pernicious with value judgments.
Hemingway presents both the beauty of the sea as well as how it is
injurious to the Old man. "He did not truly feel good because the pain
from the cord across his back had almost passed pain and gone into a
dullness that he mistrusted. But I have had worse things than that, he
thought. My hand is only cut a little and the cramp is gone from the
other." (p.49) Through such descriptions it is evident that it is
Santiago's physical body that is the focus point to communicate to the
reader of the precarious conditions posed by the sea environment.
And the body appears the object which becomes a 'phenomenon' to be
studied to understand the world surrounding it. Calhoun's article
further expounds Merleau-Ponty's conceptions by stating-"It is through
the body's relations to a situation that the first meanings come which
the intellect may later codify in symbols." The narrative of The Old man
and the sea has at its core much that would relate to Merleau-Ponty's
The Old man's situation is perceptible to the reader by understanding
how Santiago's physical state relates to the phenomena that surrounds
him. If one considers the first extract from the story looked at in this
article, the cramp in the Old man's left hand is dubbed 'a treachery.'
Relating to what is cited from Calhoun's article, it could be said that
the cramp at its physiological level is perceived by the Old man as a
bodily phenomenon and subsequently transfigured by his intellect to be
assigned a codification with value judgment.
The instances that may be studied from a perspective of phenomenology
are numerous in The Old man and the sea; and thus a thematic study of
the novel would certainly provide insight into how the human body may
take a pivotal space in creating ground for the reader to relationally
understand the world crafted by Ernest Hemingway.