Capitalist class loses faith in UNP - Dr. Senaratne
The capitalist class has lost faith in the UNP. They are also working
very closely with President Mahinda Rajapaksa and the Government. More
entrepreneurs are keen to build the nation with their funds and are
being attracted towards the President, Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
Development Minister Dr. Rajitha Senaratne said.
"It is now too late and nothing can be done to salvage the party. The
UNP is having a class crisis", the Minister told the Sunday Observer.
With more development taking place in the country, the crisis in the UNP
will become more intense in the future.
With so much development in the country, the UNP has no future and
they won't have a slogan too, he said.
Dr. Senaratne said the UNP used the capitalist class. Today, the
slogan of development has been taken over by President Rajapaksa.
As a result, the UNP has lost its slogan and main programs.
More UNP MPs will join the Government at the forthcoming Budget and
the crisis will grow deeper, the Minister said.
The UNP will have to rethink its future. There is no solution to this
crisis and it has become a never ending crisis. More people will leave
their ranks soon and the party will be depleted. Asked whether a vibrant
Opposition is essential for democracy, Dr. Senaratne said that he does
not believe in this dictum.
Some Third World countries such as Singapore, Malaysia and Korea had
been developed when there were weak Opposition. A strong Opposition is a
slogan in the developed West.
When a country is well developed and the people's thinking is
advanced, the need for a strong Opposition is vital. However, that
Opposition should not be a destructive Opposition like the Opposition in
the Third World. In the developed world, especially the West, the
Opposition is very constructive. They never obstruct the development of
the country. In Sri Lanka, however, the Opposition opposes anything and
everything. Having such an Opposition is not worthwhile as it is
destructive. Therefore I feel a weak Opposition, is better he said.