Caltex Scholarship Program:
Automobile engineering workers felicitated
From left: A scholar receives his
certificate from Minister of Youth Affairs Dullas
Alahapperuma. Director/Principal Ceylon German Tech Training
Institute Gamini Manchanayake and MD/CEO Chevron Lubricants
Lanka PLC, Kishu Gomes are also in the picture. |
Chevron Lubricants Lanka PLC, manufacturer and marketer of Caltex
branded Lubricants in Sri Lanka recently held a felicitation ceremony
for participants of the 'Caltex Automobile Engineering Scholarship
Course 2010'.
The scholarship program was conducted under the patronage of the
Ministry of Youth Affairs. Students from the initial five batches of the
Caltex Scholarship Program received special recognition and were awarded
The public-private partnership formed between Caltex and the Ministry
of Youth Affairs in February helped open opportunities for Sri Lanka's
youth to keep abreast with the latest developments in technology in the
automobile industry.
Caltex initiated the course as a long-term strategy to elevate the
industry standards through competency development and exposure to
industry best practices, through which a significant number of
automobile engineering workers will be able to contribute more
effectively towards sustainable development.
"Enhancing the skills of these workers will impact the value
contributed to the customer with a more efficient service, and also
improve vehicle performance. The automobile sector needs to be shaped
and re-shaped on a continuous basis, benchmarking regional and
international markets on service quality, technology and overall
performance. One way of doing this is by acquiring insight and exposure
on how such units operate" said MD/CEO of Chevron Lubricants Lanka PLC,
Kishu Gomes.