CEA and partners launch e-waste management project
The Central Environment Authority (CEA) along with fourteen business
organisations in home electronics, information technology,
telecommunication industries and waste management service providers have
launched an electronic waste management project to eradicate the growing
e-waste crisis in Sri Lanka.
Minister of
Environment, Anura Priyadharshana Yapa |
E-waste could be handed over to any of the partner organisations
appointed by the CEA. Acting as collection centres of e-waste, the
islandwide network of already existing branches of these partner
organisations will accept or pick up any unwanted electronic appliances
from the public.
According to the CEA, 'Electronic waste' may be defined as all
obsolete electronic devices such as computers, servers, main frames,
monitors, TVs and display devices; telecommunication devices such as
cellular phones and pagers, calculators, audio and video devices,
printers, scanners, copiers and fax machines; refrigerators,
air-conditioners, washing machines and microwave ovens.
E-waste also covers recording devices such as DVDs, CDs, floppies,
tapes, printing cartridges, military electronic waste, automobile
catalytic converters, electronic components such as chips, processors,
mother boards, printed circuit boards; industrial electronics such as
sensors, alarms, sirens, security devices, automobile electronic
devices; whether sold, donated, or discarded by their original owners.
This definition includes used electronics which are destined for
reuse, resale, salvage, recycling, or disposal. Rapid changes in
technology, low initial cost, and planned obsolescence have resulted in
a fast-growing surplus of electronic waste around the globe.
Chairman, CEA, Charitha Herath regards electronic waste as a "rapidly
expanding" issue. "With the steady growth of new technology and the
extensive use of computers and electronic equipment, the quantity of
electronic items for disposal shows a rapid increase globally.
As the responsible regulatory agency for sustainable environmental
management, CEA is pleased to collaborate with fourteen private sector
parties on launching this program on e-waste management.
I have no doubt that this joint program will help in reaching our
goal of a clean and green environment, free of pollution due to
e-waste," he said. Minister of Environment, Anura Priyadharshana Yapa
stated that, "A well organised strategy including a comprehensive legal
framework and practical management system is essential for
environmentally sound management of e-waste.
The cooperation and collaboration of all sectors, most importantly
the public is vital. The program is a milestone in achieving a healthy
and safe environment.
The timely involvement of the CEA to minimize environmental pollution
from e-waste is praiseworthy." Associated with the CEA on the e-waste
management project are 14 partner organizations - including Sri Lanka
Telecom, Mobitel, Dialog, Etiselat, Hutch and Lanka Bell from the
telecommunications industry, Singer and Abans from the home appliances
industry, Metropolitan, E-Wis, Virtusa and ABC Trade & Investments from
the office appliances industry together with service providers Geo Cycle
and Green Link for bulk quantities and e-waste, who's management was
seen signing the all important memorandum of understanding with the
Minister of Environment and the Chairman of the CEA at the launch held
at the BMICH recently.
"Products and their disposal in a manner that will cause minimum
adverse impact on the environment" is a social responsibility of every
The CEA is sending out an appeal to everyone to be a part of this
program to ensure a healthy tomorrow for generations to come.
Messages from partners
"With the proliferation of waste associated
with technology, addressing the issue of e-waste and its impact on
society has become pivotal. We are privileged to partner CEA in an
initiative to mitigate the adverse effects of e-waste on the
"SLT is happy to be a participant of this
national level e-waste management program, which we believe will advance
sustainable development in the country."
"E-waste in the mobile industry is far and
large since Sri Lanka has a mobile penetration of over 12 million. As
phones contain toxic metals and chemicals that can contaminate our water
resources and soil, it should be disposed in a systematic and proper
If unregulated dumping or disposal happens
over a period of time it can end up as a major environmental disaster.
Hutch will support the CEA by opening up its
Hutch Shop outlets to be collection points/centres around the country to
collect old/discarded mobiles. We urge the public to be a part in
contributing to a cleaner, better environment"
"Etisalat is committed in supporting this
venture and will provide every effort to help make Sri Lanka a better
place for our future generations."
"As the first company to initiate a mobile
recycling program together with the CEA in 2007, we reiterate our
commitment to the CEA's e-waste management program.
Lanka Bell
"As a truly Sri Lankan company with a
customer base of over 1.2 million subscribers, we are ready to extend
our support to make this venture a success."
"The Singer Group of Companies are pleased
to be associated with the Central Environment Authority on the E-Waste
Management Project.
We believe that this program will help the
Sri Lankan customers to dispose of their e-waste without causing any
issues to the Environment."
"We, as a Socially Responsible Corporate,
are committed to managing e-waste to ensure pollutions free environment
for our future generations."
"We collect for recycling all types of
workplace related electronic waste, thereby ensuring that electronic
waste is disposed of in an environmentally healthy and safe manner."
Environmental accountability is an integral
part of Virtusa's business operations.
We hope that our E-Waste Management project
will encourage our employees as well as others at the Orion City Office
Complex to manage e-waste in a responsible manner.
A subsidiary of ABC, Trade & Investments (Pvt)
Ltd., started printer cartridge recycling in 2005, as there was a large
number of used printer cartridges being dumped to the environment. Our
state-of-the-art technology in ink and toner cartridge recycling
benefited both the customer and the environment equally in terms of cost
savings and environment protection. We are very happy to partner with
the CEA in this project."
"To utilize our maximum potential by
implementing an eco-friendly approach in everything we do to direct the
national ICT sector towards a greener platform in order to preserve the
environment for future generations to come."
Green Link
"We at Green Link provide the best solution
for electronic waste management for our clients by collecting,
pre-processing and exporting for recycling according to national and
international standards."
"Geo-cycle, the waste management arm of
Holcim Lanka, strives to keep Sri Lanka green through consultancy
services to safely manage electronic waste disposal - because tomorrow
IFS develops social media for business use
IFS Labs, the research and development unit dedicated to developing
future functionalities for business applications, is taking inspiration
from social applications such as Facebook, Twitter and Skype to make IFS
Applications more user friendly and efficient.
As global business gets more complex, IFS recognises that the IT
applications that support it need to do the exact opposite - help
simplify the process of capturing and sharing information within a
business. With IFS WikiHelp, IFS Board and IFS Communicator - the latest
'proof of concept' features from IFS Labs-users can comment, participate
in discussions and search databases as you do Google, all within a
secure environment.
Unlike existing social media tools, which are accessible to all, IFS
Labs' social media tools have been developed to bring social media
functionality to the business environment with built-in security. Users
do not need to leave the core system to find relevant information,
meaning all information is contained and only available to IFS
Applications users. Director IFS Labs David Andersson said, "today,
users expect the same functionalities from their ERP system as they use
in their personal lives. It makes sense to embrace the look and feel of
the applications people are most familiar to improve the usability of
our own business solutions. Enterprise applications are only as powerful
as the information that resides within them, therefore making them
familiar and easy to engage is critical."