Sunday Observer Online


Sunday, 26 September 2010





Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

Manthri Hatana:

Battle of the ballot

Reviewed by Kalakeerthi Edwin Ariyadasa

The title titillates.

The reader dives into the work, his mind filled with all the images, conjured up by the expression "hatanas" (battles) that are usually unleashed in election campaigns.

He is in for a pleasant and exceedingly entertaining surprise.

The reader plunges into "Manthri Hatana", and casts about for those attacks, fights, gang-wars, flag-destructions etc., that are considered the norm in election campaigns. He will miss them, of course. But, he will find instead a hilarious series of episodes, that will set the reader roaring with laughter. Here, the staple is political satire, delivered in an idiom, that unerringly impacts upon the mind of the reader.

The "Battle of the Ballot" that many are familiar with, is described generally as "Election Violence." But this, exhilarating exploration of the humorous layers of Sri Lankan electioneering, is an entirely fresh experience for all those, who have known only one single dimension of these Battles of the Ballot.

The personalities, situations and conflicts that occur in this work, are all work-a-day material in the field of Sri Lankan elections. But, prior to this writer, hardly any other chronicler of election campaigns in Sri Lanka, has had the keen observation, to discover the humour and down-right fun, implicit in this serious activity of fighting elections.

The author Saman Weeraman, infuses a dramatic depth, to the routine events that are an integral part of the elections in this country. You may very well ask, why on earth did we not see all this humour before. At the end of it all, it is just a matter of view-point. Author Weeraman, has a built-in capacity to extract those situations that are ripe with potential satire.

Even when the satirical situation can yield only an incipient touch of humour, he has the skill to blow it up into dramatic and massive proportions.

The processes of an election campaign have been articulated in this work, into a series of dramatic scenes. The drama begins, with Charles Obeysekera, making up his mind to present his nomination papers as a candidate. From then on, humour takes over, as the player of the lead role.

The narration grips the reader into absorbed reading. He is helplessly caught up in the flow of the story-line and is wafted along.

Author Saman Weeraman, exploits quite effectively, the vast store of experiences he has garnered in a prolonged career of practical politics.

He has had the added advantage of being actively involved in cinema and television. He is a well-known script writer and incidentally has directed the serialised teledrama of the same title.

An Attorney-at-Law, author Saman Weeraman, was at one time a member of the Southern Provincial Council. He is fully aware of the lectic give-and-taking of active politics.

He was an executive officer in the public sector. He had a spell as the General Manager of the National Film Corporation. This has enabled him to acquire a practical grasp of the administrative and legal aspects of entertainment industries.

He left the hustle and bustle of politics, when he became fully aware that his conscience would not adept to reering fluctuations of popular Sri Lanka politics.

His erst-while political colleagues and his voters tend to talk about him as a gentleman politician.

His current work of fiction - the political satire titled "Manthri Hatana" is, in effect a folk-tale relating to the volatile sub-culture generally dubbed as campaigning for elections. He has been in the thick of it. In consequence, he can discern the humour-rich inner workings of this mass ritual.

The aspect of his work which has special relevance to our time, in the hideous battle for the preference vote.

My considered view is that, author Saman Weeraman's "Manthri Hatana" (Battle of the Ballot) endows upon the reader a profound awareness of the reality of mass election processes. What he gives here, in a humour laced narration, has greater appeal than a treatise on elections.

The philosophic implication of this, is the communication of the futility of some these songs-on in the name of the practice of democracy.

I would recommend the use of this book, as a household companion.

The elders can read out section of this work, to prevent the minds of the members of a given family from experiencing an inner pain, observing the repulsive practice of politics, in some instances. 'Manthi Hatana' (Battle of the Ballot) is humour at its telling best

Simple tool for designing foundations

Every engineer designing foundations gradually realises the limitations placed upon the exactness of the final product, from the envisaged mathematical model, intended or abstracted at the commencement of such a design.

Virtual Supports for rigid Foundation

Author: D. F. M. Perera

A Sarasavi Publication

This inexactness increases gradually from Pad-Combined-Strip-Raft in an ascending nature. While several geometrical attributes are altered to make the reality resemble the analytical model as closely as possible, there is no way to alleviate this disillusionment of being unable to create a back to back foundation design, such as is, in the case of Superstructures.

A problem herein is in the fact that while engineers are capable of assessing the Loading Patterns of a Superstructure to a very high degree of accuracy, they are unable to set the same degree of accuracy to the Soil Reactions acting upon foundations of such structures, although such Reactions are the result of that same Loading Pattern referred to above.

As a reflection of this difficulty, it is an established understanding that, while the many "Structural Analytical Computer Programmes" yield exact results for Superstructures of Buildings, Retaining Walls, Bridges and Silos - the foundation aspect of these are only an approximation, based upon the numerous assumptions that are forced upon the engineer, to achieve a tangible result.

What Eng. D. F. M. Perera has done, has its real value in relieving the engineer of this - feeling of inexactness - by incorporating a pseudo condition in the analytical data that is fed into the computer, and thereby forcing the computer model to proceed as in the case of a Superstructure and yield a result that is very highly compatible with the real Loading Pattern. As expressed at the launching ceremony of the book, he has "provided a virtual system of statically determinate alternate supports to an existing system of forces already in equilibrium, while defining it to be of null value, so that the original equilibrium is undisturbed. Then the computer is forced to proceed and analyse it as a normal problem".

Although the conceptual explanation of how this method works may sound complicated and baffling, the user of this method will find the tool suggested in his book through the various worked examples, to be very simple and forthright when in use.

This I believe is of paramount importance of any tool, becoming popular in its usage in the present day context.

On that note engineers who are faced with designing foundations will no doubt benefit from the use of this extremely simple tool that has been named "Virtual Supports", because it provides exact results, and thereby allows them to investigate the cost-effectiveness of each of their selected solutions for a particular foundation problem with ease.

Timely bilingual book on law

E.D. Palihapitiya's latest publication is a bilingual book entitled Constitutional and Administrative Law that contains 21 Chapters full of the most vital legal information on law that any student of law would ever require. The book contains 332 pages of information covering critical legal principles, monumental cases and case law and an in-depth analysis of specific principles of law from legal education and social science perspectives.

Constitutional and Administrative Law

An author

E.D. Palihapitiya

There are novel features introduced in this work. The first is its bilingual nature that allows readers and students of law to grasp the different linguistic jargon associated with each area of law. The author also provides a summary and assignments for readers and a list of books for further reading after each Chapter.

The first Chapter deals with the topic 'what is Law?' which is eloquently written in both Sinhala and English and expalins law as human experience, as a science not made but found, and a science that enhances development. Law is described as a force that affects human life from womb to tomb and its effect on placing limits on human conduct. Law is also discussed as a binding force in society that enables human progress. This Chapter briefly examines the importance of law in everyday life of any person as a citizen. It also kindles some interest in the minds of beginners to the subject of law.

The second Chapter deals with 'Constitutional Law' with reference to the present Constitution of Sri Lanka and the functions of a Constitution in general. The author discusses the functions of a Constitution under several subheadings such as, Constitution as a Charter, guardian of Fundamental Rights, the law behind the law and an instrument controlling government. Chapter three deals with the Doctrine of the Separation of Powers' while the fourth Chapter deals with the 'Legislative Supremacy of Parliament.'

The 'Rule of Law' is explained through living examples in the fifth Chapter by unearthing the factors affecting the establishment of the Rule of Law in a country. Chapter six discusses the 'Independence of the Judiciary' with new facts. This Chapter is followed by a Chapter on 'Legislative Power' (Chapter 7). Chapter eight deals with the 'Executive President' comparing the executives of the previous two Constitutions. Chapter nine discusses the role and functions of the Judiciary within the court system. For those who are interested in 'Administrative Law', Chapters ten, eleven and twelve are important. The Chapter on 'Natural Justice' clearly presents the most fundamental principles of law easily, understood by a beginner.

In Chapter twelve, 'Discretionary Power' is discussed. In Chapter thirteen, Common Law Rights and Fundamental Rights' are explained with cases. Chapter fourteen deals with 'Judicial Review of Administration' with remedies available to any violation of rights. Chapter fifteen discusses the Electoral System in Sri Lanka' and its defects and possible remedies. Chapter sixteen is devoted to the 'Decentralization of Administration' and Chapter seventeen focuses on 'Local Government institutions'.

Chapter eighteen explains the importance of Tribunals to run an efficient adminstration in a country.

Chapter nineteen deals with the 'Ombudsman' and Chapter twenty discusses 'Public Corporations.' Chapter twenty one is devoted to a discussion of concepts like Democracy, Unitary Government, 'Federal Government and Sovereignty'.

Palihapitiya is a graduate in Public Administration and a practising lawyer for 28 years who has made legal education accessible to a broader audience for decades through his teachings at various educational institutions including the University of Sri Jayewardenepura and several other universities in Sri Lanka.

Anyone interested in learning the law may be grateful to Palihapitiya for bringing forth a book which will fill a much needed vacuum in the field of legal education in both the Sinhala and English languages.

(The writer is a Senior Lecturer, Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce, University of Sri Jayewardenepura.)

A tribute to Amaradeva

Most Sri Lankans, irrespective of caste, creed or race who love music are indulged happily in the beautiful songs of Pandit W. D. Amaradeva but quite a number of us, including the educated youth really understand what are the meanings of his joyful songs bring. More often than not, they sing without realising that it means more than what we think about it. The debth of meaning and intricately woven lyrics bring out Amaradevas emotional connection with the audience and brings a more emotional aspect in the listner's mind.

Edited by W. A. Abeysinghe

Gee sara Muvarada

With the art of meaning in mind, Dr. Jagath Asoka made his duty to offer a tribute to Amaradeva by publishing a book, "Gee Sara Muwarada" with the renowned musician's songs and meanings for the benefit of Amaradeva's fans.

Dr. Asoka's love for Amaradeva's songs began 35 years ago when he was a student and continued to prove strong even after he domiciled in America Asoka said," When I listen to your songs, I am in my own heaven. I have fallen in love not only with your duket voice but also with the mellifluous lyrics! He said that even though he found it difficult to understand some words, his soul still resonates with those poetic verses when he listens to them.

So with this book, which illustrate the meanings of all songs will certainly enhance this enjoyment of Amaradevas fans.

According to Asoka, the goal of the book is to explain the meanings of the lyrics in the songs using simple Sinhala terms and also has phrases in English. In addition to this, a history of how Amaradeva's songs composed, how they were inspired and in what way the songs were finally produced with their soulful melodies is explained properly," Asoka said.

Dr. Jagath Asoka is delighted with the success of his attempt and extends his profound gratitude to Pandit Amaradeva and Mrs. Wimala Amaradeva for heading to his request.

Dr. Jagath Asoka produced the book and published proving his admiration and respect for Amaradeva.

Intimate letters of a great Buddhist monk

Unpublished letters of Ananda Maitreya Mahanayaka Thera

Author: Samudra Wettasinghe

Translator: Delicia Tillekaratne

A Sarasavi Publication

Ananda Maitreya Mahanayaka Thera is a great religious personality that Sri Lanka produced in recent times. Enduring many hardships and obstacles he bloomed out to be a much respected and much talked of Thera in Sri Lanka as well as throughout the Buddhist world.

The Unpublished Letters of Ananda Maitreya Mahanayaka Thera by Samudra Wettasinghe, a close friend and follower of the Thera, was published this year. The English translation has been ably done by Delicia Tillekaratne who has recently earned the respect and regard of English readers as a translater who uses a simple and clear diction which can be easily understood by even the school going population of Sri Lanka.

Undoubtedly the simplicity of language a translator uses greatly assists the translation to reach a wide readership and eventually it will become a very popular effort that would be appreciated by all readers. The translater, Delicia Tillekaratne, is an honours graduate in science from the University of Peradeniya and throughout the book she has done a very faithful translation of Unpublished Letters of Ananda Maitreya Mahanayaka Thera.

In the foreword to this book the author Samudra Wettasinghe says: "I am neither an indiscriminate religious devotee nor do I chase the shadows of popular monks with blind and unquestioning faith. However, I live with boundless devotion to a particular pundit monk, whose qualities at times I believe, have superseded human nature. He is none other than the late Agga Maha Panditha Prof. Balangoda Ananda Maitreya Mahanayaka Thera."

From time to time both in the east and in the west the private letters of great personalities have been published and they give us a vision of some great personalities and they always provide very informative and inspiring reading material. Likewise the publication of Unpublished Letters of Ananda Maitreya Mahanayaka Thera mirrors the life and activities of this great spiritual leader and it also serves as a great source of inspiration to all those who are bent on the uplift of their spiritual values.

Samudra Wettasinghe, an Honours graduate in Sinhala and Mass Media from Sri Jayewardenepura University is an able Sinhala writer who had won many coveted literary awards.

This neatly brought out book with an attractive cover design by Saman Indika Lokukaluge depicting Ananda Maitreya Mahanayaka Thera comprises 15 intimate letters written by this great prelate to a deeply respected student and admirer of his mission and covers a broad spectrum of subjects, both personal and social. These letters also show that the Mahanayaka Thera practised what he preached and his forte has been meditation.

These letters also show that the great prelate followed a simple meditative lifestyle which is the greatest need of the hour throughout the world today.

It is both interesting and educative to read some observations of Ananda Maitreya Mahanayaka Thera on various topics in some of his unpublished letters. About the great philosopher Krishnamurthi whom he greatly respected this prelate writes: "Krishnamurthi is the greatest preacher born during this century who preached to the world the knowledge he comprehended, without bias or prejudice, or bondage or slavery to any philosophy or religion."

Writing about Dr. E. W. Adikaram, one of his devoted Pali students he says:" Dr. Adikaram was a gentle and kind-hearted person. One day when I went to his home, while his car was there, he was waiting for someone else's to go somewhere.

Book skimmer

Sirilaka Kurulu Vatha

D.M. Paranagama's Sirilaka Kurulu Vatha gives a detailed account of Sri Lankan birds such as the lily trotter, flamingos, hornbill, peafowl, Ceylon babbler,jungle fowl,jungle crow, koel bird, and devil bird.

This is a Godage publication.

Sarasavi Sinhala- Sinhala Dictionary

Sarasavi Sinhala-Sinhala Dictionary containing more than 85,000 entries was launched at the International Book Exhibition. It is a Sarasavi publication.

Book launch

Sanskruthiya Sannivedanaya ha Nirmanaya

Prof. Sunanda Mahendra's latest book on mass communication entitled Sanskruthiya Sannivedanaya ha Nirmanaya will be launched at Dayawansa Jayakody Book Exhibition Hall, Ven. S. Mahinda Mawatha, Colombo 10 on September 28 at 10 a.m.

This is a Dayawansa Jayakody publication.

New arrivals

A series of novels by Prof. Mahasara Gunaratne. The books are in the genre of mystery and thrillers and noted for their langauge and presentation.


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